Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Another Historic Event for Washington Cathedral!"

Every great and beautiful dream has some point where a giant stands in its way! And every such challenge prompts a champion to step out and take on that Giant, for the glory of God and the blessing of humanity.

I want to personally invite you to what might be the most important night in the history of WashingtonCathedral. We as a church face a challenge and we’re praying for a miraculous night. When I spoke with the Board of Directors about the importance of this night, they all looked at me as if to say, “Haven’t you had enough tough challenges for one life time.” I said, “I know, but this is the sometimes arduous life of a pioneer, and I am a happy pioneer trying to build the Greatest Caring Network that the world has ever seen. The next generation might have it easier, but this is the path that God has put us on.”

We had a celebratory grand opening for our wonderful new building. We also conducted a moving dedication ceremony. However, a couple of leaders of our church pointed out, we have run from one challenge to another without really taking an evening to thank all the people who in so many ways made it possible for Washington Cathedral to get this far. To me this is a mission of utmost importance.

We have been so blessed by so many great champions who have worked, given, prayed, hung in there with us--and I will spend the rest of eternity thanking God for them. But I also want the church to recognize those stalwarts in person.

So we are going to have a special Comedy Night like we have never had at Washington Cathedral. Every good and bad comedy act from Washington Cathedral will be there to help us laugh and enjoy the joy of our fellowship. I was on the gong show many years ago and I plan to give my unknown pastor comedy act, Rich Skinner and Steve Sibley are better than the Smothers Brothers and they have developed a reputation as “The Boys”. Doug Sutten is the funniest CPA ever to graduate from Kennewick High School (that is in my humble opinion). We will have comedy acts by kids, old people like Rey Diaz who will be trying out his brand of humor (is he really the funniest in his family?) The drama team, teenagers, kids getting ready for camp. It will be a night of fun and hilarity.

Our Washington Cathedral Chefs are preparing a delicious Italian Meal. The food for this meal will cost about $10 per person and a donation basket will be available if you’d like to help us offset that cost. It will be a fun and inspiring evening you will never forget as we say “thank you” for being a part of a miracle. We will outline the ten year plan for Washington Cathedral and the meta church design to become the Great Caring Network that God has called us to be. Please join us and bring a friend. Lets pack the place out! Wouldn’t it be fun if the place became a packed out-house--or should I say, a packed-out house. (Brings back memories of how many you can squeeze into a VW Beetle.)

Don’t miss this historic night! – It will become a milestone memory.

This night of comedy and food will be Friday, June 4, at 7 pm in the ReCreation Center. Call and let us know you are coming (or you can sign up on our website).

Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White

Monday, May 17, 2010

Uncertain Certainty

Uncertain Certainty was the theme for today’s devotion and it has certainly been that. None of us knows what can
happen moment to moment, but if my certainty lies in God, then I need not fear it, but look to it as a life of surprise.

Looking back over my life there have been many surprises. Things not going according to my plans, detours and redirections, but it has made for a colorful life and not one I would have traded. Because of all those ‘happenings’ that went into getting me to this point in my life, I have a perspective from this vantage point I would not want to miss. I hope I have learned to extend grace because it was extended to me, and hope I don’t stand in place of judging another because I never know what I might do if those same circumstances were presented to me. There is the idea that one can never know another ‘until he’s walked a mile in his shoes’ and this bears truth to that.

There is only one certainty in my life and that is that God loves me and has fashioned a plan unique to me. All I need do is allow Him to reveal it to me by being obedient to Him. I know what it feels like to be disobedient, impatient and intent on doing my own thing, due to my thinking He’s not moving fast enough; and I hope not to repeat that…There is peace in this certainty of God. It is to become as a child trusting and eager; living in the moment not anticipating the future with dread or fear; but in eagerness looking forward to the next playtime.

Observe a child at play. They are totally living in the moment. Not worrying about if mom will have food enough for dinner or if she has clothes to wear. They just trust it will happen. Was this what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 6:25-34 this simplicity of trust? Life will happen and there isn’t much we can do about that. But to lean on and depend upon our Heavenly Father during life’s happenings, this something we can do something about.

Lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge God
and He will make your way straight” Proverbs 3:56

Seek first God's kingdom and what God wants.
Then all your other needs will be met as well.
So don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:33-34

from a grateful member of Washington Cathedral

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Seeking God!"

“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and prayand seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven andwill forgive their sins and restore their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:13-15

“The poor will eat and be satisfied. All who seek the Lord will praise him.Their hearts will rejoice with everlasting joy.” Psalm 22:25-27

“The humble will see their God at work and be glad.Let all who seek God’s help be encouraged.” Psalm 69:31-33
As I was reading the bible it occurred to me that in our own lives, we seek to spend time with people and when they make time for us we are blessed and happy. How much more does the Father feel when I make time to spend with Him. There is a difference to spending time and making time. I can find that I spend time with someone out ofnecessity and it fits in with the schedule and those can be blessed times too.

But, isn’t there a subtle difference when it is “sought” time to be spent with someone. We do it in dating, when we want to be with our loved one, we make time for them sometime adjusting the schedule of our lives to accommodate; just think how pleased our Father would be if we extended the same consideration to Him.

God is always ready and waiting for us to make that move toward Him; to have the quiet one-on-one in a devotion or reading with undivided attention and no distractions. I have found this to be the best time of my day and I come away with blessings and promises to get me through my day, until the next time…

Fiona Monaghan

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An Ancient Kind of Gathering...

Spirit Falls Circle, formerly known as “Sunday 5,” is a Sunday evening service which began two years ago this past Easter in the Spirit Falls sanctuary.

It’s a gathering of believers, literally sitting in a circle, whose desire has been and continues to beto emulate as closely as possible the essence of the early church…
“They devoted themselves to… teaching, and to the fellowship, and to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42.
Spirit Falls Circle is an open congregation of people who come… to worship God in unadorned song and the spoken word… to remember Jesus’ sacrifice and triumph over death as we come together to the communiontable in quietness and reverence… to draw sustenance from Scripture… where questions, doubts and insights are encouraged and the sharing is rich... to pray, offering our gifts of adoration and gratitude to God, and to intercede for each other… to encourage one another, as our faith is cultivated and we see God’s hand at work in our lives in often miraculous ways…
Spirit Falls Circle is a living thing, flexible and vibrant… and all are welcome. It’s a space in whichone can give and receive… or sit in silence and simply “be”… experience peace and rest. It can be ameaningful way to end the past week and begin the new one, buoyed up for the fusion of joy andchallenge in our life journey. Our numbers have at times swelled and at times ebbed, but God hascontinued to bless us, meet needs and draw us closer to Him. He is most definitely “on the move,”and we have all felt nourished and cared for.
As we draw the hour to a close we leave one another with this blessing… “Go in peace, for by the goodness of God you have been born and by the providence of God you have been kept all this day and all through your lives and by the love of God you are redeemed.”

~ Doug and Lori Wheeler ~