“In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly. Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.” Romans 12:6-13
A few months ago we introduced our new Intern Youth Pastor, Benjamin Smokovich to you. He is an amazing young man who has a genuine heart for the Lord and for youth. He has been working hard in our youth ministry (alongside all of our gifted youth leaders) and we are blessed to have him at Washington Cathedral. Benjamin has a need for some assistance and has written a letter to you, his church family, with his request. Please consider if you are able to help or know of anyone who can help, and please be praying for this dynamic young man, his family and his continued ministry at Washington Cathedral.
Hello Washington Cathedral,
I would like to introduce my wonderful family to you- - - my wife Natasha and my daughters Ema and Audrie. Currently they are living in the Tri Cities and are moving back to this side of the mountains. We have had a wonderful year of seeing God move in our midst. Ema is currently 9 and Audrie is a 1-1/2. I am very excited to have them by my side and getting involved at Washington Cathedral in this great time of revival.
Right now we are looking for a place to stay as a family; as this is a difficult time in the economy for everyone, but we feel called to this area and we know that God is going to do a huge work in this church. We are so excited, because working with youth and watching them be raised up through the training of God’s Word is a passion for both me and my wife. This is why we are looking to stay somewhere on or near the Eastside so that we can be close to the church. We know that without the help of the church body this will be impossible.
My family is moving here on August 1st and we are looking for a place to stay for a little while, because we don’t have a deposit or last month to put down on a home or apartment. But we are not broken or crushed because of this―it’s just an opportunity to see God work a miracle and for us to be a living testimony of His love and provision. With only a little time left I am putting my family on the mercy of the Lord. So if you know of anyone that could house us for a short time or if anyone has or knows of a place for me and my family to stay for a discount, please let me know; ben.smokovich@wacathedral.org or (425) 268-7065. Thank you very much for your attention and prayers and I will keep you updated on our circumstances.
Benjamin Smokovich
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The Walls Came Tumbling Down: Three Qualities that Break Down Strongholds in Your Life
When the people heard the sound of the rams’ horns, they shouted as loud as they could. Suddenly, the walls of Jericho collapsed, and the Israelites charged straight into the town and captured it. Joshua 6:20
Many times in our lives we have the same problems that hold us back for years, decades, and even generations. It’s what some Christians call a “stronghold.” Jericho was that kind of stronghold standing against the people of Israel. At one time it was known as the oldest archeological site in the world―in other words- - - perhaps one of the oldest cities in history. I don’t think that’s true today (although I haven’t been reading my archeological periodicals enough know what is). In the 1970s I was at an archeological dig of one of the sites located at the oasis where more than one ancient city existed. Israel was terrified of this fortified city. At one point they turned back from the promise land after scouting it out and realizing that Jericho was unfriendly and invincible.
In an act of obedience they marched around the city for seven days and on the seventh day marched around it seven times. In a display of praise, they shouted and the walls came a tumbling down! A stronghold that had held them back for generations from all that God had promised them was removed.
That sounds easy. Is it? Obedience, humility and submission are qualities that are rare for Christians today. In the bestselling book “Radical: Stealing Your Faith Back from the American Dream” the author points out how easily our self-willed lives can miss the point that God has for us. Obedience is a very difficult obstacle. Jonah had to be swallowed by a great fish before he would comply with God’s will for his life. I think any of us might rethink our plans after being thrown up on a beach by a great fish. Jesus used this as a metaphor for what he had to go through on the cross. Paul said he had to go through something like that before God could get his attention. He was as he said, “Crucified with Christ.” Are you willing to swallow your pride and do it God’s way? That’s a lesson I’ve learned and relearned in my walk with the Lord. Fortunately, I have never been swallowed by a great fish, but I have had some tough experiences that I am ashamed to say were necessary for God to get my attention.
Second was praise. We love to whine and complain―it becomes an addiction, but we are never at our best and ready for victory until we are ready to shout for praise. Do you ever watch a sports team get ready? They don’t do it by complaining- - - they do it by shouting. I loved watching the women’s soccer team this year (I was sad at their loss, but happy for Japan). As I watched our team of winners be interviewed all week on different shows; I thought, “They are really amazing people.” You could see in their eyes that they were winners- - - and they were gracious in their comments about their loss to Japan. There was something in their hearts that made each one of those young athletes beautiful. I see that same look in my two daughter’s eyes. I hope that we can model that attitude of confident praise that makes walls come tumbling down for every young person growing up in the church.
There was a prophet at the conference I just returned from. He said that God told him we are at the door. And if we have the faith to go through it; this next year will be the most blessed year in the history of our church. I believed him when he said it. Are you ready to see the walls come tumbling down? I am!
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
Many times in our lives we have the same problems that hold us back for years, decades, and even generations. It’s what some Christians call a “stronghold.” Jericho was that kind of stronghold standing against the people of Israel. At one time it was known as the oldest archeological site in the world―in other words- - - perhaps one of the oldest cities in history. I don’t think that’s true today (although I haven’t been reading my archeological periodicals enough know what is). In the 1970s I was at an archeological dig of one of the sites located at the oasis where more than one ancient city existed. Israel was terrified of this fortified city. At one point they turned back from the promise land after scouting it out and realizing that Jericho was unfriendly and invincible.
In an act of obedience they marched around the city for seven days and on the seventh day marched around it seven times. In a display of praise, they shouted and the walls came a tumbling down! A stronghold that had held them back for generations from all that God had promised them was removed.
That sounds easy. Is it? Obedience, humility and submission are qualities that are rare for Christians today. In the bestselling book “Radical: Stealing Your Faith Back from the American Dream” the author points out how easily our self-willed lives can miss the point that God has for us. Obedience is a very difficult obstacle. Jonah had to be swallowed by a great fish before he would comply with God’s will for his life. I think any of us might rethink our plans after being thrown up on a beach by a great fish. Jesus used this as a metaphor for what he had to go through on the cross. Paul said he had to go through something like that before God could get his attention. He was as he said, “Crucified with Christ.” Are you willing to swallow your pride and do it God’s way? That’s a lesson I’ve learned and relearned in my walk with the Lord. Fortunately, I have never been swallowed by a great fish, but I have had some tough experiences that I am ashamed to say were necessary for God to get my attention.
Second was praise. We love to whine and complain―it becomes an addiction, but we are never at our best and ready for victory until we are ready to shout for praise. Do you ever watch a sports team get ready? They don’t do it by complaining- - - they do it by shouting. I loved watching the women’s soccer team this year (I was sad at their loss, but happy for Japan). As I watched our team of winners be interviewed all week on different shows; I thought, “They are really amazing people.” You could see in their eyes that they were winners- - - and they were gracious in their comments about their loss to Japan. There was something in their hearts that made each one of those young athletes beautiful. I see that same look in my two daughter’s eyes. I hope that we can model that attitude of confident praise that makes walls come tumbling down for every young person growing up in the church.
There was a prophet at the conference I just returned from. He said that God told him we are at the door. And if we have the faith to go through it; this next year will be the most blessed year in the history of our church. I believed him when he said it. Are you ready to see the walls come tumbling down? I am!
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Learning from the Chicken & the Pig
The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Psalm 24:1-2
This week I returned to Tegucigalpa. I returned to a day spent in traffic, just trying to get home. I returned to a faulty phone and internet connection. I visited Pastor Jeony at the doctor’s office and was astounded at the difference in healthcare available to us in Washington. I returned to a house devoid of running water (until we could get it fixed). I had been spoiled in the United States for a month and forgotten what life is like for the majority of the world’s population.
In 2005, half of the world’s population lived on less than $2.50 a day (http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-stats). 80 % of the world’s population lived on less than $10 per day.
Recognizing how differently the majority of the world lives has important implications for how we steward the Lord’s resources.
Psalm 24:1 says it well, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” And just as God once called Adam and Eve to take care of the garden, he also calls us to be stewards of the resources he made available to us on the earth. Stewards are people who manage another’s property or financial affairs (the Lord’s). They are not our resources to begin with. This is a scary proposition.
On Sunday Rey shared a story with AFE’s church congregation. It was the story of the chicken and the pig. One morning the chicken and the pig were hungry and brainstormed putting a breakfast together. The chicken said, “How about this? We each need to put in something, so it’s fair. I’ll put one egg in. All you need to do is supply the bacon.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” said the pig. “That is hardly a fair proposition. It costs you next to nothing to supply the egg, but for me to supply the bacon is a whole other story. I would have to cut off a leg, or maybe even give my very life!”
What happens to us, Rey continued, is that we start just giving God our eggs, instead of our whole being, because it seems easier at the moment. But God calls for our everything; our time, and talents, and resources, our imaginations, our very selves. They were His to begin with and they will be His in the end, when we meet Him face to face and He asks us how it went, how we stewarded all that he gave us to use for the expansion of His kingdom.
Daily, moment by moment, I am finding that I must remind myself that every blessing from God is not for my own enjoyment, but to invest in the work to which he has called me. I encourage you to do the same.
Pastor Elise White-Diaz
This week I returned to Tegucigalpa. I returned to a day spent in traffic, just trying to get home. I returned to a faulty phone and internet connection. I visited Pastor Jeony at the doctor’s office and was astounded at the difference in healthcare available to us in Washington. I returned to a house devoid of running water (until we could get it fixed). I had been spoiled in the United States for a month and forgotten what life is like for the majority of the world’s population.
In 2005, half of the world’s population lived on less than $2.50 a day (http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-stats). 80 % of the world’s population lived on less than $10 per day.
Recognizing how differently the majority of the world lives has important implications for how we steward the Lord’s resources.
Psalm 24:1 says it well, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” And just as God once called Adam and Eve to take care of the garden, he also calls us to be stewards of the resources he made available to us on the earth. Stewards are people who manage another’s property or financial affairs (the Lord’s). They are not our resources to begin with. This is a scary proposition.
On Sunday Rey shared a story with AFE’s church congregation. It was the story of the chicken and the pig. One morning the chicken and the pig were hungry and brainstormed putting a breakfast together. The chicken said, “How about this? We each need to put in something, so it’s fair. I’ll put one egg in. All you need to do is supply the bacon.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” said the pig. “That is hardly a fair proposition. It costs you next to nothing to supply the egg, but for me to supply the bacon is a whole other story. I would have to cut off a leg, or maybe even give my very life!”
What happens to us, Rey continued, is that we start just giving God our eggs, instead of our whole being, because it seems easier at the moment. But God calls for our everything; our time, and talents, and resources, our imaginations, our very selves. They were His to begin with and they will be His in the end, when we meet Him face to face and He asks us how it went, how we stewarded all that he gave us to use for the expansion of His kingdom.
Daily, moment by moment, I am finding that I must remind myself that every blessing from God is not for my own enjoyment, but to invest in the work to which he has called me. I encourage you to do the same.
Pastor Elise White-Diaz
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Confessions of a “Worship Junkie!”
“But the time is coming―indeed it is here now―when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24
What a privilege it is to serve and worship God!!! I must confess that I think I’m a “worship service” junkie. On most weekends I attend a minimum of 3 worship services here at Washington Cathedral and what is amazing is that each one, although the same message, seems very different. Being a “meta” church (a family of churches); each service has its own style and appeal. Pastor Tim preaches the same power-filled message at each service, but it’s amazing how each service has its own personality.
Saturday night at 6pm is the Boulder Creek Congregation. This is a wonderfully casual church service. We have traditionally called this our “country church in the city” and it still has that appeal. When you enter into the atrium of the Spirit Falls building you are greeted by the aroma of fresh-baked cookies. Pastor Dale and Mamma Jane are there to greet you along with the other folks who call Saturday night their church. Pastor Tim often wears his cowboy boots and dresses casually. The people who attend are often coming from working in the yard or just stopping by after a picnic. For some, Saturday night is a perfect solution because they have other Sunday morning commitments. The children have a great Saturday “Sunday School” and there’s always a delicious dinner after the service.
Sunday morning at 9am is the Cathedral at the Falls Congregation. This is the most traditional of all of our services, but still has some elements of contemporary mixed in. Rhonda Jones and the Cathedral Choir comprise most of the music for this service which always includes traditional hymns and modern worship songs. Worship leader, Travis Graham, steps in to lead a couple of the worship songs accompanied by Rhonda and the Choir. There is what we call “liturgy light” which means we responsively read a Bible passage and recite together the “Lord’s Prayer.” Pastor Tim wears a robe as do the rest of the pastoral staff. This service is “traditional” to us not just because of the elements, but it is church the way we did it for many years when we had just one congregation. Kids enjoy the great Sunday school teachers at 9am who are dedicated to helping them grow in their love of Jesus.
Sunday morning at 11am is the Mountainside Congregation (Mountainside is the name we gave our Sanctuary in the ReCreation Center). This is our contemporary service and has changed the most out of all our services. Travis Graham is the Worship Pastor for this service and does an amazing job of leading the congregation is sweet yet exciting worship. He has brought in some of the musicians from his popular worship band, New Heights, and the sound is amazing. There is always a hymn, but it may be done in a new way with drums and guitars. The music is a little louder and the youth are involved in this service―the young families love it. Young children enjoy Sunday school at its best. . . “Radically Opposed to Boredom” is their motto. Children’s music programs are available during this service and the student ministries (grades 7-12) meets together at 10:30 am for breakfast and devotion time just prior to joining us in worship at 11:00.
The Rooted Congregation meets on Sundays at 6pm in Spirit Falls. The leadership team for this service is comprised totally of the young leaders in our church. It is a truly beautiful service. Travis and Katie lead about 30 minutes of sweet, sweet worship with piano and guitar. The lights are turned down low and there are candles covering the altar. Pastor Tim always shares the message with one of the young leaders who takes one point of the message and gives us their spin on it. The children’s program is awesome and I know from talking to the kids who are in it that they have a great time.
This is just one of the many things I love about our church―variety within the Body of Christ. Every service leads me closer to God and I have to say that I would have a hard time choosing which service is my favorite. I love worshipping with the Saturday night congregation; it is such a laid back, casual atmosphere. I adore worshipping with the 9:00 congregation; it feels like home to me being from a Lutheran background. I am totally energized worshipping with the 11:00 congregation; I love the music and being surrounded by the young people. You don’t have to be a total “worship junkie” like me, but I encourage you to find the service that fits your style and engage. You have been designed to worship God and to achieve your full potential as a Christ-follower! Besides- - - being a little bit of a “worship junkie” is not a bad thing.
Pastor Linda Skinner
What a privilege it is to serve and worship God!!! I must confess that I think I’m a “worship service” junkie. On most weekends I attend a minimum of 3 worship services here at Washington Cathedral and what is amazing is that each one, although the same message, seems very different. Being a “meta” church (a family of churches); each service has its own style and appeal. Pastor Tim preaches the same power-filled message at each service, but it’s amazing how each service has its own personality.
Saturday night at 6pm is the Boulder Creek Congregation. This is a wonderfully casual church service. We have traditionally called this our “country church in the city” and it still has that appeal. When you enter into the atrium of the Spirit Falls building you are greeted by the aroma of fresh-baked cookies. Pastor Dale and Mamma Jane are there to greet you along with the other folks who call Saturday night their church. Pastor Tim often wears his cowboy boots and dresses casually. The people who attend are often coming from working in the yard or just stopping by after a picnic. For some, Saturday night is a perfect solution because they have other Sunday morning commitments. The children have a great Saturday “Sunday School” and there’s always a delicious dinner after the service.
Sunday morning at 9am is the Cathedral at the Falls Congregation. This is the most traditional of all of our services, but still has some elements of contemporary mixed in. Rhonda Jones and the Cathedral Choir comprise most of the music for this service which always includes traditional hymns and modern worship songs. Worship leader, Travis Graham, steps in to lead a couple of the worship songs accompanied by Rhonda and the Choir. There is what we call “liturgy light” which means we responsively read a Bible passage and recite together the “Lord’s Prayer.” Pastor Tim wears a robe as do the rest of the pastoral staff. This service is “traditional” to us not just because of the elements, but it is church the way we did it for many years when we had just one congregation. Kids enjoy the great Sunday school teachers at 9am who are dedicated to helping them grow in their love of Jesus.
Sunday morning at 11am is the Mountainside Congregation (Mountainside is the name we gave our Sanctuary in the ReCreation Center). This is our contemporary service and has changed the most out of all our services. Travis Graham is the Worship Pastor for this service and does an amazing job of leading the congregation is sweet yet exciting worship. He has brought in some of the musicians from his popular worship band, New Heights, and the sound is amazing. There is always a hymn, but it may be done in a new way with drums and guitars. The music is a little louder and the youth are involved in this service―the young families love it. Young children enjoy Sunday school at its best. . . “Radically Opposed to Boredom” is their motto. Children’s music programs are available during this service and the student ministries (grades 7-12) meets together at 10:30 am for breakfast and devotion time just prior to joining us in worship at 11:00.
The Rooted Congregation meets on Sundays at 6pm in Spirit Falls. The leadership team for this service is comprised totally of the young leaders in our church. It is a truly beautiful service. Travis and Katie lead about 30 minutes of sweet, sweet worship with piano and guitar. The lights are turned down low and there are candles covering the altar. Pastor Tim always shares the message with one of the young leaders who takes one point of the message and gives us their spin on it. The children’s program is awesome and I know from talking to the kids who are in it that they have a great time.
This is just one of the many things I love about our church―variety within the Body of Christ. Every service leads me closer to God and I have to say that I would have a hard time choosing which service is my favorite. I love worshipping with the Saturday night congregation; it is such a laid back, casual atmosphere. I adore worshipping with the 9:00 congregation; it feels like home to me being from a Lutheran background. I am totally energized worshipping with the 11:00 congregation; I love the music and being surrounded by the young people. You don’t have to be a total “worship junkie” like me, but I encourage you to find the service that fits your style and engage. You have been designed to worship God and to achieve your full potential as a Christ-follower! Besides- - - being a little bit of a “worship junkie” is not a bad thing.
Pastor Linda Skinner
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