Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Celebrating 25 Years!"

“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.”
Revelation 3:8
If ever I have been an encouragement to you – you can in turn encourage me by being here this weekend on our 25th Anniversary and bring a friend. If Sunday at 11am is the only time you can come that would be wonderful. But if you can spend the weekend being renewed, please join us for our Friday Night Rally with Dr. Carl George and our Saturday Leadership Summit with some of the top Biblical theologians in the nation! Then join us at 11am onSunday for a historic moment! One that you will never forget! I promise you this will be a sweet moment, renewing your faith and your dreams!!!

Some of the last words that my Grandpa said to me were, “Go thank those noble lay-people who stood by my side and dreamed the dreams that God has given me.” Grandpa sighed, “I will never be able to honor or thank them enough.” This weekend is my opportunity to thank all the people who had the foresight, the courage, and the blessing of joining this great dream for the last 25 years and pioneering this adventure.

Renew our dream to build the greatest caring network that the world has ever seen – and renew our lives as yourenew the dream! Please, God, do it this weekend. Make it one of the greatest mountain peaks of our lives!!!

On Sunday, October 4th, we are going to have a chance to sign a proclamation and have our names entered into a time-capsule that will be buried on the property—recording for history the names of the pioneers of this dream.Included in that capsule will be a photo of everyone who attends the 11am service. On this special occasion we will be dedicating the Mountainside Sanctuary to the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be a powerful, emotional, victoriousmoment that will not be the same without you there. After this momentous services, we will enjoy a delightfulinternational potluck lunch. You have heard of our Esperanza Congregation but have you tasted their Hispanic food? You are going to love it! You have heard of our Pacific Islander’s TLC but have you tasted their food? You’ll never find anything as delicious! You have heard of the Egyptian Congregation but you have not experienced life until you have tasted their baklava!! What about Norwegian, Irish, African, Eastern European, and all the other greatnationalities represented in our diverse community? Jackie is going to be making her unique “Danish/CherokeeChili” - can you take the hot stuff? What a great family experience! Bring your swimming suit and let your family go swimming afterwards or buy an ice-cream cone at Theno’s. I have been in on the planning of this service and the music alone will be worth bringing a friend. But there is so much more packed into this 11am service. Now, all the other services will continue and they will be great, but don’t miss the 11am service because it will be outstanding! Please come and bring a friend. I will count it as a favor that I will never forget.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

PS! On Sunday, after the 11am service, Jackie and I will be there to have our picture taken with you and your family in front of the Mountainside Sanctuary and we will send you a gift in the mail—memorializing you as a pioneer of a great dream and thanking you for your God-sent friendship.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"October 4th, 2009 - 25th Anniversary!"

Don’t Miss the Historic 25th Anniversary of Washington Cathedral Sunday, October 4th 11:00am in the Mountainside Sanctuary!
The Scriptures tell about powerful reunions and renewals…

Then he said to me, “Son of man, these bones represent the people of Israel. They are saying, ‘We have become old, dry bones—all hope is gone. Our nation is finished.’ Therefore, prophesy to them and say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: O my people, I will open your graves of exile and cause you to rise again. Then I will bring you back to the land of Israel. When this happens , O my people, you will know that I am the Lord. I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live again and return home to your own land. Then you will know that I, the Lord,have spoken, and I have done what I said. Yes, the Lord has spoken!’” Ezekiel 37:11-14

Sunday, October 4th is going to be “one of those moments” and I pray that you can be there. We will be celebrating a quarter century of our history together trying to build the greatest caring network that the world has ever seen! What a dramatic story. I hope with all my heart that everyone will show up. Those who are busy in the dream right now and even those from the past who have gone on to other dreams, but at the same time we all know that we would not have gotten this far without them. I hope it is like a great reunion. I have been a part of a number of reunions. None as emotionally touching as when our high school football coach died. I drove to eastern Washington to meet with guys that I had gone to war with and a bond had been formed that will last for eternity. We tried to honor our coach by making a statement in front of his family about what these trying times meant to us. Do you know what we kept saying? “Why didn’t we get together before he died to celebrate everything that happened?” This is that opportunity for Washington Cathedral. Twenty-five years of adventure on the battlefield of a great dream! At the same time we will be dedicating our new Mountainside Sanctuary as a holy spot before God. We have Deans and Presidents that are going to be there to help with this task, but they will really just be spectators as a reunion of dreamers takes place. We will take a huge group photo and everyone will sign a scroll to memorialize the occasion which will go into a power capsule to be opened every ten years as a remembrance of the founders of a great dream.

With all my heart I hope that we can completely fill the new Mountainside Sanctuary for this occasion. So let me ask you for a favor, “If I or the pastoral team at Washington Cathedral have ever helped you at any time in your life please help us by coming to this service and bringing a friend.” I hope that some who have moved away can come back and that there is this great feeling of reunion of people who have loved each other and dared to be used at one time or another to help build a great caring network. Jackie and I will be there for as long as it takes to have ourpicture taken with each family or individual so that we can give you a gift (a memorial photo) thanking you for being a part of the history of this great dream. I promise you the music will be amazing! God’s spirit will be electric! It will be one of those historic moments that most of get to enjoy maybe only once in a lifetime. We will be at a reunion (not to celebrate in response to a tragedy) but an incredible victory! 25 years of miracles!!! And we know that you and I are some of those miracles! Please come and bring a friend.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

PS. We will have an international potluck at noon right after the service. Come and enjoy food from everybackground that is a part of Washington Cathedral- - - Coptic, Asian, Native American, Hispanic, Norwegian,Eastern European & more! So bring a large dish to share and join us. What a great time of fellowship this will be!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Play it Down- - - Pray it Up!"

Jesus and his disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi. As they were walking along, he asked them, “Who do people say I am?” “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say you are one of the prophets.” Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Messiah.” Mark 8:27-29

My dad used to have this really simple solution for the tumultuous stress that would invade our lives. Regret, anger, bitterness, resentment, seething-frustration all sometimes seem like thereis nothing you can do about it. My dad’s statement, “Play it down. Pray it up!” I used to hate it when he would say things like that but now I love it and love him for raising me with such a solid foundation and teaching me the role of poise in my life. Don’t be surprised when your life is full of poison. People do that on purpose to you. They are overflowing and can’t help but spill or vomit it out onto you. It takes poise to live above the vast majority which are catching poisonous emotions faster than the swine flu.

Psychiatrist, Augusto Cury in Think and Make it Happen (page 76) says, “People who master the arts of listening and dialoguing will become more generous, more tolerant, humbler and moresecure. They will notice more of a balance in their lives. Their creativity will improve because they’re opening themselves to others’ ideas even as they blossom within. They will also be greater influences for good in the lives of others.”

Listening and dialoguing with people is an adventure with untold treasure waiting to be discovered. But so it is with God when we play down problems (instead of exaggerating them—which never helps anyone) and decide to handle them in the right way with the right people. When we pray it up we realize that Jesus is the Messiah and he shares our burdens with him. Wow- - - What a partner, what a Lord, what a Savior! Why not pray it up!

Emotional health awaits those who are ready to receive the help of Jesus and think like he did.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"A Poured Out Spirit!"

I will pour out my Spirit on all people…
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Joel 2:28-32

Have you ever pondered that scripture? What, exactly does it mean? What does a “poured out” Spirit look like? How would I know if I am one of the people that scripture refers to? The next part explains it, I think. It goes on to say that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. I “called on the name of the Lord” when I was 12 years old. I was baptized the Baptist way (totally immersed) so I think it was genuine. Did the Spirit get “poured” on me then? I’m not sure. I don’t think I lived much different from the way Ialways had up until then. Later on, I drifted away and got into some behavior that wasanything but Spirit-filled. At age 33, I fully committed my life (once again) to the Lord. This time was different: I was finally ready to make Him the Lord of my life.

Because my life was different after that (my attitude, my behavior, my thought patterns) I think that was when His Spirit was literally poured into my life. That was when I began to see some of the “Fruit of the Spirit” starting to manifest in my lifestyle—especially with my husband and my children.

If you’ve ever wondered about that little phrase as I have, maybe it is time to ask the Lord what it means for you. Then, be prepared to receive what the Lord of your life wants togive you lavishly and without any holding back. His joy, His peace, His grace—it’s all there when we let go of the stuff that is holding Him back. He is the same yesterday (as in the days of Joel), today (like right now!) and forever! Now, if that isn’t Good News, I don’t know what is!

Pastor Sally Jo Holmes

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Celebrating 25 Years!!!"

If you love Washington Cathedral then you’ll want to place this important weekend on your calendars NOW!

OCTOBER 2nd, 3rd & 4th
If you’re one of those people who just love to be a part of HISTORY IN THE MAKING, then you’ll want to arrive early on Friday night, October 2nd at 7pm for our 25th Anniversary All Church Rally when Senior Pastors Tim & Jackie White will host a remembrance and vision casting evening like no other in the history of our church.

Carl George, who led the Charles E. Fuller Institute for 17 years (which was affiliated with Fuller TheologicalSeminary), will be feature on Friday evening, October 2nd. Carl George is also an author of many books but most importantly the inventor of the descriptive organizational x-ray model called the meta church.

Saturday, October 3rd is our Fall Leadership Summit “Breakthrough” and Washington Cathedral TLC (Small Group) Leaders will be treated to an amazing day of leadership training and continued teaching by Carl George andspecial guests:
*Dr. Joe Castleberry – President of NW University
*Dr. Kurt Fredrickson – Dean of Doctor of Ministry at Fuller Seminary
*Dr. Doug Strong – Dean & Professor of the History of Christianity at SPU
*And more!

We will continue the celebration at all weekend worship services culminating with our “Grand Dedication Celebration” Sunday at 11am in Mountainside Sanctuary featuring all our special guests!

STAY TUNED FOR MORE UPDATES, as this amazing – once in a lifetime – weekend unfolds.
Please, bring your pictures and memories with you for use in our 25th Anniversary Scrapbook that we will assemble.

Invite friends and family & PLEASE… SAVE THESE DATES:
Washington Cathedral’s
25th Anniversary Celebration
October 2nd, 3rd & 4th