I was so inspired when I heard
that the Seahawks quarterback Russel Wilson wore a bracelet which said, ‘Highly
Favored by God.’ The issue came up in an interview after Wilson had thrown a
last second game winning touchdown pass for the second week in a row. The sports reporter asked him how he put up
with all the criticism that he was too short to be an NFL quarterback. The
reported missed the statement that Wilson was wearing right on his wrist; he
was highly favored by God.
I knew Pastor Rey and I were
planning on me ending his series on Flinching at scarecrows by teaching how you
are so loved and highly favored by God. As I prayed for our church, I really
wanted the kids to get this point. I wanted to share eight powerful verses from
scripture that really drive home the point. Yes, eight in one sermon because I
wanted us to be overwhelmed with how much God loves each one of us. And to know
that our fear could be replaced with bold trust.
In preparation for Sunday, I
asked Janette, who is such a hard working member of our staff and such a
blessing, if there was any way the kids could make a simple bracelet saying ‘highly
favored by God.’ Later, I returned to see a sample bracelet and wow - she hit
it out of the park again!
I am so excited to see all us wearing this bracelet
and to see this become core proficiency of our church as we dare to comprehend
God's mighty love for us. Mary put it this way when she was told that she was
highly favored by God: “The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these
days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace” (Luke 1:25 NIV).
I long for that for every one
of us. The power to say and mean it - "I can do everything through him who gives
me the strength". You are highly favored by God. Just like Russel Wilson, don't
live by your fears of critics but live basking in God's love exercising his
mountain moving faith.