When Jackie and I were in Honduras, the staff of the AFE School had written on the back wall of the cafeteria the inspirational phrase, “God has not forgotten!” I think they took it from Psalms 9:18, but I could not get that phrase out of my mind. In fact- - - I still can't!
Last week was a wonderful week at Washington Cathedral as our ReCreation Center was full of pastors from all over the world who had come to learn more about leading small groups in the church. I met pastors from Norway, Hawaii, Alaska, and even Tacoma. Many of them became friends and invited me to come and visit their church sometime. They were very interested in what God is doing at Washington Cathedral. I say this because it was just another reminder for our leadership that God is very interested in what He is doing at Washington Cathedral! And no pastor could be more proud of a congregation and its leaders than I was last weekend! It was an amazing experience - - - with hundreds of volunteers from Washington Cathedral; driving shuttles, greeting, selling material, providing meals, running sound and projection, ushering, giving tours, registering people, and answering questions. No one would have guessed that this was the second of three big weekends in a row here at Washington Cathedral. In fact, the winning attitude around here overflowed onto the Seattle Seahawks and they pulled off an amazing upset over the San Diego chargers! (I’m reading Pete Carroll’s book, Win Forever, and he keeps talking about a contagious positive attitude - so I dropped that little humorless joke in there.)
But there really was excitement around our church for all of those who were tempted to start a revolutionary TLC group and to make the 9 week commitment to this wonderful dream. What is the worst that can happen - it doesn't work and you know that you tried. How often do you get to try an impossible dream where even if you fail your failure is a success? And I don’t think you will fail; I think your whole life will be blessed as you watch God surprise you with success. You will leave this experience knowing that God has not forgotten you or his needy people. If you have any questions please give me a call.
If you don't want to start a group - why not join one? We are studying, “Doing Life Together”- - - Mountainside!!!- - - Connecting with God's family!
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White