Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Galilee is Incredibly Beautiful!"

Blue, blue Galilee_ _ _ _ Jesus grew up there! He swam, fished, hiked, worked for 30 years!!_ _ _ _ Then he proclaimed the “Good News!!!”

Pastor Tim is returning from a vision-quest retreat in the high-mountains and will start his fascinating Summer Sermon Series_ _ _ “The Galilee Experience & The Poetry of Hope!”

In the next 6 “Sweet Summer Sundays” Dr. Tim White will gently expose his pastor’s heart, remembering vividly beautiful blue, blue Galilee! Incredibly it was there that Jesus gave us the poetry of hope to challenge life’s toughest problems.

Saturday 6pm, Sunday 9am or 11am

You’re invited to take a “DayCation” for one hour each week and experience- - - “fresh dreams”- - - new ideas- - - and re-imagine life!!! as we walk on the shores of Galilee with Pastor Tim and Jesus!

I’ll be personally enjoying these one hour Galileemoment's each weekend with my son Tim and theCathedral family. “Caleb”

It’s going to be a Sweet, Sweet Summer at Washington Cathedral. Grandma Jane and I will see you Saturday 6:00pm or Sunday Morning at 9:00 or 11:00. “DCW”

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