Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Love & Trust!"

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear." 1 John 4:18

Faith isn't possible except in a loving situation. It has been our evangelistic strategy that a person who is a cynic, an unbeliever, an atheist or doubter does not need more faith - they need more love. There is a deep emotional connection between faith, hope and love. One that I do not have time to develop in this devotion. But let me tell you that Faith growsalmost spontaneously in an atmosphere of God's love. When other people believe in you it's very hard not to believe in yourself. Sometimes I feel that I cannot help but be a goodpastor with such a tremendous church that stands behind me constantly supporting andbelieving in me.

Trust is only possible when love leads your emotions!

What would happen if the families of our church made a commitment to be a place of trust and love for every member of that family? What kind of faith would grow there?

What if each family took in a person as a love and trust project! Someone that you just know would develop faith if they just had an environment of love to let it grow.

What would be the impact of a church that had such love and trust that the people who worshiped there left convinced that they could conquer the impossible?

Here is how to develop that kind of love...

*Pray daily for it!

*Pray for the person asking Jesus to help you feel about them the way that he does!

*Act like Jesus would even when you don't feel it!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"My Thinking!"

“Bring every thought into the captivity of Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Being a positive-thinking father, I had a very special assignment when my children were small. Every night I would read or tell them a bedtime story, sing them a song and have a prayer . . . then I would help direct their thoughts before they fell asleep. Often they would ask me, “What should I think about tonight while I am falling asleep?” And I would always try to give them some beautiful, funny, positive thoughts to think about. As a child, I hope you learned the same creative art. If not, I’d like to make somesuggestions now.

How many times have you gone to bed at night and replayed tapes in your mind of doing somethingembarrassing, saying something inappropriate or simply not performing up to some unreachablestandard? Then, after you have replayed that tape, do you shock your body with self-condemning thoughts with a subsequent release of internal bodily reactions that make you feel terrible? Do you find your muscles tightening to an uncomfortable point, your stomach wrapping into a knot, your heart pounding and your face grimacing? If that is the case, I have a wonderfully positive idea from thescriptures- - - don’t do that!

The Bible tells us to keep all thoughts captive of Jesus Christ. What kind of thoughts would he like us to experience at night before we go to sleep? Try using the following test based on Colossians 3:1-17:

First: Does the thought stimulate my faith?
Second: Does the thought generate hope and make me optimistic?
Third: Does the thought receive grace from God and provoke love to my fellow man?

If the thought coming to you filters through this test and the answers are yes, yes, yes. . . then that thought must be of Christ! He is giving you a creative idea, an inspiring guideline, a peace-generating thought, or a challenging dream! Any other thoughts must be rejected and pushed away to make room for the next exciting thought waiting in line behind it!

As we begin a new year, let me encourage you to make this part of your bedtime ritual as you tuckyourself in each night.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"The Glory of Christmas!"

Zechariah was shaken and overwhelmed with fear when he saw him. But the angel of the Lord said, “Don’t be afraid, Zechariah! God has heard your prayer. Your wife, Elizabeth, will give you a son, and you are to name him John. You will have great joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great in the yes of the Lord.” Luke 1:12-15

“Put yourself at risk – every day. If you are not willing to risk your being – every day – then you are not committed to change that flies in the face of the establishment.” Tom Peters

A rector of a church took his vacation to Israel. As he stood out in the fields next to Bethlehem he was underwhelmed by how unimpressive this little Palestinian village was that had once seemed soimpressive. The pastor was inspired. He wrote a poem called “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” The drama of the unimpressive place highlighted the drama of God’s risk to pick this spot to changehistory once and for all. Here is my Christmas season message for you. The unimpressive sore spots of your life are the opportunity for God to risk and use your hurts to shine the glory of Christmas in your life. Are you a living, walking, talking testimony of Christmas? If so, invite your friends to come to the Glory of Christmas drama this year. It is new and the best we have ever produced as a church family.

We need your help. There are so many things to do. Parking cars, running shuttles, being a part of the cast, ushers, etc. etc. etc. God is forming an army of people who just can’t wait to risk and share their testimony of Christmas.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

“The Glory of Christmas”
Monday, December 21st @ 7pm (Mountainside Sanctuary)
Tuesday, December 22nd @ 7pm (Mountainside Sanctuary)
Wednesday, December 23rd @ 7pm (Mountainside Sanctuary)

“Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion”
December 24th @ 6pm
(Mountainside Sanctuary)
December 24th @ 11pm (Spirit Falls Sanctuary

Monday, December 7, 2009

"The Wonder of Christmas!"

Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod.
Matthew 2:1

One of my all-time favorite Christmas presents is a book. My mom gave it to me one Christmas. It was her only Christmas present during a season of her impoverished childhood. She and her sister and brother lived with my Grandpa and Grandma Saunders in La Grande, Oregon (where I was born). My Grandpa, Winston Saunders, worked on the railroad when he could. It was Christmas 1947 during the hard days of WWII. It was a tough Christmas that year. The book was Grimm's Fairy tales and it was her only present that year. For many kids in that day and age there was not a lot and one present was a treasure. Inside the front cover it says, “To Jane from Aunt Bernice and Uncle Carl.” I think my mom gave the book to me because my German Shepherd, Gengis Khan, had eaten the cover off of it when I was a kid. This is one of the same books my mom read to me whenI was a boy (who had such a vivid imagination that my report cards often held only this positive comment, “Timmy has such an imagination that he has a hard time staying in the classroom.”) Every time I open this book, which sits behind my desk with other favorites, I am caught up in the wonder of Christmas.

I pray that somehow this year you are touched by the wonder of Christmas. I think that our entire campus will sparkle. At the Santa Claus Conspiracy and each weekend at every worship service it is going to be Christmas. We will also be doing our family-to-family Christmas blessing for those struggling this year. And as a church we are committed to support Together For Transformation and provide a Christmas party for every family who lives in the dump. For our Glory of Christmaspresentations and our Candlelight Communion services on Christmas Eve - if we all help a little we can decorate, we can bless, we can tell the story of Christmas and most of all we will all experience the wonder of Christmas. My dad is directing “The Glory of Christmas” which will be a live,three-dimensional picture unlike anything in the world. We will present it for three nights and have the capacity of reaching well over 3,000 just for this one event. Won’t you consider inviting a friend or neighbor to see this great wonder of Christmas? Merry Christmas 2009! It is going to be a great one!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Michael Jordan, Larry Bird & Me!"

Any athlete committed to their sport knows exactly the total thrill of the wonderful and rare times when they were experiencing the zone.

Someone said it's unreal, because it's so perfect- - - where it seems every basket you shoot and every move that you make just seems easy and natural!

Leave off the total perfection and keep the feeling and the every morning anticipation that "It's so good to be the me that God designed me to be!" I got so tired of trying to be somebody besides myself- - - .

Now, I'm learning more and more who I am and each day becoming and celebrating me- - - It's a wonderful mixture of discovering and using my spiritual and God-given natural gifts.

And the good news is that it's not that complicated or difficult because it allows me to really tap into God's power and friendship!!!

Don't miss this series if you have a hunger for fully aliveness!- - - Dr. Doug Wheeler and I will be teaming with Tim Saturday nights and Sunday mornings.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Thank You Jesus!!!"

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:11-12 (New King James)

“Thank you Jesus!” These are the words most often said by Pastor Jeony, the founder of theproject at the Honduras city dump. I don't know how many times he says them every day, but his voice is almost musical as he says these magic words. This phrase is his way of saying yes to God. In spite of his questions, hurts and struggles; it is, “Thank you Jesus!” For my Grandpa it was the phrase, “The wonder of it all!” He would say that phrase at least 25 times a day—again with almost a musical quality. It was his way of saying, “I don't understand, but yes God! Let’s go! Let’s have it your way!”

“Yes” is always a powerful word. I remember when Jackie said yes to me when I asked her to marry me. What a terrifying position to be in (telling someone that you love them more than anything you can imagine and would they marry you!!) Pause… then came a smile and “Yes!”

I remember a wedding that I performed for a wonderful couple. It was a big, glorious wedding and they flew me to an island to perform it and then I flew back (in a plane). When I asked the bride if she would take this man to be her lawfully wedded husband—she said, “No.” Several in the audience gasped. I was at a loss for words, so I didn’t say anything. Her groom almost fainted; he was totally caught off guard. Then she smiled and said, “Just kidding. Yes!!!”

So many times I have asked someone in the church to take on a challenge that would determine the outcome of the dream of Washington Cathedral, and I have driven home with a huge grin on my face. I couldn’t wait to tell Jackie that they said yes!!!

What a way to begin every day! Maybe it is a good example of walking in the Spirit or literally “marching in the Spirit” as it says in the Greek. Saying yes to God in the beginning, in themiddle, in the tough times and when we don't understand. Just saying, “Yes Sir! I trust you and it will be an honor to do this thing your way.”

If there is any magic in this world~ ~ ~ it starts with the magical word of a divine Yes!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"A Picture of Jesus!"

“- - Sunlight Poured
From His Face!!!”
Matthew 17:2 (The Message Bible)

Dr. Diane Komp, the famous child oncologist (cancer specialist) said in one of heramazing books, “Children have dreams of Jesus! And someone asked have they ever said what he looks like?” “No! But they have said what he doesn’t look like!”

“Somebody brought a picture to the child to look at and she said, ‘That’s not Jesus!’”

Actually, in my being a pastor for so many years to so many children from very, very sick to very, very healthy, I was always totally energized by their description of Jesus! Inevitably, they did not see him still on the cross or still in the tomb! He was alive, strong, gentle and exuberant.

The children that taught me were from the Cathedral of Joy plus from extremelychallenging and ugly situations in the third world. In fact I often applied the famous child oncologist’s test and found most religious art concerning Jesus to be refused or at least suspected.

When Peter, James and John’s eyes were completely opened in what we call thetransfiguration, they reported that “- - - sunlight poured from his face!!!”

Yes, I’m convinced from many, many experiences
that Jesus Christ is with us! But, he never leaves us crying
and always wants to lead us to laughter!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Zest Test

Washington Cathedral is an amazing church!!- - -

Because God has found for himself some amazing people!!!

Jesus said in Matthew 5, “- - you are here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth!!!”

It’s happening!! Maybe I’m in a position ‘coming late to the party’ to see and (yes) taste the God-
flavors of this church right now!

Each week we are experiencing, encouraging, healing, energizing worship- - - - - I love Saturday evening at what we call Boulder Creek Church in Spirit Falls Sanctuary!- - - And Sunday 9am has its own ‘flavor’ and wow! Worship at 11am in Mountainside Sanctuary is a sweet time.

Esperanza at 12 o’clock was a happy, joyful experience- - - and Sunday at 5 in Spirit Falls is what I like to call our little “Quaker” church- - - soft and powerful!

And there were 96 in our special Pastors Brunch- - - the food was fantastic- - - thanks to the
Catering Company and Bea and Marty- - - this is what I call a spiritual gift- - - great food provided by generous hearts!!!

And Wednesdays- - - in our new fast-moving Discipleship programs- - - notice it’s plural- - - most of us eat together at 6pm then eventually we spread all over the campus!!!

In Matthew 5:14 the Message Bible- - - Jesus is saying to us, “You’re here to be light bringing out the God-colors in the world- - - SHINE!!!”

(Forgive my excessive exclamation marks but the facts demand them.)


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Greetings from Honduras!"

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-23
A minute before nap time I thought to throw meat in the crock-pot to give it theallotted time to cook. But time is measured differently when there is a toddler onthe premises. It started with a simple bottle of soy sauce, strangely misplaced, andteetering precariously on the counter. As I reached for the balsamic vinaigrette with one eye on Elijah, suddenly the glass bottle was tumbling to the floor. CRASH! Glass and soy sauce everywhere. Naturally, “someone” wanted to come to me through this new, glittery black path. A sideways chair served as a barrier as Ibegan to sweep and mop up the damage. Then stopped. Wherever did Elijah find matches when I can never locate them? “No!” was explained, a couple of tears wiped, and then he was sitting on the couch, innocently enough. I thought it safe to throw the raw beef in the crock-pot. I was wrong.

Bump..bump..bump…I glanced his direction again. Elijah had the miniature arm of our tiny Honduran kitten in a vice-link grip and was using it as a lever to hit the furry little head against the wall. “Nooooo!” In one bound I was over the chair-barrier, prying Elijah away from the kitten with raw meat all over my hands. Wailing ensured, and continued until I turned on the facet and allowed him to “play” in the water to wash away raw meat…perhaps glass and soy sauce?...and kitten fur. The kitten nursed his wounds quietly in a corner. Will he survive a tremendoustoddler? Finally it was time for a nap. This is how the struggle went down: I turned off thewater. The toddler got a crazed look in his eye, lifted his stool above his head, and ranscreaming as if into battle. I waited quietly in his room for the spirit to pass.

Suddenly he appeared with a big smile on his face. “Ball-ball” he said sweetly. (He thinks it’s hilarious to call me “ball” instead of Mama, and Rey’s encouraging it). Soon all was forgotten as tiny arms griped my neck, and his eyes sparkled as he planted slopping kisses all over my face. As I laid him down to sleep, I noticed small shards of glass sticking out of my feet and blood running down my legs.

Pastor Elise Diaz
Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Just a Look!"

And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. John 3:14-15

To me, this has always been one of the strangest passages in Scripture. Yes, when you spend your life studying the Bible there are some passages that just keep tumbling around in your soul, never quite making the sense you want it to and you have this deep sense that there is much more to be learned from your questions about this passage. John 3:14-15 has been one of those passages for me. Last week I had lunch with one of my mentors, Dr. Fulton Buntain. As we sat talking about all our memories over the last 25 years, Fulton asked me about this passage in John. He too has spent his life troubled by this passage. But he shared that God had shown him something about it just that week.

The passage is referring to a time when the nation of Israel was traveling through the wilderness and they were being bit by poisonous snakes and dying from those bites. And so God told Moses to make an image of a snake and hold it up for people to look at. Fulton told me that he was sure that part of what was going on was that the people needed to look beyond the poisonous snakes—they needed to look away from all their fears crawling around near their feet. Fulton went on to sharethat we have to look away from yesterday and ahead to today and tomorrow. And an important part of becoming a Christian is just to look- - - it’s not as much of a theological struggle as people might suspect. No one completely understands the meaning of a Savior crucified on the cross, but ifpeople will just take one look they may find their lives transformed forever as they meet the eyes of Jesus.

What poisonous challenges do you need to look away from? And what would life be like if we could keep eye contact with the Savior on the cross? One look at Jackie Svangren when I was 16 years old and my life was changed. One look at our newborn babies started an adventure (that we still are in the middle of today). One look at the dream of building a great caring network together with the good people of Washington Cathedral, and our lives were marked forever. One look at the Savior really does a lot. It is so simple and yet inexhaustibly profound.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Thank You!!!"

“For what has been
Thank You!”

“For what can be
- - - YES!!”

“For the chance to
bet the rest of
my life on a
great dream!”


It was a fabulous celebration of 25 years living out the adventure that we call Washington Cathedral! Thank you, thank you, thank you to our HeavenlyFather and to all my brothers and sisters who have shared it with me!

Now it is our greatest privilege to plunge into the next 25 years and watch God perform his miracles in us and through us! How many 3rd world dumps will be transformed? How many “meta” churches will we become? ? ? ?

I invite you to join me October 14th at the first of a weekly DiscipleshipForum- - - dinner at 6pm- - - everybody at “power-time” 7pm then small group huddles!!! Yes, it will put a peak in your week and equip you for your own unique ministry- - - I dare you- - give it a try!!!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Celebrating 25 Years!"

“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.”
Revelation 3:8
If ever I have been an encouragement to you – you can in turn encourage me by being here this weekend on our 25th Anniversary and bring a friend. If Sunday at 11am is the only time you can come that would be wonderful. But if you can spend the weekend being renewed, please join us for our Friday Night Rally with Dr. Carl George and our Saturday Leadership Summit with some of the top Biblical theologians in the nation! Then join us at 11am onSunday for a historic moment! One that you will never forget! I promise you this will be a sweet moment, renewing your faith and your dreams!!!

Some of the last words that my Grandpa said to me were, “Go thank those noble lay-people who stood by my side and dreamed the dreams that God has given me.” Grandpa sighed, “I will never be able to honor or thank them enough.” This weekend is my opportunity to thank all the people who had the foresight, the courage, and the blessing of joining this great dream for the last 25 years and pioneering this adventure.

Renew our dream to build the greatest caring network that the world has ever seen – and renew our lives as yourenew the dream! Please, God, do it this weekend. Make it one of the greatest mountain peaks of our lives!!!

On Sunday, October 4th, we are going to have a chance to sign a proclamation and have our names entered into a time-capsule that will be buried on the property—recording for history the names of the pioneers of this dream.Included in that capsule will be a photo of everyone who attends the 11am service. On this special occasion we will be dedicating the Mountainside Sanctuary to the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be a powerful, emotional, victoriousmoment that will not be the same without you there. After this momentous services, we will enjoy a delightfulinternational potluck lunch. You have heard of our Esperanza Congregation but have you tasted their Hispanic food? You are going to love it! You have heard of our Pacific Islander’s TLC but have you tasted their food? You’ll never find anything as delicious! You have heard of the Egyptian Congregation but you have not experienced life until you have tasted their baklava!! What about Norwegian, Irish, African, Eastern European, and all the other greatnationalities represented in our diverse community? Jackie is going to be making her unique “Danish/CherokeeChili” - can you take the hot stuff? What a great family experience! Bring your swimming suit and let your family go swimming afterwards or buy an ice-cream cone at Theno’s. I have been in on the planning of this service and the music alone will be worth bringing a friend. But there is so much more packed into this 11am service. Now, all the other services will continue and they will be great, but don’t miss the 11am service because it will be outstanding! Please come and bring a friend. I will count it as a favor that I will never forget.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

PS! On Sunday, after the 11am service, Jackie and I will be there to have our picture taken with you and your family in front of the Mountainside Sanctuary and we will send you a gift in the mail—memorializing you as a pioneer of a great dream and thanking you for your God-sent friendship.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"October 4th, 2009 - 25th Anniversary!"

Don’t Miss the Historic 25th Anniversary of Washington Cathedral Sunday, October 4th 11:00am in the Mountainside Sanctuary!
The Scriptures tell about powerful reunions and renewals…

Then he said to me, “Son of man, these bones represent the people of Israel. They are saying, ‘We have become old, dry bones—all hope is gone. Our nation is finished.’ Therefore, prophesy to them and say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: O my people, I will open your graves of exile and cause you to rise again. Then I will bring you back to the land of Israel. When this happens , O my people, you will know that I am the Lord. I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live again and return home to your own land. Then you will know that I, the Lord,have spoken, and I have done what I said. Yes, the Lord has spoken!’” Ezekiel 37:11-14

Sunday, October 4th is going to be “one of those moments” and I pray that you can be there. We will be celebrating a quarter century of our history together trying to build the greatest caring network that the world has ever seen! What a dramatic story. I hope with all my heart that everyone will show up. Those who are busy in the dream right now and even those from the past who have gone on to other dreams, but at the same time we all know that we would not have gotten this far without them. I hope it is like a great reunion. I have been a part of a number of reunions. None as emotionally touching as when our high school football coach died. I drove to eastern Washington to meet with guys that I had gone to war with and a bond had been formed that will last for eternity. We tried to honor our coach by making a statement in front of his family about what these trying times meant to us. Do you know what we kept saying? “Why didn’t we get together before he died to celebrate everything that happened?” This is that opportunity for Washington Cathedral. Twenty-five years of adventure on the battlefield of a great dream! At the same time we will be dedicating our new Mountainside Sanctuary as a holy spot before God. We have Deans and Presidents that are going to be there to help with this task, but they will really just be spectators as a reunion of dreamers takes place. We will take a huge group photo and everyone will sign a scroll to memorialize the occasion which will go into a power capsule to be opened every ten years as a remembrance of the founders of a great dream.

With all my heart I hope that we can completely fill the new Mountainside Sanctuary for this occasion. So let me ask you for a favor, “If I or the pastoral team at Washington Cathedral have ever helped you at any time in your life please help us by coming to this service and bringing a friend.” I hope that some who have moved away can come back and that there is this great feeling of reunion of people who have loved each other and dared to be used at one time or another to help build a great caring network. Jackie and I will be there for as long as it takes to have ourpicture taken with each family or individual so that we can give you a gift (a memorial photo) thanking you for being a part of the history of this great dream. I promise you the music will be amazing! God’s spirit will be electric! It will be one of those historic moments that most of get to enjoy maybe only once in a lifetime. We will be at a reunion (not to celebrate in response to a tragedy) but an incredible victory! 25 years of miracles!!! And we know that you and I are some of those miracles! Please come and bring a friend.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

PS. We will have an international potluck at noon right after the service. Come and enjoy food from everybackground that is a part of Washington Cathedral- - - Coptic, Asian, Native American, Hispanic, Norwegian,Eastern European & more! So bring a large dish to share and join us. What a great time of fellowship this will be!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Play it Down- - - Pray it Up!"

Jesus and his disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi. As they were walking along, he asked them, “Who do people say I am?” “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say you are one of the prophets.” Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Messiah.” Mark 8:27-29

My dad used to have this really simple solution for the tumultuous stress that would invade our lives. Regret, anger, bitterness, resentment, seething-frustration all sometimes seem like thereis nothing you can do about it. My dad’s statement, “Play it down. Pray it up!” I used to hate it when he would say things like that but now I love it and love him for raising me with such a solid foundation and teaching me the role of poise in my life. Don’t be surprised when your life is full of poison. People do that on purpose to you. They are overflowing and can’t help but spill or vomit it out onto you. It takes poise to live above the vast majority which are catching poisonous emotions faster than the swine flu.

Psychiatrist, Augusto Cury in Think and Make it Happen (page 76) says, “People who master the arts of listening and dialoguing will become more generous, more tolerant, humbler and moresecure. They will notice more of a balance in their lives. Their creativity will improve because they’re opening themselves to others’ ideas even as they blossom within. They will also be greater influences for good in the lives of others.”

Listening and dialoguing with people is an adventure with untold treasure waiting to be discovered. But so it is with God when we play down problems (instead of exaggerating them—which never helps anyone) and decide to handle them in the right way with the right people. When we pray it up we realize that Jesus is the Messiah and he shares our burdens with him. Wow- - - What a partner, what a Lord, what a Savior! Why not pray it up!

Emotional health awaits those who are ready to receive the help of Jesus and think like he did.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"A Poured Out Spirit!"

I will pour out my Spirit on all people…
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Joel 2:28-32

Have you ever pondered that scripture? What, exactly does it mean? What does a “poured out” Spirit look like? How would I know if I am one of the people that scripture refers to? The next part explains it, I think. It goes on to say that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. I “called on the name of the Lord” when I was 12 years old. I was baptized the Baptist way (totally immersed) so I think it was genuine. Did the Spirit get “poured” on me then? I’m not sure. I don’t think I lived much different from the way Ialways had up until then. Later on, I drifted away and got into some behavior that wasanything but Spirit-filled. At age 33, I fully committed my life (once again) to the Lord. This time was different: I was finally ready to make Him the Lord of my life.

Because my life was different after that (my attitude, my behavior, my thought patterns) I think that was when His Spirit was literally poured into my life. That was when I began to see some of the “Fruit of the Spirit” starting to manifest in my lifestyle—especially with my husband and my children.

If you’ve ever wondered about that little phrase as I have, maybe it is time to ask the Lord what it means for you. Then, be prepared to receive what the Lord of your life wants togive you lavishly and without any holding back. His joy, His peace, His grace—it’s all there when we let go of the stuff that is holding Him back. He is the same yesterday (as in the days of Joel), today (like right now!) and forever! Now, if that isn’t Good News, I don’t know what is!

Pastor Sally Jo Holmes

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Celebrating 25 Years!!!"

If you love Washington Cathedral then you’ll want to place this important weekend on your calendars NOW!

OCTOBER 2nd, 3rd & 4th
If you’re one of those people who just love to be a part of HISTORY IN THE MAKING, then you’ll want to arrive early on Friday night, October 2nd at 7pm for our 25th Anniversary All Church Rally when Senior Pastors Tim & Jackie White will host a remembrance and vision casting evening like no other in the history of our church.

Carl George, who led the Charles E. Fuller Institute for 17 years (which was affiliated with Fuller TheologicalSeminary), will be feature on Friday evening, October 2nd. Carl George is also an author of many books but most importantly the inventor of the descriptive organizational x-ray model called the meta church.

Saturday, October 3rd is our Fall Leadership Summit “Breakthrough” and Washington Cathedral TLC (Small Group) Leaders will be treated to an amazing day of leadership training and continued teaching by Carl George andspecial guests:
*Dr. Joe Castleberry – President of NW University
*Dr. Kurt Fredrickson – Dean of Doctor of Ministry at Fuller Seminary
*Dr. Doug Strong – Dean & Professor of the History of Christianity at SPU
*And more!

We will continue the celebration at all weekend worship services culminating with our “Grand Dedication Celebration” Sunday at 11am in Mountainside Sanctuary featuring all our special guests!

STAY TUNED FOR MORE UPDATES, as this amazing – once in a lifetime – weekend unfolds.
Please, bring your pictures and memories with you for use in our 25th Anniversary Scrapbook that we will assemble.

Invite friends and family & PLEASE… SAVE THESE DATES:
Washington Cathedral’s
25th Anniversary Celebration
October 2nd, 3rd & 4th

Monday, August 24, 2009

"A Family of Churches!"

Financial Miracle
The “meta” church is definitely not just a new name for what we are already doing. It’s a brand new idea yet like the phrase “back to the future” it’s right out of the book of Acts. Any church that calls itself a Biblical church is most simply the family of God yet, to be very honest, for many reasons it is difficult to make it a real family.

Washington Cathedral, being a family of churches, will have the best of both worlds. Together, many “meta”congregations meeting in one facility, allows a 21st Century double-miracle. Each “meta” church will be small enough to be a real family yet together as a Cathedral we will become a potent force for God.
The Miracle of Multiple Use
Many “meta” congregations using one facility is instantly a financial miracle in what this formula will save every month in energy, repair and upkeep costs- - - think of the nightmare of the necessity of 5 times more parking spaces- - think of building 5 or 10 more sanctuaries.

Small churches, each with volunteer congregational pastors and God-called volunteer Deacons, will almostautomatically have the sense of ownership so that 90% of the janitorial, gardening, etc. can be joyously volunteered.

Now add a very small full-time staff that trains and guides each little church and the resulting savings are thousands of dollars each month. Suddenly we’ve overcome the fact that most churches sit empty and idle most of any given week. It’s just like 6 or 7 churches deciding to pour their income into one church which would allow financial needs to be met, debt to be paid off quickly, plus an almost embarrassing surplus that could be used to feed the 30,000people a day in the world who die of malnutrition.

Is this all too good to be true or is it too good not to be true? Well, watch it happen as Saturday Night Worshipbecomes “Boulder Creek Church”- - - a member of the Washington Cathedral family of churches.
Different But One
Most families will eventually consider themselves a member of a specific “meta” congregation! Yet, at the same time they will also feel a vital part of Washington Cathedral. American lifestyle now is so wonderfully diverse that the “Jones Family” would relate closest to Saturday Night “Boulder Creek Church”, but perhaps as often as once a month their changing calendar of events would find them comfortably worshipping in an early Sunday morning “meta” congregation.

It’s also exciting to realize that events like Christmas and Easter can become powerful ministries when backed by many “meta” congregations. Eventually, each “meta” congregation will have its own Sunday school, yet on the teen level absolutely fabulous programs could be provided by the strength of many little churches working together.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"The Eyes of a Child!"

But Jesus called for the children, saying, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to people who are like these children.” Luke 18:16
The look in a child’s eyes when they see what Santa has delivered on Christmas morning is something like what we’re experiencing in our new Mountainside Sanctuary.

For the past 25 years, one of my duties every week has been to take attendance at each of our services. Moving from a sanctuary that is overflowing when 280 people attended services to a sanctuary that holds over 800 people, has been quite an adjustment. I am personally witnessing a miraculous transformation in our congregation at the 11:00 AM service. If we had the number of people we are having each Sunday at 11:00 in our Spirit Falls Sanctuary every week we would be seating people in the choir chairs and out the doors. We are growing and every week we are seeing new faces.

Sure a good number of congregants aren’t exactly on time for the start of the praise songs, but what they lack in punctuality they make up for in their enthusiasm for our music, prayers and the message. Just stand in the atrium outside the Café after the service and you can see joy and fellowship overflowing from those who attended services.

What a blessing it is for us to have such a wonderful facility in the Randy & Rod Halvorson ReCreation Center. Darren Motamedy personally told me last week that he was “deeply impacted by what God’s dream has delivered for us”. And, if he could have seen the excitement in the Sunday school classrooms, at the senior and junior high youth group and in both our Coptic and Esperanza congregations, he would have had his opinion doubly re-enforced.

When Pastor Tim’s vision for Washington Cathedral as a pace-setting meta-church (a campus housing many ministries and congregations) fully comes to pass, we may long for the days when ample seating was still available. I am seeing more and more new faces who are “sampling” our new facility and that’s a great sign we’re making progress in spreading “God’s Good News.” As our church approaches its 25th Anniversary, it will be fun to see our attendance swell from the momentum God is helping us to build.
By Rich Skinner

Friday, August 14, 2009

“Join us as we learn the conversation of hope!”

I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD."
Psalm 122:1

When I was a little girl every Saturday we had what I believe was a sacred ritual. My mother would iron a beautiful white altar cloth, clean all the brass communion and altar ware, create a floral arrangement from the garden, pack it all into the car along with me and we’d drive to our little church. When we walked in to the little sanctuary with folding chairs and a bare wooden table we used for an altar, I think to many people it would seem more like a garage than a church. However, to me and my mom, it was a “Holy Place”. I would help her place the cloth on the altar (first white and then a beautiful purple runner), we’d polish any of our fingerprints off the brassware, put the candles in their holder and place the bouquet of flowers in their appropriate spot. Part of our ritual was to always pray for the next morning’s service.

You see we were part of a group of people who started a new Lutheran church in Citrus Heights. It was a new church that was birthed from the mother church Faith Lutheran in Carmichael, California. The mother church had beautiful stained-glass windows and a large steeple, the picture perfect church. There were some people who would not move to the new little church because it met in a building that was more like a warehouse and not the picture -perfect church. So I asked mom, “why are we here?” Mom replied “We are Pioneers and we go where God needs us.” (She would always remind me that as a little girl she came from Montana to Washington in a covered wagon so she was a true Pioneer).

The amazing thing to me is that on Sunday mornings, when I would walk in with my mom to that little church in a warehouse, it was a beautiful place. The altar glistened in front reminding us that we were there to worship God and celebrate what Jesus did for us on the cross. The folding chairs had people sitting in them smiling, praying and worshipping decorating the entire scene.

Every Saturday I have the pleasure of setting up the altar in our new Mountainside sanctuary. Rich often helps me or Kathi King or Millie Porter or Fiona Monaghan or Jannette Backlund. We place the clothes on the altar, the plants, the brassware, the candles and suddenly a gymnasium becomes a sanctuary. The entire time I’m praying for the Pioneers who are going to come in Sunday morning at 11:00AM and worship God.

I say Pioneers because for us it is hard to leave our beautiful Spirit Falls Sanctuary, but for some they realize that God needs them in the new building. To fill it up and be there to greet the visitors who 90% of the time come to the 11:00AM service as their first experience with our church.

I learned at an early age that being a Pioneer is one of the greatest blessings you can experience. Try it – be a Pioneer and experience the joy of worshipping at 11:00AM in our new Mountainside Sanctuary. I know you will be doubly blessed because over the next few months we are going to be having some of our great guest artists join us for worship at 11:00AM only. (And if you want to help set up the altar, let me know- I would love to have other Pioneers join me in that joy!)

Pastor Linda

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


“How blessed the reader! How blessed the hearers and keepers of these oracle words,all the words written in this book!” REVELATION 1:3

What a blessing it has been for all who have poured themselves into the Bible for the last 90 days. I am hearing so many stories of blessings! And the JOY that people have for God’s message once they have finished this goal is so exciting. And we sure had some fun celebrating on Sunday with some delicious cake, pie and CELERY!

I pray, if you are part of the church that started later than some of us with your reading, you are truly being blessed with this final week of reading through the Bible.

Please let me know once you have completed the Bible in 90 days. I would love to offer you a certificate of completion and I would like to add your name to the list of people from Washington Cathedral who read the Bible in 90 Days for our church history.

For those who are still working at getting through your reading and need more time to finish, just let me know when you finish and I’ll get you a certificate to mark your journey. We are so proud of each of you for walking this amazing journey with Jesus. Whether you finish in 90 days, 120, or 250, the important thing is to finish what you have started. God will bless your life.

I also want to let you know about another resource for those who might be struggling with your reading or have a reading disability and could use some help. There is a website where you can “hear” the Bible being read “to” you in the 90 day format while you read along. There have been several people who have used this to help them as they read along in their Bibles. The website is http://www.biblein90days.org/ then click on “listen while you read.”

Again, I congratulate all of you who have completed the Bible in 90 days. God will use you to bless many people with what you have learned and experienced on this journey. A life lived with Jesus is an exciting life. Enjoy your days and go out with Joy each day looking for an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior with others!

Blessings to You,
Pastor Naomi

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Healing Waters!"

“Go wash in the pool of Siloam” (Siloam means “sent”). So the man went and washed and came back seeing! John 9:7

There is a long tradition not only in Christianity, but in Judaism about water being involved in the healing process. Remember when the prophet Elisha told the captain of the army that he would be healed of his Leprosy if he bathed in the Jordan river? Many religions and folk traditions point to the healing power of water. It doesn’t take twoseconds watching kids play in a pool to see that something good is going on at a physical and psychological level. We are hearing reports of people with arthritis exercising in the church pool who are showing remarkable recovery and many people of all ages exercising and playing in the water who are seeing amazing results.

Check the pool schedule - some days ladies show up to swim at 6:30am and special classes and groups as well as family swims are occurring more and more frequently. Recently, I received this note and pictures from a dynamic young mom in our church who has a passion to see a swim time for children with special challenges - and the results have been remarkable. No one is staring, no explanations need to be made, just therapeutic laughter and fellowship. So this note is really a thank you to all who have helped make this ReCreation Center possible.

How good it is to be a part of a congregation—a team that tackles the impossible for the glory of God and theblessing of humanity!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Add Video

Hi Pastor Tim,

I just wanted to thank you so much for allowing me to do an adaptive swim for the little
ones in our area. It was a wonderful time and sonice to see our babies crawling around,
having fun, swimming freely without any stares or questions. My vision for this sort of
thing is so big, and my hope next week it to have one more family attend or ten more!
It was so fun. We look forward to next Tuesday!

Thanks so much,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"God's Gift"

God’s gift to the faithful at Washington Cathedral:

There is nothing so wonderful for a pastor’s heart than to see God’s dream unfold. When I opened up this letter and saw the picture of thanks drawn by two of our children, I knew I had to share with you. The dream of our pool has been a long time coming, but how great it is to hear that it is here, being used by God and blessing the lives of children. Thank you for sharing in the dream.

Dear Pastor Tim,

Anyone who questions having a pool at WashingtonCathedral… hasn’t watched a little boy with autism smile from ear to ear when we arrived at the pool Fridayevening. I cannot express how rewarding it is to see your son with special needs able to be himself - in his favorite environment - that isn’t judging his character. It is trulya gift for him to have such a wonderful place to swim.

Thank you so much for believing and finding a way.

Tonya Baker

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"Washington Cathedral is a Family of Churches!"

Washington Cathedral is a family of churches where each “meta” church is a very real family. A family “where everyone knows my name”- - - where everyone has many spiritual brothers & sisters, aunts & uncles, grandpas & grandmas and dozens of cousins!
How Can Many
Really Be One?
“With one spirit and one purpose”- - - so together they are like one warrior. (see Philippians 1:27) Welded together with a “mountain-top vision” now become Washington Cathedral “mission!” The “mission” simply to become and be the world’s greatest caring network.
Each “Meta” Congregation
Each “meta” congregation of Washington Cathedral will have two “co-pastors”, many deacons & deaconesses and a joyful, country-church family. We affectionately call it a country-church family because it will be surprisingly like an American phenomenon which helped build the faith-fabric of our beloved country.
The Return of the Tentmaker
We have had a vision that just might become one of the most significant “turning points” of the 21st Century church! Yet perhaps the biggest surprise of this is that it sounds very much like the 1st Century church and as we have suggested - the forming time of our country.

In 2009 we are witnessing what might be called the perfect storm in terms of reaching people for Christ in the United States. In other places in the world some amazing things are happening, but in the United States huge churches are being built (God bless them) at the same time small churches are closing at an alarming rate. And a colossal part of the problem is the economic turmoil with alarming escalation of costs in building, energy bills and salaries!

The apostle Paul bragged that he did not need wages because he had been God-blessed to meet his own financial needs with an extraordinary gift of making tents. Many churches using one facility- - -now add a new concept- - - “congregational pastors” very unique individuals- - - God-called, God-equipped “tent-making” pastors!

A miracle called- - - “Washington Cathedral’s Meta Church”

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Congratulations to Pastor Scott!"

One of the challenging times in any family is when it is time for a family member to move on to explore a new chapter in their life. Whether it’s a child leaving for college, a son or daughter gettingmarried, or a close friend moving out of the area to take an amazing new job. For Jackie and I we are just beginning to understand the many emotions that come with the “empty-nest” syndrome. We are so proud of each of our children and we are so happy for the new adventures they are on in building their lives, but of course, we do miss them. We would never expect or even want them to forgo their new opportunity just to satisfy our need to have them around. We love them, so we want them to go where God wants them to be.

Just this week, Pastor Scott Burnett, came to tell me that he had an opportunity to take on an exciting new challenge in his career. After much prayer, he had accepted a position as Director of Worship and Arts at University Presbyterian Church in Seattle. He feels that it is the fulfillment of a dream he and his wife had for moving back to Seattle, plus an opportunity to have a key position on the staff of one of the foremost Presbyterian churches in the country. I found myself having some of the same emotions I had when my kids moved out of the house, I am so proud and happy for Scott, but I know we will all miss him.

Of all the churches in the Seattle area, we have always had a very close kinship with UPC over the years. They have always been supportive of us—lending us musical instruments, musicians, even their Senior Pastor speaking at our conference. Not to mention, the relationship with my mentor, Bruce Larson, for many years. So it almost feels like Pastor Scott is going to a sister church.

Pastor Scott has been a wonderful asset to our Pastoral team and we have enjoyed the time that he has spent leading our worship. Please help me in congratulating Scott on his new position. Scott’s last weekend as part of our staff is July 11th & 12th. We will have a reception for him on Sunday the 12th at 12:30 in the café. Stop by, sign his card, and wish him well.

(I have appointed a team to do a national search for a new Worship Director for Washington Cathedral. For now, Sara Clark will be leading the Praise Team and I have a great staff of people to help with the other aspects of worship for this interim period.)

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"A Good, Old-Fashioned 4th of July!"

Later that same day Jesus left the house and sat beside the lake. A large crowd soon gathered around him, so he got into a boat. Then he sat there and taught as the people stood on the shore. He told many stories in the form of parables. Matthew 13:1-3

I like Jesus’ style!!! Church for him was a picnic overlooking one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. And when he taught, he taught in stories. The kids loved it. Common people were stirred to uncommon acts of love and valor while un-religious people had their hearts warmed when theyrealized that they were not as far away from God as they thought.

Saturday, July 4th is going to be one of those kind of events. Beginning at 3:00pm we will beswimming, playing basketball, volleyball, board-games in the library, enjoying a BBQ, children's games, activities & parade, and dancing. The entire campus will be covered with people having a good old-fashioned 4th of July picnic. Then at 6:00pm we will gather in one of the most beautiful spots in our area, the air-conditioned Spirit Falls Sanctuary to enjoy bagpipes, a folk group and my dad sharing why he loves America!

Some picnics you never want to forget and this will be one that would’ve made Jesus smile. Maybe even laugh!!! It’s the beginning of a summer of stunning, fun, “daycations” that we call worship. Then of course, on Sunday morning we will have patriotic services. At 11am we will have a fullMarine Color Guard and bagpipes. The choir and musical department will honor those who have served our country. It will be a stirring display that you won’t want to miss. I will share a sermon on why I am an optimist about our nation and our economy. That may sound shocking, but please - - - if what I have to say is true... then you owe to yourself to hear what God has laid on my heart.

There are a lot of opportunities during the summer for vacations, but this is an opportunity topublicly attest to our belief in God’s good plan for our nation. We look forward to enjoying the4th of July weekend with you.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Galilee is Incredibly Beautiful!"

Blue, blue Galilee_ _ _ _ Jesus grew up there! He swam, fished, hiked, worked for 30 years!!_ _ _ _ Then he proclaimed the “Good News!!!”

Pastor Tim is returning from a vision-quest retreat in the high-mountains and will start his fascinating Summer Sermon Series_ _ _ “The Galilee Experience & The Poetry of Hope!”

In the next 6 “Sweet Summer Sundays” Dr. Tim White will gently expose his pastor’s heart, remembering vividly beautiful blue, blue Galilee! Incredibly it was there that Jesus gave us the poetry of hope to challenge life’s toughest problems.

Saturday 6pm, Sunday 9am or 11am

You’re invited to take a “DayCation” for one hour each week and experience- - - “fresh dreams”- - - new ideas- - - and re-imagine life!!! as we walk on the shores of Galilee with Pastor Tim and Jesus!

I’ll be personally enjoying these one hour Galileemoment's each weekend with my son Tim and theCathedral family. “Caleb”

It’s going to be a Sweet, Sweet Summer at Washington Cathedral. Grandma Jane and I will see you Saturday 6:00pm or Sunday Morning at 9:00 or 11:00. “DCW”

Monday, June 15, 2009

"The Incredible Plan!"

"The future glory of this Temple will be greater than its past glory, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.And in this place I will bring peace. I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!” Haggai 2:9

The other day a very good friend, for whom I have the utmost respect, sat in my office. This person has invested 24-years of his life including time, money and his reputation in building the greatest caring network the world has ever seen. He said, “I need to know this from you, Pastor Tim. How are you going to pay back the loan for building this church—what is your plan?” I answered him, “I am glad you asked that question. I have a top secret plan that I am going to let you in on. Behind a huge invisible tarp up on the hill over there is hiding an incredible building. It has an indoor pool that will be a beacon of light to the community. It isn’t just an ordinary pool, but it’s a therapy pool available to people at a time when pools all around us are closing down. That poolwill be full of children with disabilities, senior adults regaining their health and vibrancy, teenagers having summer parties and families playing together. The building has a gymnasium where people can come to play basketball, volleyball, roller-skating, even community theatrical events. The building even has a pacesetting counseling center with 7 fine offices filled with Christianphysicians and counselors available to assist people who need help—counselors who are in the business of saving people’s lives. The building also has pastoral care offices where marriages will be saved, self-esteem repaired and broken people made whole. In addition, there are rooms for yoga, exercise, support groups and seminars. Did I forget to mention, it has a library that’s open to the community, a café that will be a third space for our community; and, to top it all off, there is a beautiful sanctuary where every week we are going to deliver pacesetting, inspiring services.” As a smile began to appear on his face he responded, “I think I know what you are saying. Your plan is to ‘use’ the ReCreation Center!” I smiled and nodded, “Yes! If I had drapes around that building and pulled them back to reveal this incredible building every time someone asked me what my plan for growth is, they would be amazed!”

They key, like in any other business, is to use the strengths we have. If you can help - please volunteer. We need aerobicsleaders, gym monitors, life guards and support-group leaders. Yes, there will be a small donation to use the pool but only $2 to help cover the utilities. But early this summer I want to see that building full—7 days a week! We need to let the community experience the miracle of this ReCreation Center first hand. And we need everyone pulling together to pull it off. We don’t have a perfect organizational plan and no one will get permanent usage of any part of it, but we must get started using the building more and more the way that God has designed it. This plan will work – you watch and see!!!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Thank You!"

Here’s a letter written by an attendee of Washington Cathedral, Jodie Sarah Masiwchuk and shared with her permission.

Dear Pastor Tim,

I just want to say thank you for choosing to be Pastor of Washington Cathedral. I guess my family is one of those that havebeen quietly attending for years, but have never really let it be known how inspirational, motivating and thought-provoking your sermons are. You have an incredible gift. We have been to other churches and Washington Cathedral has proven over and over again to be the perfect fit for us.

I would like to share with you my own creation and passion. It’s a comic strip (yes, I said comic strip!) about a stay-at-home mom called Suburban Sarah. My hope is to bring a modern, down-to-earth perspective of what motherhood, aging and discovering yourself entails—as well as illuminate the humor and idiosyncrasies in a young-at-heart woman’s life. My hope is that, in it’s own small way, this strip will bring a certain amount of support and camaraderie to other people, particularly women and moms and will lift them up.

I have to admit that this letter has been sitting on my desk since February. I have sent comic strip samples to other cartoonists, syndicates and was even interviewed by The Kirkland Reporter. I’ve even built up a small fan base of about 1,400 between my Facebook and e-mail subscribers. But I think I’ve put off sending them to probably my most influential contacts—the leaders at Washington Cathedral. I truly believe that every moment I’ve gone through in life has gotten me to this point—one where I canlift the spirits of others through the laughter, silly absurdities and even compassion I try to convey through my work. When I hear the incredible stories of your daughter living with her husband and young son in an area where there is so much work to bedone, I am humbled. She is using her life in such an incredible way. (Again, another reason for the delayed letter—then again, comparison is the thief of all joy!)

I so want to use this comic strip to inspire others...for the person who is going through chemo, and picks up the paper, and gets a lift from reading something funny that takes their mind off their pain. Maybe it’s for the overworked, stressed out mother who has a cartoon taped to her fridge that she can completely relate to. God created laughter, so my hope is that those who perpetuate it in a healthy, upbeat way are contributing to the world. It is my hope and prayer that this is true.

You mentioned in one of your sermons that there are times that you just pray for encouragement from God, and that it came to you one day in the form of a drawing from a child that you taped your office wall. You spend so much time dealing with suchincredible, weighty issues—I’m sending these samples to you because it’s my hope that my own little take on the world will bring a bright spot to your day.

Take care and God Bless,

Jodie Masiwchuk

Monday, June 1, 2009

"The Beacon on the Hill!"

You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light. 2 Samuel 22:29 (NIV)
Wherever you are in your 90 days of reading, you either have or will, run across this passage. When I read it, I had to go back and re-read it several times just to make sure it penetrated through the thickness of my understanding.

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a lot of negativity in our culture these days. People arelosing jobs, houses, and retirement nest eggs. Our country has become paralyzed, terrorized and polarized in a variety of places. And it all has seemingly happened in the blink of an eye!

I attended a conference recently that described the unbelievable horror of the lives of theinnocent at the hands of perpetrators. I’m speaking of the growing cancer of global slavery—in all it’s malevolent forms. Now, that’s darkness! Then, I walked into my counseling office inour beautiful new building and meditated on the dreams, hopes and expectations thataccompanied the planning, preparation and triumphant opening of the Randy & Rod Halvorson ReCreation Center not so long ago. I envisioned kids engaged in healthy, fun activities during the so-called “dangerous” weekday hours (3-5). I saw teens, estranged from their families for a variety of reasons, seeking a safe place to talk with people who understand, instead of hitting the streets where, according to police reports, they are lured or abducted into unspeakablebehaviors within 48 hours.

I read and re-read that passage in 2 Samuel and re-affirmed for myself that I would never, never, never, never give in (to rephrase Winston Churchill’s famous statement) to the forces of darkness, so help me God!

What our Heavenly Father has given for Pastor Tim to create – the meta church – can notpossibly happen without all of us who “get it” to realign our priorities, stir up our enthusiasm and refuse to quit! Our Lord needs us to shine the lamp of His love, grace and forgiveness into the darkness of despair, loneliness and hopelessness. Only then will that darkness fade into light.

Wow! Where to start? Try talking to the Sustainer and Creator of the universe first for yourparticular assignment. Then, gloom and doom, step aside! God’s partners are on the move and their lights are on high beam!

(All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke.) Let’s not do “nothing.” Let’s let God’s light shine through us until this property truly becomes the “beacon on the hill” redeeming the lost, comforting the afflicted and refreshing the weary.

By Pastor Sally Jo Holmes

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

“Join us as we learn the conversation of hope!”

They said to Moses, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!” 
Exodus 14:11-12    

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.” 
Exodus 14:15-16   

When I read the Bible again I am so impressed at all the pressure put on those who are called to be leaders. The Israelites are constantly complaining. They are led miraculously out of slavery and then they complain that they wish they were back in slavery. They complain because their life still requires faith. And poor Moses, God shows him no pity. He has only one solution – in tough times turn to God!!!   

Recently there is a series of scientific studies on faith being discussed on National Public Radio. Last week’s was led by Barbara Bradley Hagerty and it is called “The God Chemical.”  She notes a study out of the University of Pennsylvania which studies people of various religions including Christians who pray at least two hours a day. They are referred to as “spiritual virtuosos.”  Not only does each of their brains show a distinct pattern of increased activity in the cerebral cortex (good prayer takes amazing concentration) but a darkening of activity in the parietal lobe (the area of the brain that is related to sensory information). A demonstration of decreased anxiety, a sense of purpose of the events taking place and as well as other interesting psychological and biological responses. One response was an increase in the immune system especially against flu virus. Dr. McDermott reported on NPR, “I think we are wired for the supernatural!” The neuroscientists pointed out that our brain placidity held forth the promise that ordinary people could learn to sculpt the brain through such prayer practices.   

Oh that more of us could be like Moses taking all our troubles to God and listening to him. He might tell us to hold out our staff and tell the people to move forward in faith as the waters parted. That is a wonderful picture of spiritual leadership and how it could relate to our lives, families, church, nation, and world today! I pray that Washington Cathedral becomes drawn to prayer as we read the dramatic words of scripture in the 90 days through the Bible.   

“Lord, how encouraging it is as I hear that someone is joining Washington Cathedral as we read all the way through the Bible. I thank you and praise you for that! Amen.”   

Your friend for the rest of my life, 
Pastor Tim White  

Monday, May 18, 2009

"Love One Another!"

Many will say that they are loyal friends,
but who can find one who is truly reliable?
Proverbs 20:6
Jackie and I were leaving town last Friday and I stopped by the Evergreen hospice to say goodbye to Nick Collins. He woke up and Nick, Marilyn, Holly and I laughed and remembered some wonderful stories. When it was time to go, instead of saying goodbye I said, “I love you Nick.” He replied with a smile, “Tell Jackie that we love you guys too.”

Twenty-three years ago, the Collins family was going through a challenging time and they decided to go to church. They looked in the phonebook for a church and we were not listed, but as they drove by Lake Washington High School they decided to give Washington Cathedral a try. It was not very long before each of them had given their heart to the Lord Jesus Christ and we had become life-long friends. They held a Tiny Little Church at their house and Jackie was the leader (so that makes me an official ex-member). Who knows how many potluck dinners weenjoyed together or how many laughs we shared when someone would visit the TLC for the first time and sit on their couch and when it broke they’d let out a swear-word and everyone laughed so hard that they couldn't stand up. Only God counted the times that Nick and Marilyn were the last to leave the church after helping us clean-up lateon a Sunday afternoon.

We raised our kids together and Becca called Marilyn's mom grandma. We sat in the stands together to watch Holly become one of the best soccer players ever to come out of this area. Melody excelled at everything she did and our whole church was very proud of her. For years Nick took care of the animals for Christmas in his yard. They would wake up on Christmas to the sounds of donkeys, cattle, horses and sheep all in residential Redmond. They taught Sunday school for years and years and I can’t tell you how many children grew up in our church and found their faith through their ministry. I attended one of their children’s TLC groups and they had me sit in as a leader of a small group. The discussion question was: What do you like about kid’s TLCs? One girl shared, “Well, my mom left me with a step-dad when I was born. My step-dad has left me with some of his family members. They really don’t like me and I don’t fit in at all so TLC is my family.” I don’t know how many Kids Camps Jackie and Nick and Marilyn weathered together and came back just completely exhausted. I am sure there were many times that they had theopportunity to just drift away when someone left the church that they were attached to or when we were going through a rough time. But I never, in all my life, heard any criticism from Nick and Marilyn.

When Nick went through his liver transplant, many years ago, I waited for hours with the family praying for Nick.I was so touched watching him kiss his family as he headed in for the surgery. Marilyn kept telling me I could go, but I couldn’t leave because I knew my heart would be there praying anyway. Recently, before Nick died, he toldeveryone thank you and how much he loved them. His eyes twinkled with joy and sincerity.

When I was 17 years old and God gave me the dream to build a great church for unchurched people that would be a great caring network. I asked for a sign. I felt like God told me that he would raise up “knights in shining armor” to stand by my side and fight alongside me until the death. I am never surprised by the flighty nature of most human beings, but I have been utterly amazed at those rare people like Nick and Marilyn Collins who would not give up on me and the dream. I would have given up a long time ago if it had not been for people like them. It is awkward today for one man to say to another a simple – I love you. But for so many of us who have staked our lives on the dream of Washington Cathedral (to build the greatest caring network the world has ever seen) there is nothing else that can be said. The Bible predicted it when it said, “This is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another.” 1 John 3:11. And how Nick loved his family and his church. And in return we could not help but love him.

Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White

Monday, May 11, 2009

"When Times Are Tough- - - Innovate!!!"

During the night Abram divided his men to attack them and he routed them, pursuing them as far as Hobah, north of Damascus. He recovered all the goods and brought back his relative Lot and his possessions, together with the women and the other people. Genesis 14:15-16

As we read through the Bible we see some very strange stories, but there are always gems of inspiration—even when we don’t fully understand the story. Abram’s nephew, Lot, wascaptured by an army which was made up of the combined armies of four kings. Now Abram, was more of a wandering businessman (who was in the shepherding business)than a warrior. But his family was in dire straits , so he put together all his workers and household and had a total of only 318 men. Abram was thinking “outside the box” and used his faith and courage. He took his untrained forces, split them into two groups and attacked from the flanks at night with a surprise attack. The enemy had no way of knowing who they were up against and how many there were. Before anyone knew it, they got all thekidnapped relatives back safe and secure.

The other day I picked up the Kirkland paper to see an article written by a member of our church who sells real estate for a living. She was proposing a creative solution—collaborative pricing. I talked to people in our church who have experienced this firsthand and had sold for less than they thought they could get, but bought for less than they thought they should pay. And they were just beaming with joy and contentment. As I read the article, my heart was filled with encouragement at someone who's faith and courage is shining in a tough real estate time. Customers and the economy are both being blessed.Instead of moping she is innovating! Sounds like Genesis. Sounds like faith. Why don’t you and I try it this week!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Tim White

Monday, May 4, 2009

"The Bible in 90 Days!"

Three basic questions may be asked of any text in the scriptures:
(1) What does it say? (2) What does it mean? (3) How does this impact me?

Teach me your decrees, O Lord; I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding and I will obeyyour instructions; I will put them into practice with all my heart. Make me walk along the pathof your commands, for that is where my happiness is found. Psalm 119:33-35

90 Days to read all the way through the Bible. Twelve pages a day. Three months of sermons from the pulpit inall of Washington Cathedral’s 14 worship services - moving from a mountain-peak of scripture to a mountain-peak ofunprecedented spiritual growth. Saturday evenings from 5:30-6pm enjoy free-flowing conversation (no questions barred) with “The Bible Answer Dudes”, Dr. Dale White and Dr. Doug Wheeler. There will be a one day through the Bible survey by Dr. Marty Folsom and a study through the Bible deeper (Adult Sunday School Seminar) offered in two parts by some of the finest Bible teachers in the church. Hundreds of small groups will study through the Bible together as well as Sunday School Classes, Youth Group, Positive Christian Singles, etc. I expect there might be families in the church that will take a moment to read an inspirational verse just before they pray and eat their meal together. I just talked with a dad who is reading through the Bible with his son in the family Bible; and while driving his truck, he also listens to Eugene Peterson’s Message Bible on CD. Don’t miss out on the adventure of a lifetime at WashingtonCathedral. The whole church committed to reading all the way through the Bible in 90 days! It has to be a source of unity and blessing to the community and the whole world. I have this deep expectation that God is getting ready to do something really exciting in the life of each family that takes this challenge.

I received my life-verse from theologian and famous scholar, Dr. Carl F. H. Henry. He has had an immenseimpact on my life. This is what he said about the Bible. “The Bible remains the most extensively printed, widelytranslated, and frequently read book in the world. Its words have been treasured in the hearts of multitudes like none other. All who have received its gifts of wisdom and promises of new life and power were at first strangers to itsredemptive message, and many were hostile to its teaching and spiritual demands. In every generation its power to challenge persons of all races and lands has been demonstrated. Those who cherish the Book because it sustains future hope, brings meaning and power to the present, and correlates a misused past with God’s forgiving grace, would not long experience such inner rewards if Scripture were not known to them as authoritative, divinely revealed truth.”

Yes, you will encounter more questions than you ever thought possible! Yes, you will find nuggets of gold in verses that will become a part of your character and will help forge your future. And yes, the most valuable keepsake that you leave behind may be that marked up Bible that you spent 90 days in the adventure of a lifetime with. Mark it with your pen, your highlighter, your tears, your questions and your inspiration; and know that for over a hundred years, those who love and admire you will treasure it as a reminder of the adventure you are about to embark on.Recently, the President of the United State, Barak Obama, chose to lay his hand on the Bible of Abraham Lincoln when he took the oath of office to lead the most powerful nation in the world at one of the most pivotal moments in history. No one knows how your Bible will be used as an inspiration for generations to come.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Monday, April 27, 2009

"For I Know The Plans I Have For You"

It is wrong to infer from prosperity that God is favorable toward us, and from suffering that God is angry. (Christianity Today – April 09)
Also seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. Jeremiah 29:7
There is so much that we do not understand about life–especially when it becomes difficult. But even though God’s ways are a mystery to the best of us, the wrong lessons that we might learn can bear greater consequences than faithfully moving ahead even when we do not understand. Lessons such as; don’t love again, it’s not worth trying, God doesn’t seem to care, or people are not worth it. These false lessons bear obvious consequences that create for us a seemingly small world and eliminate the possibility of a courageous comeback or the joy of contentment even in tough times. Nothing will more effectively preserve us in a straight and undeviating course in this economy than a firm persuasion that all events are under God’s authority and that he is as merciful as he is mighty. This should lead us to gratitude in prosperity, patience in adversity, and a wonderful security respecting the future.

We are prone to blame God in adversity and praise ourselves in prosperity–we murmur against God if he does not grant us quiet nests. We imagine that adversity can only come from someplace other than God; it is as if evil becomes a second god in our world view. But from a Biblical paradigm we recognize that nothing happens even when it is terrible and comprehensible that can stop our God from working towards his wider purposes. Nothing can thwart God’s eventual gracious purposes towards us in Christ. Paul does not say that all things are good, but he does say that God works all things together for good for his people and thatnothing can separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8)

The Bible draws us a beautiful mosaic which demonstrates that God does care about our prosperity, and our suffering. He can be with us in both conditions working towards greater purposes. The story is a beautiful mosaic which includes Jeremiah 29, the book of Job and the suffering of Christ on the cross followed by the his victory on Easter. It is the handbook for new Christians living in the dump in Honduras and business leaders here in Washington whose prosperity or lack there of will impact manypeople for good or ill. It gives us a trust that truly does move mountains in each situation, but it is also our life-line to sanity and calm joy in spite of our difficulties.

The other night I was at University Hospital intensive care. Jackie and I had been there for hours and had brought a praise CD that Jackie had made for one of our life-long friends (with whom the doctors thought heaven was very close). We cried, we prayed and we laughed with the family. At 2am the nurse allowed us to have a worship service at the request of the patient (who in my eyes is one of the finest Christians I have ever met). We read from the scriptures, we anointed him with oil, we held his hand and prayed. And as his family slept this life-long friend said to me, “I don’t know how to pray?” I said to him, “You are in God’s hands. Right where we have both been so many times during the years of the adventure of raising our families and buildingWashington Cathedral.” He whispered to me, “I guess that is a good place to be” and a shining twinkle came to his eye.

The next morning the news from further tests was all good. A struggle was still ahead but God was obvious working just as he has throughout time. You and I need this kind of trust every time we face a challenge and every time we need to truly be thankful for the prosperity brought into our lives.

“God’s ways may be hidden but his gracious purposes are always right there for those who have eyes to see!!!”
“For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord “...plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Pastor Tim White