Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Let Justice Splash!"

About a year ago I read an article in a Christian magazine written by Charles Webb, Ph.D. He is the president of Spring Arbor University, a Christian University in Spring Arbor, Michigan. This sentence caught my eye and has resonated with me since that time: “Justice is a distinguishing mark of anauthentic follower of God.” He went on to say “It’s incarnational living that allows [nonbelievers] to see Jesus through the compassionate eyes of justice.” Of course, he was referencing Isaiah 58 and 59. Matthew 19:19 says it more succinctly: Justice is loving your neighbor as yourself, as Christcommands.

We are out to build the greatest caring network the world has ever seen which means that, asfollowers of Jesus, we live our lives right out in the open for everyone to see. Hopefully, as thatfollower, I’m displaying my love for Jesus through the acts of justice I demonstrate daily. If you’ve ever struggled with how that actually looks in real life, here are some possibilities I have explored and found rewarding:

· Commenting to a clerk something personal about them – their nice smile, their courteous manner, or their efficient way of doing business.

· Speaking a word of friendliness to someone while waiting in line.

· Smiling in a friendly way to everyone you pass on the street.

· Offering to help a neighbor in some constructive way.

· Letting the car in the merge lane go ahead of you.

We all have lives to live and places to go. I think it makes the going easier if I spread a littlecompassion and kindness along the way. Another way we’ve expressed it at Washington Cathedral is to “Splash a little joy around!”

By: Sally Jo Holmes

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"Some Good News!"

Last week we went door-to-door to over 1,200 homes telling people about the Randy & Rod Halvorson ReCreation Center which is open to the community. People couldn’t believe that we have a pool that is open to the public. Before we got back to the church, young families were stopping by to use it and we were getting calls asking more about this meta church that is bringing different kinds of churches togetherunder the love of God. In 26 years of going door-to-door, I have never seen such aresponse. Sure, I was sore each evening (but I need the exercise) and I am so blessed to know that we are filling the church up with new friends and unlimited possibilities.

Last Tuesday I came out of Pastor Linda’s office with a huge smile on my face. She told me that we now have over 1,000 people who are card-carrying members and 60% of those are not even attenders of Washington Cathedral! Plus, we are running the pool at a slight profit rather than a deficit! She noted that it’s because of all the volunteer work being done! Operating at a profit helps support the other ministries of the church. When I walked out into the waiting room I ran into a good friend of mine―a friend that has stuck by my side through the entire adventure of building this church. I blurted out, “I just found out that we are already running the pool at a profit.” He smiled as big as I did. He said, “That makes me so happy. I thought this pool might become a money pit for the church.” We both just enjoyed the fact that God knew what He was doing when he built this building and we are amazed that thisoutrageous blessing/idea is working. Paul put it this way, “All things work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

God is releasing His favor on Washington Cathedral and it is a joy just to be a part of it.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"The Great Commission!"

This letter is from Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, chosen by God to be an apostleand sent out to preach his Good News. Romans 1:1

As you know, I love the book of Romans. I have been preaching on it in my latest sermon series, “Attacking the World with Arms Wide Open!” It represents Paul’s theological treatise- - - in other words, it is his definitive story. Many of the themes are picked up in other books, but this is the long walk where he really pours his heart out to the listener. I love to hear people’s life story- - - what makes them do what they do and what has made them the person that they are today. I love to watch people open up when they feel that they have an ally in someone whose grace comes from Jesus Christ- - - someone who is reluctant to be judgmental and quick to offer friendship and prayers.

You would be surprised at how many enemies become friends when you hear their life story.

I am not saying that everyone has a good excuse for the weaknesses they exhibit, but it sure helps a lot when you come alongside and look at the world from their perspective. I like my dad's saying, “Walk a mile in your enemies moccasins and if he is still your enemy you are one mile away and he is barefoot because you have his shoes.”

It is hard for some people to understand the gracious community that we are trying to build here at Washington Cathedral. We think the best way for us to legitimately fulfill the Great Commission is to be non-manipulative. Churches like ours reach out because that is what Jesus told us to do in the Great Commission (Matthew 28). Churches reach out because we refuse to cut the words of Jesusout of the Bible. In the stories of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son he teaches us that we are supposed to be “salt and light” in a world that desperately needs it! On July 8, 2010, the Seattle Times ran an article which said that people are twice as likely to be killed by themselves than to be murdered. Let’s face it- - - Jesus was right! People need help, someone who cares, a community that can be gracious and that is what God has called us to do as a great caring network! This is not an addition to the Gospel message, it is at the heart of every book of the Bible and every word that Jesus spoke. To miss this point is to miss being a Christ-follower- - - and we are not willing to entertain that for one moment. So folks, let reach out! Lets make friendships! Let’s listen to people’s stories and find ways to be a means of God's grace in this world!!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!"

It’s true - - - it really is true!

When we rely on the Lord as the source of our strength it always astonishes us! Even more amazing is when we begin to realize that when God’s love and joy flows through our lives, what seemed to be the worst of times can turn into thebest of times!!

I hope everyone has a chance for some very special summer breaks, but don’tforget that you can experience, week after week, fresh, sweet worship times that will bring cleansing renewal and rejoicing!!

I am so deeply thankful that after every worship service at the Cathedral, I can see it on people’s faces- - - “For you shall go out with joy, and- - - peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing- - - and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Is 55:12

My friend, Dr. Robert Schuller, and other great pastor/preachers are convinced,as I am, that deep relaxation allows creativity! And nothing is more relaxing and invigorating than experiencing, first, the cleansing of God, then the energizing power of His word in holy worship!

Pastor Tim’s summer series from the book of Romans is, I’m absolutely convinced, God’s perfect timing for each of our lives; and our Heavenly Father’s awesomevision for His church!!!

Thanking God for the sweet, sweet summer of 2010 at the Cathedral,


“Attacking the World with Arms Wide Open!”
Summer Theme of Washington Cathedral
"A family of churches!"