"The future glory of this Temple will be greater than its past glory, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.And in this place I will bring peace. I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!” Haggai 2:9
The other day a very good friend, for whom I have the utmost respect, sat in my office. This person has invested 24-years of his life including time, money and his reputation in building the greatest caring network the world has ever seen. He said, “I need to know this from you, Pastor Tim. How are you going to pay back the loan for building this church—what is your plan?” I answered him, “I am glad you asked that question. I have a top secret plan that I am going to let you in on. Behind a huge invisible tarp up on the hill over there is hiding an incredible building. It has an indoor pool that will be a beacon of light to the community. It isn’t just an ordinary pool, but it’s a therapy pool available to people at a time when pools all around us are closing down. That poolwill be full of children with disabilities, senior adults regaining their health and vibrancy, teenagers having summer parties and families playing together. The building has a gymnasium where people can come to play basketball, volleyball, roller-skating, even community theatrical events. The building even has a pacesetting counseling center with 7 fine offices filled with Christianphysicians and counselors available to assist people who need help—counselors who are in the business of saving people’s lives. The building also has pastoral care offices where marriages will be saved, self-esteem repaired and broken people made whole. In addition, there are rooms for yoga, exercise, support groups and seminars. Did I forget to mention, it has a library that’s open to the community, a café that will be a third space for our community; and, to top it all off, there is a beautiful sanctuary where every week we are going to deliver pacesetting, inspiring services.” As a smile began to appear on his face he responded, “I think I know what you are saying. Your plan is to ‘use’ the ReCreation Center!” I smiled and nodded, “Yes! If I had drapes around that building and pulled them back to reveal this incredible building every time someone asked me what my plan for growth is, they would be amazed!”
They key, like in any other business, is to use the strengths we have. If you can help - please volunteer. We need aerobicsleaders, gym monitors, life guards and support-group leaders. Yes, there will be a small donation to use the pool but only $2 to help cover the utilities. But early this summer I want to see that building full—7 days a week! We need to let the community experience the miracle of this ReCreation Center first hand. And we need everyone pulling together to pull it off. We don’t have a perfect organizational plan and no one will get permanent usage of any part of it, but we must get started using the building more and more the way that God has designed it. This plan will work – you watch and see!!!
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
They key, like in any other business, is to use the strengths we have. If you can help - please volunteer. We need aerobicsleaders, gym monitors, life guards and support-group leaders. Yes, there will be a small donation to use the pool but only $2 to help cover the utilities. But early this summer I want to see that building full—7 days a week! We need to let the community experience the miracle of this ReCreation Center first hand. And we need everyone pulling together to pull it off. We don’t have a perfect organizational plan and no one will get permanent usage of any part of it, but we must get started using the building more and more the way that God has designed it. This plan will work – you watch and see!!!
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White

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