Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Easter!

 (as message from Pastor Tim White)

In my opinion, Easter is the single greatest Christian holiday of the year (accept for the week we get an extra hour of sleep). More people try church for the first time at Easter than any other time of the year. I am especially excited for this Easter because of the important activities happening Washington Cathedral this year.

 This Easter our main focus will be the 9 and 11 am services on Sunday. Pastor Rey Diaz will bring a great Easter message that is relevant to our everyday lives. Churches around the country are finding that the best way to reach new people is to have a great service that’s similar to what you will find any Sunday at that church. Easter Sunday will begin a series entitled “Lord Change Us”. Nothing can change the trajectory of a person’s life like the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The music on Easter Sunday will be incredible. Travis Graham and his musicians will pour their hearts out in worship for this service and people have been praying and fasting for it for over a month. Additionally, we will have a 65 voice choir… everybody is bringing their friends!

 The 9 am service will still be traditional with hymns, robes, and liturgy. As always, it will take place in beautiful Spirit Falls. It will also include some contemporary praise music by Travis and the same great sermon by Pastor Rey.

 At 11am you will take part in some of the best contemporary worship you have ever experienced as a church. Watch us raise the bar. Of course, Travis will be there leading the way and Rey will deliver the same powerful message.

After the 11 am service a free children’s Easter egg hunt will follow. This year is extra special because baby animals (lambs, chicks and bunnies) will be there to participate! Also, the children will hear the Easter story in this fun afternoon of lasting memories.

Earlier in the morning Pastor Linda will lead the sunrise worship at 6:45am in Spirit Falls. The music will all be fresh and different. What a beautiful way to start out a holy Easter day. Pastor David is preparing a great breakfast feast for everyone throughout the morning. This breakfast will be served until 11 am.

In addition to the powerful experience of Easter Sunday, don’t forget about our great tradition of Easter pageants leading up to Sunday’s events. Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday night we will have our traditional Easter drama of Christ’s death and resurrection with great special effects. I will share a short, positive message on the Easter revolution and we will invite everyone back to visit us for a new fresh service on Easter.
We are praying that this Easter will be a rallying point for the movement of what Washington Cathedral is becoming. This church has been doing its best to reach the world with the powerful message of Christ for 27 years as it looks toward the future and the needs of both our local community and the world.

Would you like to be a part of this great dream? We really need your help. You will be blessed as you participate in this great day. Consider volunteering to make this weekend come off as a huge win for God’s kingdom work in our area. If you are interested in helping, either as an actor in the drama, a singer in the choir or a greeter in hospitality (for the new people that will visit), please call the church office at 425-869-5433. Another way you can help is by stepping out in faith and bringing a friend. So far I have already invited six new people! Will you step out in faith with me and join the revolution? And last, you can help by simply giving to support the many ministries of the church
during this time of year.

Together this Easter we are going to be used by God to make a very big impact on our world. I am so excited and I hope you can join us in the greatest Easter party imaginable.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Monday, March 26, 2012

When it's Hard to be in Close Proximity

By Rey Diaz

“One day long ago, God's Word came to Jonah, Amittai's son: "Up on your feet and on your way to the big city of Nineveh! Preach to them. They're in a bad way and I can't ignore it any longer." 3 But Jonah got up and went the other direction to Tarshish, running away from God. He went down to the port of Joppa and found a ship headed for Tarshish. He paid the fare and went on board, joining those going to Tarshish—as far away from God as he could get.” (Jonah 1:1-2)

We all know the story of Jonah; we learned it in Sunday school. As a child it was hard to forget about how a man was swallowed by a whale! Now that we are older, something else stands out in this story. Jonah’s tale is about a person who received a call from God, but instead of following that call, he turned around and ran in the opposite direction. He ran away because he felt squeamish at the idea of entering the great and important city of Nineveh, and bringing God’s truth to them. Jonah thought it would be easier to run away than be in close proximity with people so different from him.

Sometimes we think like Jonah. We know just as intrinsically that God placed us to reach out to particular people. But these people might as well be from Nineveh for how intimidated we are to bring up God’s truth! We think: “how will they respond? What if they become offended and it changes our relationship forever? I don’t want to lose their friendship….but then again I also don’t want to lose them, when I know there is a better way….”

If Jonah stayed comfortable, Nineveh would never have the chance to experience God’s saving-love…and their destruction was imminent. Yet, when Jonah repented and became obedient, do you remember what happened? The entire city (which took three-days to walk across) declared a fast unto the Lord, from the elderly to the children, all the way to the animals! Even the king of the city repented and demanded that those underneath do likewise.

Oh…that this could happen to our cities! I once heard it said that Seattle has more dogs than Christians, and it not hard to believe when you get a chance to look behind closed doors at the hurt hapenning in many households.

My prayer is that God would call those who hold His light to carry it into the darkness…even if it feels uncomfortable…and that we would fearlessly bare the cost of close proximity...because we love our city and those in need, but more importantly, we love the One who has called us to it.
* What about you? Do you tend to take the easy way out, like Jonah, or walk without hesitation into the communities and households of people different from you?
* What gets in the way of your close proximity to those in need? What are you going to do differently to connect with those in need?

(Post comments here, so that others may be inspired by your courage and authenticity)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

“Are you highly potent?”

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” (Matthew 5:13)

Have you ever tasted a meal and discovered a surprising blandness? Or when cooking, added a little salt to a dish and found the true flavor come out? In both cases, I’m sure you were immediately aware of the effect of salt on a meal. Salt can make or break a meal. I believe that is why Jesus called us the “salt of the earth.” We have the opportunity to make or break this world if we take Jesus’ commands seriously to make disciples (Matthew 28:16).

When Jesus created the salt metaphor to teach us about our mission on earth, he gave us the beginning of a powerful formula, detailing how to be a contagious Christian. For salt to fulfill its function it needs to retain its flavor. If you apply Jesus’ salt analogy to us, flavorful salt (or highly potent salt… continuing with our “contagious” analogy) means that you are so filled with God you can’t help but spills out on those around you.

Becoming a highly potent Christian is not easy, but it is necessary if we want to be contagious and fulfill God’s purpose for us. And Jesus tells us the only way to be highly potent is through constant connection with God (John 15:4). Often we find it difficult to remain in God because we are so busy, easily distracted, and often forgetful. However, a wise man once said “you are too busy not to pray.”

If you commit yourself to be consistently filled with God, then your day-to-day life―your marriage, family and work-world―will be completely revolutionized! This commitment will not only change your mind and heart, but everything that you are! As people see you living out this amazing, over-flowing-with-life-way, they will want it. You will be contagious.

Highly potent means you are so utterly infected that you cannot help but infect those around you!

Pray for God to fill you… not just on Sundays but every day of the week and every moment of the day. I am praying for every member of our church to become contagious. That is how we change the world.

So are you highly potent?
Look over these questions and shoot me a reply:

1. When was the last time you were contagious?
2. Are you highly potent? If not, what is making you lose your flavor?
3. If you are highly potent, what do you do to maintain your potency?
4. Have you ever met someone who was some really flavorful salt? What effect did they have on the people around them?
By Rey Diaz

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Contagious: We Are Designed to Spread

"Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and lost one. Wouldn't you leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until you found it? When found, you can be sure you would put it across your shoulders, rejoicing, and when you got home call in your friends and neighbors, saying, 'Celebrate with me! I've found my lost sheep!' Count on it—there's more joy in heaven over one sinner's rescued life than over ninety-nine good people in no need of rescue” (Luke 15:4-7, The Message)

Last night I had the opportunity to put my “Contagious” Message into practice. Benjamin Smokovich (who coordinates the athletic ministries at Washington Cathedral) invited me to share about myself with the guys who come to play basketball at the ReCreation Center every Monday. After a few games, we took a break to eat and hangout. I began to casually talk about my faith and relationship with Jesus. And it reminded me of something I have known for a long time: there is nothing more exciting than befriending, loving, and leading someone to faith in Jesus Christ… nothing! I felt alive.

People matter to God. They really do: Jesus’ stories in Luke 15 tell us that you have never looked into the eyes of another human being who isn’t valuable to God.

If we don’t deeply believe that people, all people, are important to God, we are missing one of the key narratives of the Bible. Our line of thinking becomes a dangerous, slippery slope of logic. Not only does this reasoning cage the contagious nature of the gospel, but it is the start of all human tragedy and oppression. Every injustice that has occurred throughout history began with the assumption that this person, or people-group, does not matter. But the Bible teaches us that every person matters to God; no matter their race, upbringing, disability or difference, or the country or home life into which they were born.

What is important to God must be important to us. Surprisingly, God has invited us to become involved with what is important to Him! If we don’t make God’s priorities our priorities, a lost and hurting world will stay that way… and we will never accomplish our individual and collective purpose on earth. Nor will we be doing what we were designed to do and what gives us the greatest fulfillment.

Bill Hybels once said: “Deep in every true Christian, there is awareness that we are on this planet for purposes greater than having a career, paying the bills, loving our families, and fulfilling our role as upstanding citizens. Even going to church and worshiping God—important as these are—sometimes leave us feeling that something is missing. After all, we’ll worship God for eternity in heaven; we don’t have to be here to do that. What is it that’s absent in the lives of so many believers who are crying out for fulfillment? What on earth is God asking us to do? God wants us to become contagious Christians: His agents, who will first catch His love and then urgently and infectiously offer it to all who are willing to consider it. This is His primary plan, the one Jesus modeled so powerfully, to spread God’s grace and truth person to person until there’s an epidemic of changed lives around the world.”

We as a staff at Washington Cathedral are praying that each of you ask God to help you become contagious. We need contagious pastors, leaders, small groups, kids, and members if we are going to change the world. Would you like to become contagious?


Friday, March 9, 2012

The Perfect Mosaic: God's Church

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:15-17

This has always been, and will always be God's church. He is in charge. He makes decisions and we just follow. The last few years the leadership of Washington Cathedral has felt led to continue in the process of becoming a diverse, multi-ethnic, and multi-generational church; what we call the “meta church”. When we read the book of Acts, we see a church composed of all types of races, ethnicities, social-economic background, languages, and ages―God's perfect mosaic. This diverse group would learn from one another on their journey of following Jesus, becoming disciples. This movement spread like wildfire from a small sect in Jerusalem to a worldwide church. We feel called to continue that traditional at Washington Cathedral, a meta-church that is diverse community of friends who are learning the way of Jesus together.

I am honored to be a part of fulfilling God's mission for Washington Cathedral. I look forward to helping Washington Cathedral lean into the future and am excited to join this great team.

As Lead Pastor I have two main initiatives:

1) Build a discipleship culture to help Washington Cathedral become a movement. I will build this culture through communications (preaching half the time), leading our TLC's, and introducing a new discipleship language and vehicle.

2) I will also oversee the professional ministry staff and develop systems for our church that will allow us to continue growing.

Since we are restructuring our org chart, here is what it will look like. Pastor Tim will continue in the role of Senior Pastor along with his wife Jackie who is Co-Senior Pastor. He will oversee all of the congregations of Washington Cathedral and all our non-profits. He will also continue sharing and preaching about half the time. I will be Lead Pastor over ministry and staff and Linda Skinner will oversee all operations including finances and administrations.

We feel we are on the verge of a breakthrough- - - a revival- - - a move of God that will sweep the northwest. But we need teamwork and full cooperation with God to see this come about. Change is never easy but it is necessary for growth. Please pray for us as we go through this change and commit to supporting us. Paul said it best, "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow." (1 Cor. 3:6) God will continue to lead, build, and grow this church.

Pastor Rey Diaz

Friday, March 2, 2012

Breakthrough: Teamwork Leadership

In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:1-5 (NLT)

As a church we are so excited to welcome back to our Redmond Campus Pastors, Dr. Rey and Elise Diaz. They have been serving in Honduras the last four years and God has blessed them with phenomenal success in building Together For Transformation which includes, the AFE school, the Love and Faith Church, the medical clinic, the social work project with the people of the dump, the home building projects, and so many other ministries that work at transforming that part of the world.

They are returning to our local Washington Cathedral staff with the intentions of launching a movement of great caring networks. I will continue in my current role of Senior Pastor and Chairman of the Board. Rey and I will share the preaching at the main services. Of course, as before, there will be other members of the preaching team joining us from time-to-time.

Rey’s position is what I like to call the “new offensive coordinator”. He will lead the ministry staff and Pastor Linda will continue to lead the operations and financial administration. This will allow me to put more focus on building the round table organizations and the meta church congregations. Of course I will continue, as always, to do my share of pastoral care, counseling and discipleship as I have always done in our church. Rey will be leading major adaptations to our English speaking congregations.

We will continue to be a strong multigenerational church. Each of the Congregational Pastors will continue to lead their congregations – Pastor Dale 6:00 Saturday, Pastor Linda 9:00 Sunday and Pastor Jackie 11:00 Sunday. However, we will be raising the bar of excellence in everything we do to better reach people for Jesus Christ. This includes re-engineering our small group ministry, discipleship ministry and evangelism ministry. It is as if I am the “head coach” (the chairman of the board) and he is the “new offensive coordinator”. Most churches don’t have both a Lead Pastor and a Senior Pastor, but if you haven’t figured it out yet- - - we aren’t most churches. As always, we believe in teamwork leadership.

Bill Gates brought in a specialist to be President and run Microsoft while he worked on the creative side of things- - - we are doing something similar. This is normative in the business world. Rey, myself and Pastor Linda work so well together that this collaborative approach to leadership is going to bring about a tremendous breakthrough and perhaps be a model of teamwork leadership for churches around the world.

Rey is a great organizer and sequential thinker while I am a great disorganizer and random thinker, so together we expect to move Washington Cathedral to the cutting-edge of church growth. We have been through a long hard path the last 8 years and now it’s time for a breakthrough. Rey is beginning this breakthrough with a series of messages leading up to Easter called “Contagious”. It will start next weekend (March 10th & 11th). Let’s get ready to rock this world as we bring in reinforcements to move from one great caring network to launching a movement that will change the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White