Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Greetings from Honduras!"

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-23
A minute before nap time I thought to throw meat in the crock-pot to give it theallotted time to cook. But time is measured differently when there is a toddler onthe premises. It started with a simple bottle of soy sauce, strangely misplaced, andteetering precariously on the counter. As I reached for the balsamic vinaigrette with one eye on Elijah, suddenly the glass bottle was tumbling to the floor. CRASH! Glass and soy sauce everywhere. Naturally, “someone” wanted to come to me through this new, glittery black path. A sideways chair served as a barrier as Ibegan to sweep and mop up the damage. Then stopped. Wherever did Elijah find matches when I can never locate them? “No!” was explained, a couple of tears wiped, and then he was sitting on the couch, innocently enough. I thought it safe to throw the raw beef in the crock-pot. I was wrong.

Bump..bump..bump…I glanced his direction again. Elijah had the miniature arm of our tiny Honduran kitten in a vice-link grip and was using it as a lever to hit the furry little head against the wall. “Nooooo!” In one bound I was over the chair-barrier, prying Elijah away from the kitten with raw meat all over my hands. Wailing ensured, and continued until I turned on the facet and allowed him to “play” in the water to wash away raw meat…perhaps glass and soy sauce?...and kitten fur. The kitten nursed his wounds quietly in a corner. Will he survive a tremendoustoddler? Finally it was time for a nap. This is how the struggle went down: I turned off thewater. The toddler got a crazed look in his eye, lifted his stool above his head, and ranscreaming as if into battle. I waited quietly in his room for the spirit to pass.

Suddenly he appeared with a big smile on his face. “Ball-ball” he said sweetly. (He thinks it’s hilarious to call me “ball” instead of Mama, and Rey’s encouraging it). Soon all was forgotten as tiny arms griped my neck, and his eyes sparkled as he planted slopping kisses all over my face. As I laid him down to sleep, I noticed small shards of glass sticking out of my feet and blood running down my legs.

Pastor Elise Diaz
Tegucigalpa, Honduras

1 comment:

Kristin Qualls said...

Elise - I can just picture that scene! Don't you just love the snuggle that happens after the battle. Kids are so precious! Blessings to you, Rey and Elijah! Kristin