Happy Easter!
(as message from Pastor Tim White)
In my opinion, Easter is the single greatest Christian holiday of the year (accept for the week we get an extra hour of sleep). More people try church for the first time at Easter than any other time of the year. I am especially excited for this Easter because of the important activities happening Washington Cathedral this year.
This Easter our main focus will be the 9 and 11 am services on Sunday.
Pastor Rey Diaz will bring a great Easter message that is relevant to our
everyday lives. Churches around the country are finding that the best way to
reach new people is to have a great service that’s similar to what you will
find any Sunday at that church. Easter Sunday will begin a series entitled
“Lord Change Us”. Nothing can change the trajectory of a person’s life like the
life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The music on Easter Sunday will
be incredible. Travis Graham and his musicians will pour their hearts out in
worship for this service and people have been praying and fasting for it for
over a month. Additionally, we will have a 65 voice choir… everybody is
bringing their friends!
The 9
am service will still be traditional with hymns, robes, and liturgy. As always,
it will take place in beautiful Spirit Falls. It will also include some
contemporary praise music by Travis and the same great sermon by Pastor Rey.
11am you will take part in some of the best contemporary worship you have ever
experienced as a church. Watch us raise the bar. Of course, Travis will be
there leading the way and Rey will deliver the same powerful
the 11 am service a free children’s Easter egg hunt will follow. This year is
extra special because baby animals (lambs, chicks and bunnies) will be there to
participate! Also, the children will hear the Easter story in this fun
afternoon of lasting memories.
in the morning Pastor Linda will lead the sunrise worship at 6:45am in Spirit
Falls. The music will all be fresh and different. What a beautiful way to start
out a holy Easter day. Pastor David is preparing a great breakfast feast for
everyone throughout the morning. This breakfast will be served until 11 am.
addition to the powerful experience of Easter Sunday, don’t forget about our
great tradition of Easter pageants leading up to Sunday’s events. Thursday
night, Friday night and Saturday night we will have our traditional Easter
drama of Christ’s death and resurrection with great special effects. I will
share a short, positive message on the Easter revolution and we will invite
everyone back to visit us for a new fresh service on Easter.
are praying that this Easter will be a rallying point for the movement of what
Washington Cathedral is becoming. This church has been doing its best to reach
the world with the powerful message of Christ for 27 years as it looks toward
the future and the needs of both our local community and the world.
you like to be a part of this great dream? We really need your help. You will
be blessed as you participate in this great day. Consider volunteering to make
this weekend come off as a huge win for God’s kingdom work in our area. If you
are interested in helping, either as an actor in the drama, a singer in the
choir or a greeter in hospitality (for the new people that will visit), please
call the church office at 425-869-5433. Another way you can help is by stepping
out in faith and bringing a friend. So far I have already invited six new
people! Will you step out in faith with me and join the revolution? And last,
you can help by simply giving to support the many ministries of the church
during this time of year.
during this time of year.
Together this Easter we are going to be used by God to make a very big impact on our world. I am so excited and I hope you can join us in the greatest Easter party imaginable.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White