Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sharing Christmas Hope

By Pastor Tim White

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Santa Claus Conspiracy!  About 2,000 people were visited in hospitals, group homes, special peoples cruise, and convalescent homes.  And this was just an average year for the caring Christ followers at Washington Cathedral!  Special thanks to Diane Lutterloh, who with her team coordinated it all.  Also, a thank you to the Rhonda Jones and the Majesty Arts' special performance which helped raise teddy bears to give.  Everyone is saying that this year’s musical was a new high for our church family!  That is wonderful to hear!  Jackie told me that it was a fun church family get-together with an amazing spirit of Christmas joy. 
I know we will be hearing the hundreds of stories about the Santas and their helpers as they spread hope throughout many dreary environments.  The kids who participate get so excited being a part of this experience and it is amazing what this one afternoon can do for a family.  My daughter, Becca, called from back East to say how much she was going to miss it, because ever since she could remember she and the McCary family were my elves for the Santa Conspiracy.
I guess we get used to being stunned by the glory of Christmas as we try and encourage those often forgotten but are still so loved by Jesus.  Last year, I went to University Hospital because Bob Pease, the Santa who had been coming for years before, had a cold, and you just can’t go on this mission if you have a cold.  When I arrived at the hospital, the volunteer asked me – “Where is the real Santa Claus?”  I said, “Wait a minute, I am the real Santa Claus.”  She said, “No, I mean Bob Pease.  He comes here every year.”  I said, “I am the original Santa Claus.  I am the leader of hundreds of Santas and their elves, so I am the real Santa Claus.”  She said, “Not at this hospital, here it is Bob Pease.”  “Well,” I responded, “he is sick and you are going to have to put up with me.” 
During our tour of the hospital, the director told me she remembered me. She said me that twenty years ago she was in a life threatening illness at Swedish hospital and I had come to visit her. I said, “See – I am the real Santa Claus!” She said, “No, you’re not. Bob Pease is.” I could not win. However, we all had a great time! With Chuck and Mary Loeser as my elves, we shared smiles, laughs, and Christmas joy.
What is it that makes every elf, every Santa, every helper just shine with the glory of the Lord and bring so much Christmas joy each year at Christmas time? It is Jesus, the hope of the world. Christ in you is the hope of glory. And when you experience that –you can’t miss it.
"Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them,
and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them.  They were terrified."
Luke 2:9

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From "Santa, where've you been?" to kisses for Mrs. Claus, our day of delivering bears and joy was a delight! I was particularly pleased that, after many years of enslaved elfdom, our teenage son came to carry Santa's pack of his own choosing this year! Over the course of our stay at the facility, one special bear made it's way from where Santa had gently placed it next to an unresponsive dear lady in a wheelchair, over to her other side, and cradled under her arm. It was a white bear that lit up from within. And so, at the end of the day, did I!