It is so easy to feel responsible for those we love. Could I sometimes get in the way of God’s will for them by praying the wrong things for them? God’s ultimate purpose in everyone’s life is to reveal Himself to them and through Jesus, He does this.
“If you have seen me you have seen the Father…” John 14:9
When we love someone and pray for their lives to be blessed and peaceful and for things to go right, that may not be the path they need to take in order to find Jesus - thereby God. If God’s ultimate purpose in every man’s life is their salvation and reinstatement into His family, it needs to be in His way. The most powerful prayers usually include the phrase “Whatever it takes” or “Thy will be done.”
By releasing our hold and putting it, in trust, into God’s hands, He will do the required part. Be prepared, willing and able to support and comfort those we love, as God brings them into relationship with Him. This is His purpose in sending His Son, Jesus…
“Just rejoice with godly excitement that His voice has been heard. You may often have to watch Jesus wreck a life before He saves it.” (Oswald Chambers) See Matthew 10:34-39
I have found this to be true in my own experience. I remember the phrase that started the most exciting five years of my life - “Whatever it takes.” It has been a journey of ups and downs, expectation and disappointments, joy and peace. I wouldn’t have traded the ticket for this ride for anything. I would and should, wish no less for those that I love, than for them to find God to be the true anchor for ones soul, the true provider for all needs and the ultimate truth in all things.
Fiona Monaghan
Staff Administrative Assistant
“If you have seen me you have seen the Father…” John 14:9
When we love someone and pray for their lives to be blessed and peaceful and for things to go right, that may not be the path they need to take in order to find Jesus - thereby God. If God’s ultimate purpose in every man’s life is their salvation and reinstatement into His family, it needs to be in His way. The most powerful prayers usually include the phrase “Whatever it takes” or “Thy will be done.”
By releasing our hold and putting it, in trust, into God’s hands, He will do the required part. Be prepared, willing and able to support and comfort those we love, as God brings them into relationship with Him. This is His purpose in sending His Son, Jesus…
“Just rejoice with godly excitement that His voice has been heard. You may often have to watch Jesus wreck a life before He saves it.” (Oswald Chambers) See Matthew 10:34-39
I have found this to be true in my own experience. I remember the phrase that started the most exciting five years of my life - “Whatever it takes.” It has been a journey of ups and downs, expectation and disappointments, joy and peace. I wouldn’t have traded the ticket for this ride for anything. I would and should, wish no less for those that I love, than for them to find God to be the true anchor for ones soul, the true provider for all needs and the ultimate truth in all things.
Fiona Monaghan
Staff Administrative Assistant