Monday, April 14, 2008


And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Acts 2:21
It was a beautiful afternoon and Pastor Ricardo Uribe and I were hitting golf balls at the driving range. He had bought a new set of clubs on Craigslist and wanted to learn how to play, so he asked the best to teach him. Since that person couldn’t make it - I ended up hitting golf balls with him. He asked me about this year’s church golf tournament (the Pastor’s Masters). Ricardo is a tough competitor and loves basketball, but he is determined to be a good golfer in time for the all-church tournament. “Are there prizes?” He asked. “How many people in the church show up?” I said, “Last year we had 18 foursomes.” Wow, his eyes got big as he topped another golf ball with a really bad swing that looked like it came right off the softball team. But he kept practicing (and watching the master golfer swing.) He got better with each attempt. By the end of our time at Gold Creek Driving Range, we were both laughing and yahooing. He was really getting good. Hope plays a role, even in golf!

There are so many beautiful verses of hope in the book of Acts. A great one is one of the simplest. "And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." God wants to help everyone!!! In fact, he wants to save us. He has great things in store for us.

When I was a boy, I dove off the diving board at the river before I knew how to swim. I guess I had more courage than brains. Somehow, I came up and to everyone there (maybe 30 - some kids and a few adults) I yelled, “Help, I can't swim!” And then I went down. I can remember to this day, the sheer look of terror in my mom’s eyes as she yelled, “Someone save my son!” A big kid dove in, grabbed me around the neck and drug me to the shore (almost drowning me in the process). I spit up water and said, “Thank you!” The kid said, “Don't thank me, thank Jesus. If it hadn’t been for him, I would never do anything like that.” I have never forgotten that moment and am thankful to Jesus for whatever he did in that kid’s life to cause him to save mine.
God cares about us. And as long as he does, the sky is the limit! We might get healthy and surprise everyone. We might improve our grades, make it through a tough economy, complete a near impossible project. We can get excited because when we call on the name of the Lord - he will react and reach out to us.

Think about it for a moment. Get excited! Because the sky is the limit!!!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

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