Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Splashes of Joy!"

It’s as Old as the Book of Acts And as New as the Book of Revelation Seven Churches and One Senior Pastor!

The final book of the Bible is addressed to seven congregations and one God-appointed Senior Pastor! We use the term Senior Pastor, but the bible uses two terms for such a calling, which are “Bishop” and “Apostle."

It sounds like the meta church is not a new idea! Yet, even more amazing is the fact that church growth in the United States has pretty much flattened out. It seems to have become a sad situation where we have daily closures of small churches and some wonderful new mega churches.

Hooray for the mega churches! But the sad part is that the net growth of new Christians in the United States is apparently close to zero. Yet, in China, right now we may be having one of the greatest times of church growth in all of history. What is the secret?

Guess what? - - - The Chinese church is made up of churches so small they have to meet in homes.

Pray with us that this Easter season will be a happy, happy time―when people who have not been going to church will start. And even more fantastic, a time when people who have never gone to church will visit and become a part of one of Washington Cathedral’s congregations!

I promise you that nothing will be more satisfying for each of us than to dare to pray that God will use us to invite three brand new people to visit one of our encouraging worship services.

Pastor Dale White

A Note from Pastor Tim: I’ve got your number! I’m redecorating my office. My walls will soon be covered with signed affirmation of individuals who are committed to invite three people to visit a Cathedral worship service. I can’t remember anything that’s been more encouraging to me!
Pastor Tim

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Our Family of Faith!"

“Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone―especially to those in the family of faith.” Galatians 6:10

When someone discovers a personal faith in Jesus Christ and becomes a part of the family of Washington Cathedral it is such a blessing to every single one of us- - - and to the whole world! A family accomplishes what it does, because every member is playing their role. When a child goes to top university, it’s a joy for the whole family; the older siblings that taught that child to be tough, the mother that taught that child to walk, the father who helped that child with their math, and the grandparents that spoiled that child and made their self-confidence sparkle. (Even the neighbors that bought Girl Scout cookies from that child are proud.) It’s a blessing to the entire community.

When I think of our family of faith here at Washington Cathedral I think about how it’s always changing―there’s a sadness in that, but there’s also a joy. I tell young parents, “Kids grow up quick, but every stage is wondrous!” We loved when our kids were teenagers, we enjoy now that they are accomplished young adults. Do we miss them being toddlers? Yes and no- - - we don't miss changing diapers, but I still miss watching Sesame Street.

The other day I was having lunch with the Baek family. SuJong and Rachel are wonderful pastors for the Korean Congregation (and their two daughters are just a delight). Caitlin and Aaron, like the rest of the kids in our church, are just world-class cute- - - my mom loves to serve them cookies when they come to church on Sunday morning. When these little girls walk through the door you would think the queen of England had arrived. So on the way to lunch I stopped by Fred Meyer and bought each of them a little present―a Pez candy dispenser that was a fluffy little bunny. The lady that sold them to me started to giggle and I said, “What’s so funny?” She said, “Just the thought of you buying these fluffy bunnies.” Then everyone in line began to roar with laughter- - - I didn’t even try to explain, I just left because I didn’t get the joke. But, what a joy it was when I presented them to Caitlin and Aaron. Their parents are wonderful parents and they told them, “Now, you only get one candy a day until you are out.” But, they had already eaten them all before lunch. Oh how I enjoyed praying with the Baeck family- - - hearing their dreams for their church and thinking of this wonderful family as part of my family- - - the family of faith.

We are attempting to each try and reach 3 other people through our 1 + 3 campaign. Why? Because as our family grows the family of faith just becomes more and more blessed and we can bless each other more and more. What a great time to be alive- - - to watch a miracle take place right before our eyes as our family of faith grows.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Friday, March 18, 2011

"God is Great!"

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. Acts 2:42-43

God is great and He is doing great things in our midst! This is a note sent to Jackie White from one of our dynamic youth group members. It’s exciting to see how God is already beginning to work through the Soul Tsunami! I can’t wait to hear more stories of how God is blessing each of your lives in new and exciting ways as you experience revival in your personal relationship with Him! I am specifically praying for this for each and every one of you!

Hey Jackie,

I wanted to let you know that Pastor Tim’s message Sunday really touched me. I've found myself switching the radio or my Zune away from worship music a lot lately because I was tired of hearing the same songs again and again or didn't like the songs tune. But as I listened to the message Sunday I realized that I was focusing on the wrong thing. The time I spend listening to the radio, is my ride to work. That is an opportunity to worship with God! I realized if I used the worship music to really worship on the way to work, I'd stop letting pop culture get to me and be closer with God. And I also realized I was missing coming to church on Sundays.

Jessica Williams

Wow! What a blessing and testimony to listening to God’s voice and being sincerely open. Truly, the youth will lead the way in this spiritual revival ~ and I am praying each of us will be part of it!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim

Friday, March 11, 2011

"A Holy Experiment!"

Partnership means work! It means legwork! It means teamwork! It means we work! John Maxwell, The Power of Partnership in the Church (Pg. 21)

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen―not only because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else." C.S. Lewis, Is Theology Poetry (CS Lewis Collection, p.21)
Wow, two great quotes both from page 21 of two different books. I love to consider the potential, the fun, the power, the sheer joy, the peace of being in partnership with God. The prospect makes me quiver with excitement! I love every time God calls someone into a relationship with him. As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. ”Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. (Mark 1:16-20 NIV)

As I write this devotion, my daughter called from Princeton and asked me, “Dad, what are you doing to observe Lent?” I told her my plans and how we were having a special Ash Wednesday service tonight. Then I received a call from a pastor/friend from another church. We talked about a bunch of things and he said, “I see you guys are celebrating Ash Wednesday. What are you doing to observe Lent this year?” I told him of our church’s 40 days of fasting and that I am giving up a meal daily and implementing a general healthy lifestyle along with it. I told him about the three people I am praying for and our waves of the Soul Tsunami. He asked me if it would be alright for him to stop by and joined our Ash Wednesday service tonight. After completing our conversation―I thought, “The waves begin!”

Let me sum up the concept of this “Soul Tsunami” in a nutshell for you. Is that a metaphor? (If not I am starting one.) Every day for 40 days each person in the whole church wakes up and asks Jesus, “What would you do through me today?” What thoughts would you have my brain entertain? What words would you have me speak? What good deeds would you have me do? What random acts of service would you have me do? Use me Lord today!”

What a holy experiment! People are very worried about home-grown terrorists today. Well- - - the terrorist should worry about the climate of fear and cynicism which causes people to resort to the desperation of terrorist thinking being challenged by home-grown followers of Jesus Christ! Not just being religious or talking a big talk, but joining together in a holy wave of a Soul Tsunami! It’s going to be an adventure! I can't wait to hear the stories and to be on the front lines of people asking the big question- - - “Will we put down our nets and follow Jesus?” I can't think of a better partnership!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Friday, March 4, 2011

"The Heart of a Child!"

I will teach all your children, and they will enjoy great peace. Isaiah 54:13

One of the greatest missions of the church is to reach, love, and prepare our children to be all that God wants them to be- - - and they will lead us, because if we want to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven- - - then we must have the heart of a child. I am amazed at all the incredible young people in our church! Below is a recent letter that my wife Jackie forwarded to me about Rachel Raines and a school cooking contest. There are many people in our church that are like Jackie and I, who don't get to be around children so much anymore. And we delight in being a part of a church family that prays for and works for building a great caring network for our kids!

Rachel participated today in her first cooking contest. She had lots of fun and put on a beautiful table display (thank you Susan!) and prepared a delicious pasta dish. Twenty 4th & 5th graders were selected from the whole school district to compete in the cook-off. Five winners were selected based on the following categories: Kid-Friendly Preparation, Healthiest Opinion, Best Table Presentation, Tastes Great, and Overall winner. Ms Rachel was the Overall winner!!!! Her recipe will be submitted to the state kids cooking competition. Also, they will be making Rachel's pasta dish at her school to serve for lunch (she is most excited about that).
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White