By Pastor Rey Diaz
We use the word “hope” all the time, in everyday
conversation. “I hope so”, “I hope not”,
“one can only hope…” and “I’ve pinned my hopes on…” Usually hopes come because
of something: I call it a story. There
is some reason we have hope. So we pick
which story we will use to bring us hope.
Some pick the economy or the government and hope things will turn
around. As humans we are always looking
for a reason to hope. Without hope, we
would all drift into despair.
The Christmas season reminds us what we Christians have put
our hope in- we have chosen the Christmas story as the reason for our
hope. When Jesus was born, hope was
born. Jesus was called Immanuel, which
means –“God is with us.” That is why we
have hope, because God is with us. And
if God is with us, there is always reason to hope.
We all face challenges in life. We all face times when there seems to be no
hope. Even in the most dire
circumstances, we know that God is with us.
So even in the darkness, we have hope.
I will never forget the hopelessness I felt the first time I
walked into the garbage dump of Tegucigalpa.
Yet even in the midst of incomprehensible injustice, God is with
us. The school AFE is proof enough that
God is acting behind the scenes.
Because God sent Jesus, we have hope. Because we follow Jesus, we have hope. Because Jesus is God with us, we choose
You might have doubts.
You might have concerns. You
might have arguments. There are a
million reasons to doubt. But if you
want hope, true hope- life altering hope.
Hope for your future. Hope for
your kids. Hope for your marriage. Hope for your finances. Hope.
Choose Jesus.
“‘Look! The virgin will conceive a child!
She will give birth to a son,
and they will call him Immanuel,
which means ‘God is with us.’”
- Matthew 1:23
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