Then the Lord said to Elijah, “Go to the east and hide by Kerith Brook, near where it enters the Jordan River. Drink from the brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to bring you food.” So Elijah did as the Lord told him and camped beside Kerith Brook, east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook. (1 Kings 17:2-6)
After I experienced a min-stroke last June, it was clear that I could not continue to work the 10 hour days that I had worked for much of my life. When fatigue occurred I shifted into adrenaline drive which raised my blood pressure, resulting in accelerated cardiovascular aging. I began to prepare for retirement with anxiety that my retirement funds may be at risk due to governmental policies that will clearly become inflationary, thus reducing my retirement trust that I have accumulated over the years.
When I prayed about this, God reminded me that he had fed Elijah by sending ravens with food until the stream dried up, and then sent him to stay with a widow, whose container of oil and flour was replenished until the famine ended. I reminded myself that I had turned over all my assets to God a long time ago, acting only as a steward of them. I asked for guidance, and it came through the many financial advisory publications that I had been led to subscribe to. They recommend investing in countries that were solid financially because of natural resources (Australia and Canada), and in countries that were business friendly (Switzerland). My local broker also recommended some local natural resource stocks. As a result my portfolio increased by 20 percent, and I could clearly see the results of God’s continued provision. My retirement anxieties left, as I again experienced God’s specific guidance in my life.
Raymond E. Vath, MD
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