Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Heart Smart!"

Health Resource Center “Heart Smart” Cardiovascular Screening October 9th, 2010

Be smart and get a “Heart Smart” check up at Washington Cathedral on Saturday, October 9th. A comprehensive cardiovascular screening will be offered by the Health Resource Center (HRC) from 10am to 4pm in the new Washington Cathedral ReCreation Center. This event is open to all Washington Cathedral congregations and the surrounding communities; and will be conducted by Dr. Paul Huang, Cardiologist, Vice President of the HRC, and Medical Director of Swedish Heart and Vascular Clinic and professional medical technicians.

A wide range of cardiovascular screenings will be available to check key vital signs to detect irregular or cautionary symptoms that might warrant more extensive diagnosis and care. With only minor exceptions, all the screenings are free. The screening processes will include:

Medical history questionnaire and review

Check of vital signs to include body mass index, blood pressure, pulse and a brief physical exam

Therapeutic lifestyle change counseling for those under 50 years old

Electrocardiography for those 50 years and older with no previous ECG in the last 2 years
Echocardiogram to check for abnormal heart sounds and abnormal ECG
Carotid ultrasound scanning for those over 55 with abnormal heart symptoms and anyone over 65
Abdominal aortic aneurysm for those over 60 with any of the following characteristics: smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol or comparable family history

Ankle-brachial index for those experiencing aching calves while walking and over 60 who smoke and have diabetes or high cholesterol

The screenings will be conducted in the library and nursery areas of the ReCreation Center at Washington Cathedral. Questions should be directed to Erskine Austin, Executive Director of the Health Resource Center; a non-profit foundation of Washington Cathedral at 425-531-0521 or erskine.austin@comcast.net.

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