Turn your eyes upon Jesus,Look full in His wonderful face,And the things of earth will grow strangely brilliant,In the light of His glory and grace.
I apologize to the hymnist for turning her poetry inside out. What Helen Lemmel penned was,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim…
Her intent was to accentuate the unequaled beauty of Christ by casting all else in dull, muted tones. Fair enough.
But closeness to Jesus has mostly heightened my awareness of life's beauty.
…Setting sunlight turning trees and trail to gold
…The glide of a canoe across a mountain lake at dawn
…An ancient marriage proposal sung in Gaelic
…Rhodies blooming
…The crack of a bat on a 98 mph fastball
…A full night of sleep
…The summertime incense of charcoal
…Saltwater and coconut oil
…Friendships rekindled
In my experience, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a baptism of all things into their intended glory.
Pastor Scott Burnett
1 comment:
Nice take Scott.
I interpret her words a little different still...I look at it like this - most people focus on negativity...on the dark side of things. When you are "Weary and Troubled", everything you see is a catastrophe, 'oh what next' - or Murphy's Law so to speak. When you find Jesus, his light shines so brightly, that even your worse troubles on earth seem insignificant - as if engulfed in darkness, and absent from your conscience.
So I see it more as the 'wordly' things that bring us down pale in comparison to the Love of Jesus more than Jesus overshadowing the great things God created in, for and through us.
I'll add a couple of my own takes on life's beauty:
...a mother nursing her newborn
...thunder, lightning, wind and relentless rain
...wild ripe blackberries melting in your mouth
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