Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"A Good, Old-Fashioned 4th of July!"

Later that same day Jesus left the house and sat beside the lake. A large crowd soon gathered around him, so he got into a boat. Then he sat there and taught as the people stood on the shore. He told many stories in the form of parables. Matthew 13:1-3

I like Jesus’ style!!! Church for him was a picnic overlooking one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. And when he taught, he taught in stories. The kids loved it. Common people were stirred to uncommon acts of love and valor while un-religious people had their hearts warmed when theyrealized that they were not as far away from God as they thought.

Saturday, July 4th is going to be one of those kind of events. Beginning at 3:00pm we will beswimming, playing basketball, volleyball, board-games in the library, enjoying a BBQ, children's games, activities & parade, and dancing. The entire campus will be covered with people having a good old-fashioned 4th of July picnic. Then at 6:00pm we will gather in one of the most beautiful spots in our area, the air-conditioned Spirit Falls Sanctuary to enjoy bagpipes, a folk group and my dad sharing why he loves America!

Some picnics you never want to forget and this will be one that would’ve made Jesus smile. Maybe even laugh!!! It’s the beginning of a summer of stunning, fun, “daycations” that we call worship. Then of course, on Sunday morning we will have patriotic services. At 11am we will have a fullMarine Color Guard and bagpipes. The choir and musical department will honor those who have served our country. It will be a stirring display that you won’t want to miss. I will share a sermon on why I am an optimist about our nation and our economy. That may sound shocking, but please - - - if what I have to say is true... then you owe to yourself to hear what God has laid on my heart.

There are a lot of opportunities during the summer for vacations, but this is an opportunity topublicly attest to our belief in God’s good plan for our nation. We look forward to enjoying the4th of July weekend with you.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Galilee is Incredibly Beautiful!"

Blue, blue Galilee_ _ _ _ Jesus grew up there! He swam, fished, hiked, worked for 30 years!!_ _ _ _ Then he proclaimed the “Good News!!!”

Pastor Tim is returning from a vision-quest retreat in the high-mountains and will start his fascinating Summer Sermon Series_ _ _ “The Galilee Experience & The Poetry of Hope!”

In the next 6 “Sweet Summer Sundays” Dr. Tim White will gently expose his pastor’s heart, remembering vividly beautiful blue, blue Galilee! Incredibly it was there that Jesus gave us the poetry of hope to challenge life’s toughest problems.

Saturday 6pm, Sunday 9am or 11am

You’re invited to take a “DayCation” for one hour each week and experience- - - “fresh dreams”- - - new ideas- - - and re-imagine life!!! as we walk on the shores of Galilee with Pastor Tim and Jesus!

I’ll be personally enjoying these one hour Galileemoment's each weekend with my son Tim and theCathedral family. “Caleb”

It’s going to be a Sweet, Sweet Summer at Washington Cathedral. Grandma Jane and I will see you Saturday 6:00pm or Sunday Morning at 9:00 or 11:00. “DCW”

Monday, June 15, 2009

"The Incredible Plan!"

"The future glory of this Temple will be greater than its past glory, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.And in this place I will bring peace. I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!” Haggai 2:9

The other day a very good friend, for whom I have the utmost respect, sat in my office. This person has invested 24-years of his life including time, money and his reputation in building the greatest caring network the world has ever seen. He said, “I need to know this from you, Pastor Tim. How are you going to pay back the loan for building this church—what is your plan?” I answered him, “I am glad you asked that question. I have a top secret plan that I am going to let you in on. Behind a huge invisible tarp up on the hill over there is hiding an incredible building. It has an indoor pool that will be a beacon of light to the community. It isn’t just an ordinary pool, but it’s a therapy pool available to people at a time when pools all around us are closing down. That poolwill be full of children with disabilities, senior adults regaining their health and vibrancy, teenagers having summer parties and families playing together. The building has a gymnasium where people can come to play basketball, volleyball, roller-skating, even community theatrical events. The building even has a pacesetting counseling center with 7 fine offices filled with Christianphysicians and counselors available to assist people who need help—counselors who are in the business of saving people’s lives. The building also has pastoral care offices where marriages will be saved, self-esteem repaired and broken people made whole. In addition, there are rooms for yoga, exercise, support groups and seminars. Did I forget to mention, it has a library that’s open to the community, a cafĂ© that will be a third space for our community; and, to top it all off, there is a beautiful sanctuary where every week we are going to deliver pacesetting, inspiring services.” As a smile began to appear on his face he responded, “I think I know what you are saying. Your plan is to ‘use’ the ReCreation Center!” I smiled and nodded, “Yes! If I had drapes around that building and pulled them back to reveal this incredible building every time someone asked me what my plan for growth is, they would be amazed!”

They key, like in any other business, is to use the strengths we have. If you can help - please volunteer. We need aerobicsleaders, gym monitors, life guards and support-group leaders. Yes, there will be a small donation to use the pool but only $2 to help cover the utilities. But early this summer I want to see that building full—7 days a week! We need to let the community experience the miracle of this ReCreation Center first hand. And we need everyone pulling together to pull it off. We don’t have a perfect organizational plan and no one will get permanent usage of any part of it, but we must get started using the building more and more the way that God has designed it. This plan will work – you watch and see!!!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Thank You!"

Here’s a letter written by an attendee of Washington Cathedral, Jodie Sarah Masiwchuk and shared with her permission.

Dear Pastor Tim,

I just want to say thank you for choosing to be Pastor of Washington Cathedral. I guess my family is one of those that havebeen quietly attending for years, but have never really let it be known how inspirational, motivating and thought-provoking your sermons are. You have an incredible gift. We have been to other churches and Washington Cathedral has proven over and over again to be the perfect fit for us.

I would like to share with you my own creation and passion. It’s a comic strip (yes, I said comic strip!) about a stay-at-home mom called Suburban Sarah. My hope is to bring a modern, down-to-earth perspective of what motherhood, aging and discovering yourself entails—as well as illuminate the humor and idiosyncrasies in a young-at-heart woman’s life. My hope is that, in it’s own small way, this strip will bring a certain amount of support and camaraderie to other people, particularly women and moms and will lift them up.

I have to admit that this letter has been sitting on my desk since February. I have sent comic strip samples to other cartoonists, syndicates and was even interviewed by The Kirkland Reporter. I’ve even built up a small fan base of about 1,400 between my Facebook and e-mail subscribers. But I think I’ve put off sending them to probably my most influential contacts—the leaders at Washington Cathedral. I truly believe that every moment I’ve gone through in life has gotten me to this point—one where I canlift the spirits of others through the laughter, silly absurdities and even compassion I try to convey through my work. When I hear the incredible stories of your daughter living with her husband and young son in an area where there is so much work to bedone, I am humbled. She is using her life in such an incredible way. (Again, another reason for the delayed letter—then again, comparison is the thief of all joy!)

I so want to use this comic strip to inspire others...for the person who is going through chemo, and picks up the paper, and gets a lift from reading something funny that takes their mind off their pain. Maybe it’s for the overworked, stressed out mother who has a cartoon taped to her fridge that she can completely relate to. God created laughter, so my hope is that those who perpetuate it in a healthy, upbeat way are contributing to the world. It is my hope and prayer that this is true.

You mentioned in one of your sermons that there are times that you just pray for encouragement from God, and that it came to you one day in the form of a drawing from a child that you taped your office wall. You spend so much time dealing with suchincredible, weighty issues—I’m sending these samples to you because it’s my hope that my own little take on the world will bring a bright spot to your day.

Take care and God Bless,

Jodie Masiwchuk

Monday, June 1, 2009

"The Beacon on the Hill!"

You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light. 2 Samuel 22:29 (NIV)
Wherever you are in your 90 days of reading, you either have or will, run across this passage. When I read it, I had to go back and re-read it several times just to make sure it penetrated through the thickness of my understanding.

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a lot of negativity in our culture these days. People arelosing jobs, houses, and retirement nest eggs. Our country has become paralyzed, terrorized and polarized in a variety of places. And it all has seemingly happened in the blink of an eye!

I attended a conference recently that described the unbelievable horror of the lives of theinnocent at the hands of perpetrators. I’m speaking of the growing cancer of global slavery—in all it’s malevolent forms. Now, that’s darkness! Then, I walked into my counseling office inour beautiful new building and meditated on the dreams, hopes and expectations thataccompanied the planning, preparation and triumphant opening of the Randy & Rod Halvorson ReCreation Center not so long ago. I envisioned kids engaged in healthy, fun activities during the so-called “dangerous” weekday hours (3-5). I saw teens, estranged from their families for a variety of reasons, seeking a safe place to talk with people who understand, instead of hitting the streets where, according to police reports, they are lured or abducted into unspeakablebehaviors within 48 hours.

I read and re-read that passage in 2 Samuel and re-affirmed for myself that I would never, never, never, never give in (to rephrase Winston Churchill’s famous statement) to the forces of darkness, so help me God!

What our Heavenly Father has given for Pastor Tim to create – the meta church – can notpossibly happen without all of us who “get it” to realign our priorities, stir up our enthusiasm and refuse to quit! Our Lord needs us to shine the lamp of His love, grace and forgiveness into the darkness of despair, loneliness and hopelessness. Only then will that darkness fade into light.

Wow! Where to start? Try talking to the Sustainer and Creator of the universe first for yourparticular assignment. Then, gloom and doom, step aside! God’s partners are on the move and their lights are on high beam!

(All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke.) Let’s not do “nothing.” Let’s let God’s light shine through us until this property truly becomes the “beacon on the hill” redeeming the lost, comforting the afflicted and refreshing the weary.

By Pastor Sally Jo Holmes