Monday, April 28, 2008

"The Greatest Adventure of a Lifetime!!!"

Since then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of the father. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:1

People have been asking me about the building project. Recently we set out to raise the additional $3 million we were not able to raise when we first started the project. The history is—our first goal was $10 million and we raised $7 million in cash and pledges. At that time, we attempted to scale back the project to $7 million. But when the final push came, with all the road and site work, along with everything else required by approving agencies, we would not be able to complete the permitted work for less than $10 million. Our consultants at John Maxwell’s, Injoy Financial Services, warned us that a protracted project like this would be tough and we could anticipate expenses rising.

At every point I have said “If you cannot give that is not a problem because I would much rather have your lifelong friendship than a building!” If you know anything about me and my heart, as well as all that I have been through, then you know that I say this with absolute sincerity before God. The fact is—we have a challenge that we must meet. God has laid before us a project to complete. It is amazing how far we have come over the past few years. Thinking back to that day when our Tiny Little Church Pastors unanimously voted to go ahead and raise $10 million to build the ReCreation center and what prompted them to make that bold decision, reminds me that we need to move ahead. We have promises to keep to future generations, our community and to ourselves on behalf of a loving and caring God. (Not to mention a $10 million loan to repay.)

Well, now you can understand why I was on my knees thanking God that we received $1.4 million in pledges and gifts during our campaign prior to Easter. That is a huge sum from a church family that joyfully gives as much as we can to make this world a better place—and to build the greatest caring network that the world has ever seen.

Our highly qualified finance team is working on plans to somehow complete the project by September even with the funding shortfall. In the meantime, we know God is working because yesterday, a family came by with a check for $400,000. Understanding this represented a sacrificial gift of a lifetime, supplied by a miracle in their lives, I was moved to spontaneously hug them. We all rejoiced that God had provided another miracle knowing He would continue to provide.

Meanwhile, God continues to work in this church. New people are coming every week. Last week we had a baptism at the Esperanza Service. A young father saw his wife and teenage son being baptized in the cold waterfall while the snow was falling. Suddenly, he jumped in—shirt, tie and all! As he stood there shivering, Pastor Ricardo explained what it means to give your life to Christ, and the father nodded his head with tears of joy and a trembling spirit. Afterwards, this dad, who is new to the church, told me that he had not intended to give his life to Christ yet. But he said, “I was overwhelmed by the Spirit of God and I found myself jumping in, shoes, dress slacks, shirt, tie and all!” I have to tell you, this was the first time I have ever seen this at Washington Cathedral.

Since we are a servant church, we’ve sent our two Lead Pastors, Rey & Elise Diaz, to one of the world’s most hurting places, the Tegucigalpa City Dump in Honduras. I received an email from them yesterday. They are going through a drought and have been out of water for three days. Two days before, there was a riot in their neighborhood, protesting poverty and shortage of food and unfortunately, one student was killed. Rey and Elise wanted to assure us that they were safe even though, the US Embassy had warned US citizens to stay in their homes during the riots. They are witnessing unthinkable stories of people starving in the dump. But because of the financial support of Washington Cathedral, the kids at the AFE School have food to eat. They are making plans for us to build green houses and help create some farms near this community. Rey met with the man who owned the property next to the dump and after talking to him, the man promised to donate his land in order to build 100 homes for the people in the dump. The property owner’s teenage daughter accepted Christ when their family joined Rey to see the living conditions in the dump.

My friends, we have a lot to do! Sure, there are some who are highly critical of me and what our church is doing—that’s all part of being on the cutting edge of making change take place. I love the passage in 1 Samuel where all the people of Israel are hiding in caves and the conquering army of the Philistines is mocking God. Prince Jonathan basically told his armor bearer, “If you watch my back the two of us will take on that whole army!” And they did! I am asking for my friends to watch my back.

Yes, I believe that God is calling us to complete this community center that will be instrumental in pulling our community together and reaching many people. We will be using the entire building to the glory of God. Yes, I am asking for God to make even more financial miracles happen in the lives of our church families. And every age group will be touched by the hundreds of ministries that will go on for generations because of this building and the progress it represents.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Tim White

Monday, April 21, 2008

"Greetings from Honduras!"

These are exciting days at Project Transformation in Honduras. People from all over the country have come to Tegucigalpa to protest and riot against the Honduran government. The US Embassy has given us directions to stay in our homes all day and we feel very safe here.

If you could see all the children of AFE relishing the meals supplied by Washington Cathedral or sitting attentively in classrooms that we helped to build, then you would know how vital the health and growth of Washington Cathedral is to those who have little hope. Our church’s development is imperative not only for those in Washington State but also in the emerging world.

If you have ever been on a mission trip with me (Elise) you know that I guard all mission funds like a junkyard dog named Rufus with spikes on his collar. If, on a mission trip, we eat at McDonalds: “Don’t super size! All left-over funds go directly to kids in Honduras!” When the youth collect auction items: “You need to collect much more than the amount to go on the trip, because the excess goes to kids at the AFE school!” Perhaps we can borrow from the Charity Alliance Organization’s funds to support a needy charity in Redmond? You have to go through me first (and the CAO Board which prayerfully votes on all funding applicants).

So why is it that I am the strongest proponent of using the Mission Auction to raise funds for the ReCreation Center? Before this idea blossomed in the minds of Washington Cathedral’s leadership, I was communicating to the Charity Alliance Board that it would be a while before the school we support in Honduras is be ready to receive greater donations. Every organization that receives a donation from the CAO is required to present a financial and progress report to ensure the money was used efficiently and effectively. We have received some great reports from well-developed organizations; however, AFE (Amor, Fe, y Esperanza) is a brand new project that is just getting organized. Last year’s auction raised support for a nursery and a food program for the kids. We donated the money but did not get the sort of reports we had hoped for.

This is where I come in. My primary job in Honduras is to help AFE get organized. To help them develop a financial and reporting structure. AFE is currently receiving funds from churches and individuals all over the US. Donors who don’t require the high standards of reporting and accountability that the CAO does. However, the director of the school, Pastor Jeony Ordonez, reminds me that the sooner we can get these reporting structures in place, the sooner the doors will open wide to more funding.

In the meantime, I can think of no better use for the mission auction than to keep AFE’s greatest donor to date – Washington Cathedral – functioning, serving, and blessing the world.
This is a very special time in the history of Washington Cathedral. I have been there since it began, when I was 5 years old. Completing our commitment to build the ReCreation Center – for this generation and those that will come - is very important! We must complete what we set out to do! It was God’s will when we started and it is still God’s will today. The only difference is that we can see the impact a little more clearly today. The whole team is behind the new purpose of the auction this year. Rey and I look forward to our furlough and returning to Washington Cathedral to help with the auction. We believe in Washington Cathedral now more than ever and we see the impact more clearly than we ever have before.

Your friend in Christ,

Pastor Elise White Diaz

Monday, April 14, 2008


And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Acts 2:21
It was a beautiful afternoon and Pastor Ricardo Uribe and I were hitting golf balls at the driving range. He had bought a new set of clubs on Craigslist and wanted to learn how to play, so he asked the best to teach him. Since that person couldn’t make it - I ended up hitting golf balls with him. He asked me about this year’s church golf tournament (the Pastor’s Masters). Ricardo is a tough competitor and loves basketball, but he is determined to be a good golfer in time for the all-church tournament. “Are there prizes?” He asked. “How many people in the church show up?” I said, “Last year we had 18 foursomes.” Wow, his eyes got big as he topped another golf ball with a really bad swing that looked like it came right off the softball team. But he kept practicing (and watching the master golfer swing.) He got better with each attempt. By the end of our time at Gold Creek Driving Range, we were both laughing and yahooing. He was really getting good. Hope plays a role, even in golf!

There are so many beautiful verses of hope in the book of Acts. A great one is one of the simplest. "And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." God wants to help everyone!!! In fact, he wants to save us. He has great things in store for us.

When I was a boy, I dove off the diving board at the river before I knew how to swim. I guess I had more courage than brains. Somehow, I came up and to everyone there (maybe 30 - some kids and a few adults) I yelled, “Help, I can't swim!” And then I went down. I can remember to this day, the sheer look of terror in my mom’s eyes as she yelled, “Someone save my son!” A big kid dove in, grabbed me around the neck and drug me to the shore (almost drowning me in the process). I spit up water and said, “Thank you!” The kid said, “Don't thank me, thank Jesus. If it hadn’t been for him, I would never do anything like that.” I have never forgotten that moment and am thankful to Jesus for whatever he did in that kid’s life to cause him to save mine.
God cares about us. And as long as he does, the sky is the limit! We might get healthy and surprise everyone. We might improve our grades, make it through a tough economy, complete a near impossible project. We can get excited because when we call on the name of the Lord - he will react and reach out to us.

Think about it for a moment. Get excited! Because the sky is the limit!!!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Monday, April 7, 2008

"Chancing to Drive By!"

“Fifty-six thousand cars a day”

Each with person or persons totally precious to a Heavenly Father... Waiting to adopt them

“Fifty-six thousand a day”

Galilean fisherman called to fish for incalculably valuable humans

“Fifty-six thousand a day”

First glance evokes unprepared response silent or spoken. Yes! --- it belongs there on the sloping hill--- like a rock outcropping--- or a grove of fall aspen

“Fifty-six thousand a day”

Yes! --- even the colors are quietly startling at first. --- Not unlike a defiant tuft of wildflowers. Goldens--- browns--- dancing in the wind


“Fifty-six thousand cars a day”

One is compelled to a second glance which quickly becomes a stare---. “Bold Cubes”--- “Sharp Angles” become one splash of art

Crisp, cutting yet clean--- and puzzling to the pioneers! “More than modern” Jewel maker diamond cut lines--- “Starship” poised for galactic cruise. Cacophony of architectural rhythms becoming a merged melody--- all journeying to childhood

“Fifty-six thousand a day”

Slender dagger like an unfinished strange cross

is it a cross--- not proud--- standing straight--- erect like a million on empty churches

Entirely too slender it leans begging for steel support--- or a shoulder. Defining softly, eloquently like a flute in the midst of crashing symbols--- a church for the unchurched--- daring to celebrate differences

“Fifty-six thousand cars”

Unfinished--- a cross--- “softly” in our face--- that whispers refusing to forget those who still bear crosses

Pain--- homeless--- anger--- loneliness--- starving children. --- Always we will now hear him whisper “Come take up your cross and follow me.”

We will not study history we will make history