What the mind of man can conceive- - - God can achieve! I looked around the room to visit with people that no one was visiting. There were people from so many ethnic backgrounds―all laughing and smiling even though many of them did not speak the same language. I spoke with a very athletic young man (not knowing what country he was from) and he told me that he was Brazilian. He said that he has not yet gone to our Videira Congregation, but he knew that someday he would and he was probably going to become a Christian. He spoke with a beautiful accent and a smile on his face as he told me about coming to the ReCreation Center to play soccer and basketball. He said, “I know that God likes this church and what you are doing―especially this big picnic. I can feel God here―yes; I will soon be a Christian.”
That made my day! And I received notes from some of the kids who colored pictures for me during the service (many of the kids color pictures to keep themselves entertained while I am talking). Some showed me with a huge mouth - others were really good artists, but I look best drawn as a stick man. They said things like, “You are a good speacher!” “Pastor Tim you work hard and our family loves you!” One said, “You are funny!” (I really like that intelligent kid.) Another said, “I think your eyes tell me that you are nice and thank you for telling my family about Jesus. I am a guest.”
What a great Sunday of friendship and celebration! At 9am we heard a great sermon by Pastor Linda at the Cathedral at the Falls Congregation and the music of 11am’s Mountainside Congregation was unforgettable. At the end of the day, after visiting the Rooted Congregation and hearing a great message by Dr. Doug and Lori Wheeler, Jackie and I returned home. Just yesterday we had been in Honduras and saw the incredible work that the church is doing there. We sat back, lifted our feet and said, “What a day!” I think I said, “Have we ever had 24 hours that was so life-affirming, so encouraging, so Christ full as the last 24 hours?” Jackie said, “I don't know - I am too tired to tell.”
I want to thank everyone who made the International Friendship Festival one of the greatest successes in the history of Washington Cathedral!
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
That made my day! And I received notes from some of the kids who colored pictures for me during the service (many of the kids color pictures to keep themselves entertained while I am talking). Some showed me with a huge mouth - others were really good artists, but I look best drawn as a stick man. They said things like, “You are a good speacher!” “Pastor Tim you work hard and our family loves you!” One said, “You are funny!” (I really like that intelligent kid.) Another said, “I think your eyes tell me that you are nice and thank you for telling my family about Jesus. I am a guest.”
What a great Sunday of friendship and celebration! At 9am we heard a great sermon by Pastor Linda at the Cathedral at the Falls Congregation and the music of 11am’s Mountainside Congregation was unforgettable. At the end of the day, after visiting the Rooted Congregation and hearing a great message by Dr. Doug and Lori Wheeler, Jackie and I returned home. Just yesterday we had been in Honduras and saw the incredible work that the church is doing there. We sat back, lifted our feet and said, “What a day!” I think I said, “Have we ever had 24 hours that was so life-affirming, so encouraging, so Christ full as the last 24 hours?” Jackie said, “I don't know - I am too tired to tell.”
I want to thank everyone who made the International Friendship Festival one of the greatest successes in the history of Washington Cathedral!
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
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