Hello Pastor Tim,
I need to tell you this story- - -
Almost 10 years ago, when I was living in WA, I did attend WA Cathedral regularly. We were also part of a TLC and joined a couple’s seminar. I then became really ill and it didn't look good for me at all. I was treated at UW for Pemphigus Vulgaris - a blistering auto-immune disease. At UW, they did allow me to disconnect from my IV medications and attend service. My husband picked me up at the hospital and we drove to Redmond for church. I even remember one time I felt so weak that I was lying on the pew.
There was one service that I attended during this time and you preached on, “Miracles Still Happen Today!” You were telling us that Jesus didn’t just perform miracles in the bible, but that he still performs miracles today. In our handout was a small card which read, “It would be a miracle if/when_____.” We were asked to complete the sentence. I wrote, “It would be a miracle if I would become healthy again and would be able to have a child.” (Most of the medications that I had been taking would not allow me to get pregnant, or would reduce the chances of ever getting pregnant). We put all the small cards on the wall at the back of the church and gather there to pray over these cards for the next four weeks.
Well… I stopped taking medications in 2004 and I have not had a single blister since. On Thanksgiving Day of 2008 Markus was born and we are enjoying our days together. I moved back to Germany after I separated from my husband (otherwise I would stop by to tell you this story in person.) Feel free to tell this story as often as you like - I share it here in Germany. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
Have a wonderful day,
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