experienced failure in a painful way. He
failed in such a way that the very people from whom he was supposed to deliver
Israel ended up mocking him and making him their “pet” (pretty humiliating). Yet
Samson did more than show remorse for his failure. He didn’t blame others or circumstances.
Instead, for the first time in his life, Samson repented. Samson turned around. And with God it is never too late to turn
around. At rock bottom, Samson took one tiny
baby step in God’s direction. And somehow…someway…
accomplished more in his dying day than he did his entire life! With God’s
strength, Samson was finally able to do what he was created to do (despite all of
his failures).
failure in our personal lives is difficult.
The pain of regret is real and tangible.
Yet the story of Samson teaches me that just because someone is down,
doesn’t mean he is out. We learn that
despite our failures, God is strong enough.
I wanted to encourage everyone with this simple truth – God is still
powerful enough to somehow and someway turn our failures into a good
accomplishment. God never ceases to amaze.
Do you believe this? Do you see failure as an event or a person? Do you believe God can turn around any and
all of your failures?
Proverbs 24:16 - Though
a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.
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