Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why Do You Have Hope?

By Pastor Rey Diaz

We use the word “hope” all the time, in everyday conversation.  “I hope so”, “I hope not”, “one can only hope…” and “I’ve pinned my hopes on…” Usually hopes come because of something: I call it a story.  There is some reason we have hope.  So we pick which story we will use to bring us hope.  Some pick the economy or the government and hope things will turn around.  As humans we are always looking for a reason to hope.  Without hope, we would all drift into despair.

The Christmas season reminds us what we Christians have put our hope in- we have chosen the Christmas story as the reason for our hope.  When Jesus was born, hope was born.  Jesus was called Immanuel, which means –“God is with us.”  That is why we have hope, because God is with us.  And if God is with us, there is always reason to hope.

We all face challenges in life.  We all face times when there seems to be no hope.  Even in the most dire circumstances, we know that God is with us.  So even in the darkness, we have hope.

I will never forget the hopelessness I felt the first time I walked into the garbage dump of Tegucigalpa.  Yet even in the midst of incomprehensible injustice, God is with us.  The school AFE is proof enough that God is acting behind the scenes. 

Because God sent Jesus, we have hope.  Because we follow Jesus, we have hope.  Because Jesus is God with us, we choose hope. 

You might have doubts.  You might have concerns.  You might have arguments.  There are a million reasons to doubt.  But if you want hope, true hope- life altering hope.  Hope for your future.  Hope for your kids.  Hope for your marriage.  Hope for your finances.  Hope.  Choose Jesus.  

“‘Look! The virgin will conceive a child!
    She will give birth to a son,
and they will call him Immanuel,
   which means ‘God is with us.’”
- Matthew 1:23  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fill Your Life with Christmas Spirit – This Year!

By Pastor Tim White

One of the things that I love about this time of year is that many people are trying to get into the Christmas Spirit.  They are putting out lights, putting up the tree, doing extra good deeds, going out of the way to be with family and friends.  And best of all trying extra hard to do some surprising good deed that would honor Jesus Christ.

 I love how Christians and Jews try to be respectful of each other’s holidays this time of the year.  I like how we try to be considerate of those who might be atheists by reaching out to them in friendship.  And as a pastor I know that this is an especially hard time of year for those who are suffering through grief at the loss of a loved one.  It makes the Holidays tough because you miss people you really love. 

However, all in all, many people are trying hard to get into Christmas spirit.  And this world needs as much Christmas spirit as it can get.  Remember Christmas spirit is the spirit of Christ – it is what we Christians call the Holy Spirit.  The old bitter spirits of anger, self pity, selfishness, rage, are chased away when we confess our sins to our savior and ask God for the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives.  

Yes, we will need to think differently or rotten spirits can drift back into our lives.  And we need to keep our lives clean as vessels of God himself working in and through us.  But we sing with new fervor:  Joy to the world the Lord has come!

 I pray that you will be able to fill your life this year with the pervasive hope that comes from Christmas.
"Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod.  About that time some wise men from eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, Where is the newborn king of the Jews?  We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him."
  - Matthew 2:1-2

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sharing Christmas Hope

By Pastor Tim White

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Santa Claus Conspiracy!  About 2,000 people were visited in hospitals, group homes, special peoples cruise, and convalescent homes.  And this was just an average year for the caring Christ followers at Washington Cathedral!  Special thanks to Diane Lutterloh, who with her team coordinated it all.  Also, a thank you to the Rhonda Jones and the Majesty Arts' special performance which helped raise teddy bears to give.  Everyone is saying that this year’s musical was a new high for our church family!  That is wonderful to hear!  Jackie told me that it was a fun church family get-together with an amazing spirit of Christmas joy. 
I know we will be hearing the hundreds of stories about the Santas and their helpers as they spread hope throughout many dreary environments.  The kids who participate get so excited being a part of this experience and it is amazing what this one afternoon can do for a family.  My daughter, Becca, called from back East to say how much she was going to miss it, because ever since she could remember she and the McCary family were my elves for the Santa Conspiracy.
I guess we get used to being stunned by the glory of Christmas as we try and encourage those often forgotten but are still so loved by Jesus.  Last year, I went to University Hospital because Bob Pease, the Santa who had been coming for years before, had a cold, and you just can’t go on this mission if you have a cold.  When I arrived at the hospital, the volunteer asked me – “Where is the real Santa Claus?”  I said, “Wait a minute, I am the real Santa Claus.”  She said, “No, I mean Bob Pease.  He comes here every year.”  I said, “I am the original Santa Claus.  I am the leader of hundreds of Santas and their elves, so I am the real Santa Claus.”  She said, “Not at this hospital, here it is Bob Pease.”  “Well,” I responded, “he is sick and you are going to have to put up with me.” 
During our tour of the hospital, the director told me she remembered me. She said me that twenty years ago she was in a life threatening illness at Swedish hospital and I had come to visit her. I said, “See – I am the real Santa Claus!” She said, “No, you’re not. Bob Pease is.” I could not win. However, we all had a great time! With Chuck and Mary Loeser as my elves, we shared smiles, laughs, and Christmas joy.
What is it that makes every elf, every Santa, every helper just shine with the glory of the Lord and bring so much Christmas joy each year at Christmas time? It is Jesus, the hope of the world. Christ in you is the hope of glory. And when you experience that –you can’t miss it.
"Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them,
and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them.  They were terrified."
Luke 2:9

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hope for the World

By Pastor Tim White

I am crazy about Christmas Spirit.  Every year, for the last 28 years, I have dressed up as Santa and gone to the hospital to deliver much needed joy to the patients.  My kids grew up thinking I was a nut, and kept telling me I was not the real Santa.  But I just love Christmas.  I sing Christmas Carols all year long, this year my daughter even called me from Princeton and asked me to sing her some Christmas Carols. Yes, I am a Christmas nut- the kind that is for many people their worst, most annoying nightmare (like Buddy the Elf from the movie Elf). However, the Christmas season only gives me joy when I remember that Jesus Christ is the hope for the world.

That is such an old fashioned statement that some might think it is culturally insensitive.  I am not trying to put down any other religion or philosophy by making that statement.  Too many times Jesus has been misunderstood in history as try to stomp the life out of every other group to make his point.  But that is not the Jesus we know.  He said, “Whoever is not against you is for you” (Luke 9:50).  In this passage Jesus seems to reverse himself.  Because earlier he had said that “Whoever is not for you is against you”.  Meaning we need to be fully committed to our faith.  But here is he is talking about people who are helping but not in the name of Jesus.  So Jesus is saying, ‘Don’t worry about them, we need their help to address the great hurts of this world.’ 

In my view, we have yet to fully appreciate what it means that Jesus is the hope of the world.  We need government, but Jesus is the hope the world not the government.  We need politics (I think) but politics are not the hope of the world.  We need philanthropy and I am totally committed to giving Christ honor by doing what we can to help people in his name.  But still Jesus is the hope of the world.  We need our families – I would die for mine.  But Jesus in a family is the hope of the world.

Yes, we need a pervasive hope which enters every marketplace, every competition, and every frustrating challenge.  This year we are exploring what it means if we get it- Jesus is the hope of the world.

When I was a young preacher, I wanted to have my own ‘Just as I am song’ that people would dedicate their lives to Christ during its performance.  So a friend of mine wrote this song:

Christ is the answer no other will do – he will make you new.
Whenever I am troubled and lost in deep despair.
I run along with all my troubles and I go to God in prayer.
 Christ is the answer, sinner don’t wait, Christ is the answer don’t be late,
Christ is the answer, no other will do – he will make you new.

I love that song – I love Jesus. So how can help but not get excited about his Birthday and remembering that he is the hope for the world.

"And his name will be the hope
of all the world."
Matthew 12:21

What are you hoping for this Christmas season? What hopes would you have if you knew that God was going to work a miracle in your life this Christmas?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Worrying about Bill

By Rey Diaz
Wow they are really come out with some amazing products for Christmas! Have you heard about the new Sony Teleporter?

I’m just kidding.  Sony doesn’t have a new teleporter (that I know of, at least). But technology is developing so quickly it’s hard to keep up with it.  As soon as you purchase the newest and greatest release, it becomes outdated and ancient.  I always feel behind.  And sometimes I feel that I can never have enough.  Money is even worse for this than technology. 

For the last month we have been looking at “Life with Bill” (or life with money).  Sometimes we feel strangled in our life with money….there’s never enough, we are always behind.  That should be the money’s motto: “never enough, always behind.”  At this point most of us begin to worry.  And worry.  And worry.  The word “worry” comes from a German word that means “to strangle.”  Do you feel this way regarding money?

Yet God invites all of us into a different sort of life: a life defined by peace and trust.  He invites us to “not worry.”  (Easier said than done, right?) But it is possible if we see God as our heavenly Father who is trustworthy and concerned about our lives.  I believe we can live a worry-free life.  And I want that for you, and I want that for my family. I want all of us to know that with God, we will always have enough. 

What is the obstacle keeping your from trusting God?  What would live be like if we didn’t worry?

Luke 12:22-34

Jesus said, “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear. 23 For life is more than food, and your body more than clothing. 24 Look at the ravens. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds! 25 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? 26 And if worry can’t accomplish a little thing like that, what’s the use of worrying over bigger things?

27 “Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 28 And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?

29 “And don’t be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don’t worry about such things. 30 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs. 31 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.

32 “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.

33 “Sell your possessions and give to those in need. This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven never get old or develop holes. Your treasure will be safe; no thief can steal it and no moth can destroy it.34 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Words We Will Probably Never Utter

By Pastor Rey Diaz

Words we will probably never utter: “I wish I wouldn’t have fed that hungry child”…..”Remember son, never share your toys with the less fortunate”…. "I wish we would never have built that house for a family in the garbage dump…..we could have bought ourselves a boat with that money! Dang, we have invested so much in the church, there are just too many people coming to God and too many lives being transformed!”

I’m poking fun because I think it is pretty universal that all of us recognize the value in giving and want to teach our children or grandchildren to share. The simply joy we receive from giving happiness to another is not something we would trade for anything.  Yet, sharing our resources and partnering with God to change a life is a privilege that not everyone experiences.  There are many reasons for this. Perhaps they are too scared, or they don’t feel they have enough to give. Many times we want to give but are unsure where or how to give. Or it could be that we don’t have a financial plan based on God’s eternal principles.

At our church we believe the best planner, the best manager of our lives, is God. He knows what he’s doing! Part of God’s plan for our lives includes trusting in Him instead of relying on our finances…..But that’s a lot easier said than done.  Thankfully, God has provided a way for us to grow in our trust and to break the hold of money on our hearts….and that way is generosity. 

Thousands of Christians have put God to the test and come to this realization: God is faithful. And thankfully the plan God lays out in the Bible is simple. We call it 10-10-80.  Give 10% to God.  Give 10% to yourself with savings.  Enjoy the 80%. Amazingly, the only time God encourages us to put him to the test is in our finances. If you step in our in faith in this plan and God comes through for you, move that percentage up….and you will see he will come through once again! 

For some of us, this sounds really hard. What obstacle keeps you from trusting God?  What percentage would you feel more comfortable giving to God?

1 Timothy 6:17-19 Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment.  Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Response to Last Week’s Election

“Around the Water Cooler”

 By Pastor Tim White

Last week’s election was a tough moment in the history of the United States with so many people deeply divided on issues and candidates.  I have been praying every week for both parties, for every government official.  I have also been praying that somehow our nation would come together in a new unity that would allow us to conquer the challenges we face on every front.  

After billions of dollars spent on campaigns we sit with a divided government, just as before the election.  We face a fiscal cliff.  And we face a populace whose ethics are in deep need of a wide and sweeping revival.  This morning I read an article in the paper about a woman who ran over her husband because he did not vote. She was so upset that Obama won and blamed her husband for it. We need a hope for this country that transcends our politics.

Probably two of the most controversial issues for us in Washington were the vote to legalize marijuana and gay marriage.  Many, many side conversations with church members revealed that even our church community is deeply divided on these issues. We have attempted to create a church full of diverse age groups, economic brackets, race and ethnic groups and it is no surprise we have diverse political opinions as well.  Yet we are all going to have to live together as a church, and as a nation. My hope is that friendships will grow deeper as we engage in open conversations about the important issues. I think that would honor Christ…and just as Jesus did, I pray for unity for his followers.

Factionalized politics are not new. If you would have walked up to a crowd during Jesus’ time you would have found people with just about every opinion.  Jesus saw the differences in opinion as an opportunity. Not only was he able to connect with those who agreed with him, but he could also reach those who began as polar opposites to his way of thinking.  

How are we to talk with people around the water cooler after this election?  First of all, don’t run anyone over (either figuratively or literally ) because of the way they voted. That would just serve to squish someone and land you in jail. Instead, let’s keep believing in democracy and working and praying for revival to sweep our land. I believe revival is the key to change. As Thomas Jefferson once said, “The government and its laws just reflect the morality of the people.”  If you want to change the politics of our nation, we need to start with our nation’s hearts.

Let’s pray that our church members can sensitively reach out to people with different opinions, and that we may have honest conversations with one another, gently searching for God’s will for our nation.  I guess the long and the short of it is that we have a lot of work to do.  So we better keep on praying.

"When I am with the weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ.  Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some.  I do everything to spread the Good News an share in its blessings. "
                                                                - 1 Corinthians 9:22-23 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Money Turns a lot of Us Into Functional Christian Atheists

By Pastor Rey Diaz

Money is something you can touch, something you can see, and even smell (though I wouldn’t suggest it – where has that dollar bill been?). You can track money in your bank account and trade it for food, fun, whatever. It is easy to look to finances with confidence and expectation because it is so tangible.

God, on the other hand, it is a little less tangible to us. Most of us can’t see God directly, touch him, or track him concretely. If you have, may I introduce you to my friend, psychiatrist Dr. Vath? Yet this invisible God invites us into a relationship of trust. As Christians, we are encouraged to trust God about the tangible things right before us, like money.

Money may seem trustworthy, but especially during these hard economic times we all know the truth: money is fickle and fleeting. Despite our awareness of the transient nature of finances, we still place our trust there, rather than in God. We may say we believe and trust God, yet we live as if our finances are the boss. Craig Groeschel calls this sort of person a Christian Atheist: someone who says they believe in God but lives as if they really don’t. Why do we stress and worry so much about finances when God has promised to provide for us? Why can’t we consider ourselves like the lilies of the field or the birds of the air?

Let’s consider this week where we place our trust, and what we prioritize.

(2)    Priority Questions:  - Are you resting in God's promise about provision and protection?  Or do you often stress about money?  Do you save and feel like it is never enough?  Do you relate to money like a Christian or Christian Atheist?  

(1)    Trust Questions - Do you trust “Bill” or Jesus Christ? Who do you turn to for security, for fun, influence, or a sense of freedom? Who do you listen to more, who is more influential in your life?  Who do you tend to obey?

 He who trusts in his riches will fall,
but the righteous shall flourish as the green leaf.
Proverbs 11:28

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Highly Favored by God

By Pastor Tim White

I was so inspired when I heard that the Seahawks quarterback Russel Wilson wore a bracelet which said, ‘Highly Favored by God.’ The issue came up in an interview after Wilson had thrown a last second game winning touchdown pass for the second week in a row.  The sports reporter asked him how he put up with all the criticism that he was too short to be an NFL quarterback. The reported missed the statement that Wilson was wearing right on his wrist; he was highly favored by God.

I knew Pastor Rey and I were planning on me ending his series on Flinching at scarecrows by teaching how you are so loved and highly favored by God. As I prayed for our church, I really wanted the kids to get this point. I wanted to share eight powerful verses from scripture that really drive home the point. Yes, eight in one sermon because I wanted us to be overwhelmed with how much God loves each one of us. And to know that our fear could be replaced with bold trust.

In preparation for Sunday, I asked Janette, who is such a hard working member of our staff and such a blessing, if there was any way the kids could make a simple bracelet saying ‘highly favored by God.’ Later, I returned to see a sample bracelet and wow - she hit it out of the park again!

 I am so excited to see all us wearing this bracelet and to see this become core proficiency of our church as we dare to comprehend God's mighty love for us. Mary put it this way when she was told that she was highly favored by God: “The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace” (Luke 1:25 NIV).

I long for that for every one of us. The power to say and mean it - "I can do everything through him who gives me the strength". You are highly favored by God. Just like Russel Wilson, don't live by your fears of critics but live basking in God's love exercising his mountain moving faith.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Have You Ever Been Turned Down?

By Rey Diaz
Remember your high school dance?  The hardest part for us guys was usually asking the girl out.  The anxiety the guys felt right before they asked was so intense.  Everyone would be watching.  You would try to speak calmly but inevitably everything came out mashed together.  I remember being surrounded by a bunch of my friends and they were trying to encourage me to ask someone.  I knew that even if she said no (more often than not), I would still have these friends.  Fear of rejection was a big issue for us when we were younger and not much has changed since then.


For lots of adults today, fear of rejection is like a scarecrow in the melon patch.  This fear traps us and does not allow us to open up those around us.  Fear of rejection makes intimacy impossible.   Some have defined intimacy as “the joy of knowing someone fully and being known by that person with no fear of rejection.  When we look at our model Jesus, we notice something much different about how he handled the fear of rejection.  Jesus was secure and solid in his identity.  Jesus accepted his Father’s acceptance. 


As a kid, I would rely on my group of friends to comfort me after being rejected.  That was all well and good but it didn’t solve the deep insecurity we have in our souls.  Only God can deal with the brokenness of our hearts.  If we follow Jesus example, we can begin to address the fear of rejection.  We have to realize that we have been adopted by our Heavenly Daddy.  We have to believe - God cannot possibly love you more.  And there is nothing you can do that will make Him love you less. That is the starting point.


*          *          *         


What about you?  Is fear of rejection something you have wrestled with?  Is it easy or hard to accept your heavenly Daddy’s acceptance? 


 "See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children
because they don’t know him."
1 John 3:1