Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Doing Life Together!- - - Mountainside!!!"

When Jackie and I were in Honduras, the staff of the AFE School had written on the back wall of the cafeteria the inspirational phrase, “God has not forgotten!” I think they took it from Psalms 9:18, but I could not get that phrase out of my mind. In fact- - - I still can't!

Last week was a wonderful week at Washington Cathedral as our ReCreation Center was full of pastors from all over the world who had come to learn more about leading small groups in the church. I met pastors from Norway, Hawaii, Alaska, and even Tacoma. Many of them became friends and invited me to come and visit their church sometime. They were very interested in what God is doing at Washington Cathedral. I say this because it was just another reminder for our leadership that God is very interested in what He is doing at Washington Cathedral! And no pastor could be more proud of a congregation and its leaders than I was last weekend! It was an amazing experience - - - with hundreds of volunteers from Washington Cathedral; driving shuttles, greeting, selling material, providing meals, running sound and projection, ushering, giving tours, registering people, and answering questions. No one would have guessed that this was the second of three big weekends in a row here at Washington Cathedral. In fact, the winning attitude around here overflowed onto the Seattle Seahawks and they pulled off an amazing upset over the San Diego chargers! (I’m reading Pete Carroll’s book, Win Forever, and he keeps talking about a contagious positive attitude - so I dropped that little humorless joke in there.)

But there really was excitement around our church for all of those who were tempted to start a revolutionary TLC group and to make the 9 week commitment to this wonderful dream. What is the worst that can happen - it doesn't work and you know that you tried. How often do you get to try an impossible dream where even if you fail your failure is a success? And I don’t think you will fail; I think your whole life will be blessed as you watch God surprise you with success. You will leave this experience knowing that God has not forgotten you or his needy people. If you have any questions please give me a call.

If you don't want to start a group - why not join one? We are studying, “Doing Life Together”- - - Mountainside!!!- - - Connecting with God's family!

Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The “International Friendship Festival” was an amazing success!

What the mind of man can conceive- - - God can achieve! I looked around the room to visit with people that no one was visiting. There were people from so many ethnic backgrounds―all laughing and smiling even though many of them did not speak the same language. I spoke with a very athletic young man (not knowing what country he was from) and he told me that he was Brazilian. He said that he has not yet gone to our Videira Congregation, but he knew that someday he would and he was probably going to become a Christian. He spoke with a beautiful accent and a smile on his face as he told me about coming to the ReCreation Center to play soccer and basketball. He said, “I know that God likes this church and what you are doing―especially this big picnic. I can feel God here―yes; I will soon be a Christian.”

That made my day! And I received notes from some of the kids who colored pictures for me during the service (many of the kids color pictures to keep themselves entertained while I am talking). Some showed me with a huge mouth - others were really good artists, but I look best drawn as a stick man. They said things like, “You are a good speacher!” “Pastor Tim you work hard and our family loves you!” One said, “You are funny!” (I really like that intelligent kid.) Another said, “I think your eyes tell me that you are nice and thank you for telling my family about Jesus. I am a guest.”

What a great Sunday of friendship and celebration! At 9am we heard a great sermon by Pastor Linda at the Cathedral at the Falls Congregation and the music of 11am’s Mountainside Congregation was unforgettable. At the end of the day, after visiting the Rooted Congregation and hearing a great message by Dr. Doug and Lori Wheeler, Jackie and I returned home. Just yesterday we had been in Honduras and saw the incredible work that the church is doing there. We sat back, lifted our feet and said, “What a day!” I think I said, “Have we ever had 24 hours that was so life-affirming, so encouraging, so Christ full as the last 24 hours?” Jackie said, “I don't know - I am too tired to tell.”

I want to thank everyone who made the International Friendship Festival one of the greatest successes in the history of Washington Cathedral!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"International Friendship Festival!"

At the usual time for offering the evening sacrifice, Elijah the prophet walkedup to the altar and prayed, “O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, prove today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant. Prove that I have done all this at your command. O Lord, answer me! Answer me so these people will know that you, O Lord, are God and that you have brought them back to yourself.” 1 Kings 18:36-37

Sunday, September 19th at 11am in the Mountainside Sanctuary – I believe that fire is going to drop from heaven and we are going to have a life-changing, church-transforming, and community-impacting worship experience! There is so much fragmentation and division among people groups today. Not only as different faith and cultures battle it out, but even within individual faiths and cultures there is conflict. I believe at this time in the history of Washington Cathedral there is nothing more important than a service where we focus on the unity of the Body of Christ. That was what Pentecost was all about! The Holy Spirit descended on different groups that all spoke one language and became one family.

I know that people are very busy this time of year, but God has given us a simple plan, “Each one bring one!” Who has God laid on your heart that needs to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ displayed in a powerful way? Who would love to come with you to such an inspiring service and then join in on the best international potluck the Pacific Northwest has ever experienced at 2pm? Would you dare and make the phone call or start the conversation to bring them with you on September 19th so that we can all see amiracle take place?

If I or Washington Cathedral have ever been there for you… please be there for us on this day! We arepraying for fire to drop from heaven and that God would give our church the unity that He intended for the family of God. With a “meta church” and so many different congregations, we need the miracle of the high priestly prayer of Christ―that people would know we are Christians by our love… that we really would love one another. Your presence at this event (and if you can bring a friend) will be a miracle in our book. Also, remember to cook your best recipe from your cultural background with enough to feed a couple other families so that we can witness an amazing feeding of the 5,000 at our 2pm international potluck. It is going to be a great day―a day of miracles and we need your help!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Heart Smart!"

Health Resource Center “Heart Smart” Cardiovascular Screening October 9th, 2010

Be smart and get a “Heart Smart” check up at Washington Cathedral on Saturday, October 9th. A comprehensive cardiovascular screening will be offered by the Health Resource Center (HRC) from 10am to 4pm in the new Washington Cathedral ReCreation Center. This event is open to all Washington Cathedral congregations and the surrounding communities; and will be conducted by Dr. Paul Huang, Cardiologist, Vice President of the HRC, and Medical Director of Swedish Heart and Vascular Clinic and professional medical technicians.

A wide range of cardiovascular screenings will be available to check key vital signs to detect irregular or cautionary symptoms that might warrant more extensive diagnosis and care. With only minor exceptions, all the screenings are free. The screening processes will include:

Medical history questionnaire and review

Check of vital signs to include body mass index, blood pressure, pulse and a brief physical exam

Therapeutic lifestyle change counseling for those under 50 years old

Electrocardiography for those 50 years and older with no previous ECG in the last 2 years
Echocardiogram to check for abnormal heart sounds and abnormal ECG
Carotid ultrasound scanning for those over 55 with abnormal heart symptoms and anyone over 65
Abdominal aortic aneurysm for those over 60 with any of the following characteristics: smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol or comparable family history

Ankle-brachial index for those experiencing aching calves while walking and over 60 who smoke and have diabetes or high cholesterol

The screenings will be conducted in the library and nursery areas of the ReCreation Center at Washington Cathedral. Questions should be directed to Erskine Austin, Executive Director of the Health Resource Center; a non-profit foundation of Washington Cathedral at 425-531-0521 or