Tuesday, August 4, 2009


“How blessed the reader! How blessed the hearers and keepers of these oracle words,all the words written in this book!” REVELATION 1:3

What a blessing it has been for all who have poured themselves into the Bible for the last 90 days. I am hearing so many stories of blessings! And the JOY that people have for God’s message once they have finished this goal is so exciting. And we sure had some fun celebrating on Sunday with some delicious cake, pie and CELERY!

I pray, if you are part of the church that started later than some of us with your reading, you are truly being blessed with this final week of reading through the Bible.

Please let me know once you have completed the Bible in 90 days. I would love to offer you a certificate of completion and I would like to add your name to the list of people from Washington Cathedral who read the Bible in 90 Days for our church history.

For those who are still working at getting through your reading and need more time to finish, just let me know when you finish and I’ll get you a certificate to mark your journey. We are so proud of each of you for walking this amazing journey with Jesus. Whether you finish in 90 days, 120, or 250, the important thing is to finish what you have started. God will bless your life.

I also want to let you know about another resource for those who might be struggling with your reading or have a reading disability and could use some help. There is a website where you can “hear” the Bible being read “to” you in the 90 day format while you read along. There have been several people who have used this to help them as they read along in their Bibles. The website is http://www.biblein90days.org/ then click on “listen while you read.”

Again, I congratulate all of you who have completed the Bible in 90 days. God will use you to bless many people with what you have learned and experienced on this journey. A life lived with Jesus is an exciting life. Enjoy your days and go out with Joy each day looking for an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior with others!

Blessings to You,
Pastor Naomi


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