Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"My Thinking!"

“Bring every thought into the captivity of Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Being a positive-thinking father, I had a very special assignment when my children were small. Every night I would read or tell them a bedtime story, sing them a song and have a prayer . . . then I would help direct their thoughts before they fell asleep. Often they would ask me, “What should I think about tonight while I am falling asleep?” And I would always try to give them some beautiful, funny, positive thoughts to think about. As a child, I hope you learned the same creative art. If not, I’d like to make somesuggestions now.

How many times have you gone to bed at night and replayed tapes in your mind of doing somethingembarrassing, saying something inappropriate or simply not performing up to some unreachablestandard? Then, after you have replayed that tape, do you shock your body with self-condemning thoughts with a subsequent release of internal bodily reactions that make you feel terrible? Do you find your muscles tightening to an uncomfortable point, your stomach wrapping into a knot, your heart pounding and your face grimacing? If that is the case, I have a wonderfully positive idea from thescriptures- - - don’t do that!

The Bible tells us to keep all thoughts captive of Jesus Christ. What kind of thoughts would he like us to experience at night before we go to sleep? Try using the following test based on Colossians 3:1-17:

First: Does the thought stimulate my faith?
Second: Does the thought generate hope and make me optimistic?
Third: Does the thought receive grace from God and provoke love to my fellow man?

If the thought coming to you filters through this test and the answers are yes, yes, yes. . . then that thought must be of Christ! He is giving you a creative idea, an inspiring guideline, a peace-generating thought, or a challenging dream! Any other thoughts must be rejected and pushed away to make room for the next exciting thought waiting in line behind it!

As we begin a new year, let me encourage you to make this part of your bedtime ritual as you tuckyourself in each night.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

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