Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"A Tribute!"

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. (James 1:12)

One of the first Christmas’ at Washington Cathedral we received a call from Swedish Hospital that a young lady there was facing death. Our family loaded up our Christmas party and we joined her in her room. For the first (and last) time our family formed a choir and our five-year-old daughter, Elise, played her portable keyboard while we sang Christmas hymns, exchanged presents, and felt the Christmas Spirit in a very precious way. Wendy Moesch was a brilliant straight “A” student who was challenged with a life of chronic illness. She was a member of many different TLC’s (Tiny Little Churches) in our church. I don’t know how many people visited her in the hospital, gave her rides to doctor visits, brought meals, gave gifts, picked her up for church, and rode the rollercoaster of her life along with her dear family.

I think she faced a total of about 26 years of chronic illness. Who wouldn't need all the support and caring they could get to go through the prime of their life filled with pain and illness? It seemed like somehow every year I ended up as Wendy’s Santa through the Santa Conspiracy. She would say, “Pastor Tim how do you always find me at Christmas?” And I would say, “Honestly, I don't know!”

I write this article as a tribute to Wendy Moesch who loved God in spite of her difficult life. I also write it in tribute to her parents and family who hung in there through all the years. A week ago Pastor Linda and Pastor David led her beautiful memorial service in our Spirit Falls Sanctuary. I also write this as a tribute to all the members of Washington Cathedral who are trying to build a great caring network and who were part of trying to encourage an amazing young lady who fought some of the toughest challenges of life with as much faith as she could muster. Wendy made sure all our buildings were special needs accessible; she inspired us when her faith showed through her hardship. Her life was not easy, but she was a great inspiration to many of us.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

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