Friday, October 28, 2011

"It is Time to Believe!"

“Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them.” Jeremiah 1:17 (NIV)

I believe that I have been preparing for the last part of 2011 all of my life! When I was a kid in Sunday school; when I was an athlete growing up; when I went to college; when I went to graduate school; when I was a youth pastor; when I was being discipled; when I started this church; when my heart was broken; when I saw miracles; when I was raising my children, building my marriage, and learning from my friendships- - - all of my life has prepared me for the greatest moment of life- - - To meet the challenges that we face as a church between now and December 1st. I will not shrink from this challenge! I will be the person that God has always wanted me to be. I will step into the Spirit-empowered, Jesus-directed, God-fortified zone! Jeremiah stepped into it and I will too. I will not shrink from my challenges, because I am playing for an audience of one.

I believe in this great caring network called Washington Cathedral. I believe we are going to change the world one dump at a time. I believe that God has given us a positive, Christ-centered faith to share with a cynical world. I believe that the eye of the tiger is tougher in a man who is gentle, loving, kind, patient, forgiving, and self-controlled. I'll take the Fruit of the Spirit over a spirit of cursing any day.

If you want to stand back and watch a miracle - that’s fine with me. But as for me, I am preparing to see God work in my life and our church as He has never before. Get back critics- - - prepare to eat your words. Watch out fearful spectators- - -cover your eyes, because God is going to do mighty things in our midst.

I'm just saying- - - No, I’m just believing, because- - - It’s time to believe!!!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

1 comment:

William Brown said...

Teaching others to build a house on the un- wavering, unbreakable foundational rock of the will and Word of God/
Scripture, our anchor, our guide/ it will keep our spirits steadfast and secure , through the huffing gail's and onslaughts , during the temptations and difficult times it will hold us safe and secure!!

But there is a need in this world to help our brothers and sisters learn to build shelter upon the awesome gift of our foundation , many miss out on our living God / the power within , to walk with him by our side to hear him in our hearts . The living word of God here and now is this house on the rock !!
God is timeless , the past is the future , the future is the past , When one can feel the Lord near them , to see his glory around them ,to walk with him in the bond of family and friendship they realize scripture is ever-changing to adapt to any and all times , any and all of life's struggles and joys !!
The bible even though the words are unchanging and perfect in every way in print , it constantly adapts and calls out to our spirit for today , tomorrow , for every life , for everyday.

The Holy Word is a book about each and everyone of us as individuals / it's about everyone of us as Gods children !!! It's a diary of us today and days to follow / it's a pure testament to Gods will and desires of/for us !! His limitless love for us and it's a record of past times , full of wisdom and inspirational Saints to empower and motivate us all to strive for righteousness , honour and good will to fellow man !!!
To see the Word of God in your personal life as a guide / to be able to apply it's teachings to right now / to see it as the living , breathing , adapting cloak and armour the Holy Spirit has wrapped us in / This is the house God builds for us on his foundational rock !!

We can and will survive with the anchor of our roots / but we are not fully sheltered or at full peace in faith if we stop drinking from Gods cup of favour when he has so much more for you to quench our souls thirst with / the rain will still soak our heads and the raw winds will chill our bones if we do not take scripture out of the past and see it right in front of our eyes and in our hearts in the right now !! If we learn to live with God today , during our time on earth we will find a impenetrable wall built around us and a roof with no leaks / foundations are after all meant to be built upon !!

Finding the Holy Spirit sitting beside us just look he is there , within us look again because there he lives !! Recognizing the Holy Spirit working all around us builds a fortress of grace , love and protection . Without walking hand in hand with God we are naive and fashion a makeshift shack full of holes for rodents , foul winds , and cold rains to creep in upon you / you open the door for the wolf to walk through unimpeded !! Let God build mighty fortresses on his eternal foundation !!!

Sleep great under the warm cozy blanket of God my friend !!!!