Friday, August 1, 2008

"The Fingerprints of God!"

In WOW this summer, we are in a study on the “Fingerprints of God on our lives” by Jennifer Rothschild, a blind, young, very vibrant woman. Jennifer is a gifted author, speaker and recording artist. Jennifer says, “The God who raised mountains and set the mighty waves in motion wants us to feel his tender personal touch. God guides us on pathways we cannot navigate alone. His touch separates us from all other created beings, and warms, affirms and guides us, and communicates value and self esteem.”

The study has reminded me that I am valuable to God. His touch makes me valuable, and I am marked with my Creator’s loving and tender fingerprints. He made me in his image to reflect and enjoy His glory. The Lord looks down from Heaven and sees the whole human race. He made our hearts, and His eye is upon us and He watches us, and He touches us in ways that we might miss. We often don’t recognize His touch.

In Matthew 6:26 - Jesus said, “Look at the birds, they don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for yourheavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are?” And in Luke 12:6Jesus said, “What is the price of 5 sparrows – 2 cents? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So, don’t be afraid: You are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”

I can look back over many years and realize how God’s fingerprints have been on my life from the day I was born -- from the parents He gave me, the family He placed me in, the country I was blessed to be born in, from early church experiences, and... my rebellious years (which He brought me through). Of course, there is the day His redeeming grace won my heart over and Jesus came to live within me, and the many situations since then where His loving touch has been very evident. He has guided and shaped my life and brought tremendous joy to my heart and life. There have been tough times too, but His fingerprints are very evident in every situation.

It is good to be reminded that “value” is determined by “price paid”, and Jesus paid the ultimate price for you and me. So I’d say He thinks we are very valuable! Even when we don’t feel valuable, we still are valuable. Even when we don’t feel noticed, God’s eyes never leave us. Even when we don’t feel His touch, our lives reflect His hand. Even when darkness surrounds us, we can be sure that God sees us. Sharing our experiences with the WOW ladies has drawn us closer together as a family and drawn us closer to God. I am glad that God watches over me and over you!

Pastor Marilyn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor Marilyn. What an absolutely beautiful essay (blog entry just doesn't do it justice). It is a personal blessing to me to hear that God is using Fingerprints in such a special way with WOW. Please give all of your women my love and I look forward to joining you on another study, due out this February 2009. I love you all. Jennifer Rothschild