Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Viva la Difference"

According to Wikipedia, homogeneity means being the same throughout. Think of homogenized milk: the same color and consistency from the first swig to the last. Homogeneity tends to be an essential characteristic of large social entities such as mega churches.

Heterogeneity, on the other hand, can be described as the quality of being made of many different elements, forms, kinds, or individuals. It is a core characteristic of the “meta church” ideal we’re cultivating at Washington Cathedral.

We value otherness; we invite diversity into the heart of who we are as a church. We know how difficult it is to put such words into action. In fact, it is impossible. But we’ve come to believe that it is part and parcel of following Jesus. It’s not an elective. So we’re counting on the Holy Spirit to help us figure it out.

Pastor Scott Burnett

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"From Honduras!"

Tuesday evening we participated in a meeting to brainstorm the development of a new community for those who actually live in the garbage dump. Part of the mission of “Project Transformation” is to address the whole person with the whole Gospel. This involves helping people to create and own a healthier living environment. We are among a group of dreamers planning how to support the community's creation of new housing structures for these poorest of the poor.

Here is the Dream: Help the community to build 300 homes for people who currently live in the garbage dump. This effort would be similar to the creation of the Linda Miller Community - people getting involved in building their own houses and taking ownership of the work.

Visits to their current homes are driving this effort. Jose Ramon and his sister, Ritzy (a student at AFE) invited our team to visit his two children. They were beautiful children even though they were covered in dirt and soot. Their smiles reminded me of my own son, yet saddened me as I saw where they lived. On dirt floors, surrounded by garbage and terrorized by vultures, six people eked out an existence in a six foot by eight foot make shift shack. They had no water, no electricity, and were under constant threat. The health risks apparent from no way to flush waste, no way to clean dishes, and a dirt floor are too numerous to mention.

With tears, Jose Ramon confessed his children suffer from constant sickness from the conditions in which they live. The father felt obvious shame that he could not take better care of his family. Jose is a hard worker. He is not lazy. He is the victim of circumstances. Caught in a vicious cycle, only God can work a miracle in this family's life.

But God works through people like you and me to work those miracles. That is why we dream.

Imagine moving Jose, his wife and their two children, and his mother and sister who live with them, to a house with clean floors, running water and flushing toilets, light in the evening and a stove to cook healthy meals. His children would not fall ill but grow healthy and strong. No longer would Jose feel ashamed of who he is, but take pride in his family and his God who reaches down to help the least of these.

Pray that our dream will soon become reality.

Pastors Rey & Elise Diaz

Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Why Just Go To Church? When Church Can Be A Party!!!"

Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 18:4

The Message Bible puts it this way:
Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom. Matthew 18:4

August 2008 will probably become the most exciting month of the year at Washington Cathedral! Pastors Tim and Jackie have decided that “August Is For Children!” So we’re gearing up for some serious fun!

Pastor Tim asked me to hold auditions for all the talented children in our church and to schedule those talented children in our worship services for August. So this August will be a wonderful treat for everyone who comes to worship! HONESTLY – the auditions were amazing and each child was precious in their presentations. PLEASE DON’T MISS EVEN ONE WEEK IN AUGUST! (Because of the amount of children that auditioned, we will be scheduling them throughout the Saturday 6pm & Sunday 9 & 11am worship services in August. EVERY SERVICE WILL BE DIFFERENT! Plus, you will still get to hear the Shining Stars, the Junior Choir & Keaton Markey!

Our Special Guest Children include:
Brianna & Tyler Prosch ~ singing ~ “When Christmas Comes To Town”
Ashleigh & Travis Roth ~ singing ~ “O Magnify The Lord”
Ashleigh Roth ~ singing ~ “O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus”
Carly DeLucia ~ singing ~ “Call On Jesus”
Claire Bechtel ~ flute ~ “Theme From Finlandia”
Christina Bechtel ~ piano ~ “Morning Has Broken”
Julian Stefanzick ~ piano ~ “Fur Elise”
Gabrielle Stefanzick ~ dance ~ “Dance Of The Day Lilly”
Alex & Jarrett Chang-Lam ~ karate ~ Kata’s
Lauren Stavig/Nichole Zimmerer/Sarah Stavig as the “Eternal Life Praise Team” ~ singing ~ “Me Gozare”




Pastor Naomi

Friday, August 1, 2008

"The Fingerprints of God!"

In WOW this summer, we are in a study on the “Fingerprints of God on our lives” by Jennifer Rothschild, a blind, young, very vibrant woman. Jennifer is a gifted author, speaker and recording artist. Jennifer says, “The God who raised mountains and set the mighty waves in motion wants us to feel his tender personal touch. God guides us on pathways we cannot navigate alone. His touch separates us from all other created beings, and warms, affirms and guides us, and communicates value and self esteem.”

The study has reminded me that I am valuable to God. His touch makes me valuable, and I am marked with my Creator’s loving and tender fingerprints. He made me in his image to reflect and enjoy His glory. The Lord looks down from Heaven and sees the whole human race. He made our hearts, and His eye is upon us and He watches us, and He touches us in ways that we might miss. We often don’t recognize His touch.

In Matthew 6:26 - Jesus said, “Look at the birds, they don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for yourheavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are?” And in Luke 12:6Jesus said, “What is the price of 5 sparrows – 2 cents? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So, don’t be afraid: You are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”

I can look back over many years and realize how God’s fingerprints have been on my life from the day I was born -- from the parents He gave me, the family He placed me in, the country I was blessed to be born in, from early church experiences, and... my rebellious years (which He brought me through). Of course, there is the day His redeeming grace won my heart over and Jesus came to live within me, and the many situations since then where His loving touch has been very evident. He has guided and shaped my life and brought tremendous joy to my heart and life. There have been tough times too, but His fingerprints are very evident in every situation.

It is good to be reminded that “value” is determined by “price paid”, and Jesus paid the ultimate price for you and me. So I’d say He thinks we are very valuable! Even when we don’t feel valuable, we still are valuable. Even when we don’t feel noticed, God’s eyes never leave us. Even when we don’t feel His touch, our lives reflect His hand. Even when darkness surrounds us, we can be sure that God sees us. Sharing our experiences with the WOW ladies has drawn us closer together as a family and drawn us closer to God. I am glad that God watches over me and over you!

Pastor Marilyn