Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"A Light on the Hilltop!"

Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:15b-16 (The Message)

It is not even finished and our building is already a “light” to our community. A lady by the name of Carroll Whipple, who has been a swim and water aerobics instructor in this area for years, saw our building and Pastor David recently took her on a tour. She was so impressed with what we are doing she sent the enclosed note and a wonderful gift to our fund for our new pool. Carroll graciously gave us permission to share her note with all of our church family.

Dear Pastor David,
We so appreciated the tour of your new building project and taking time from your busy schedule! It is really impressive and we know it will be well used and a blessing to many. We’ve enclosed a check that might be added to your pool fund. We are looking forward to meeting you again and watching the progress of the building.
Very Sincerely,
Carroll Whipple

I had the joy of personally speaking to Carroll on the phone. She is so passionate about the benefits of swimming and exercising in water that it just exudes from her. Many years ago as a young mom, carrying her children on her hip, she says her back began to hurt and she decided to begin swimming to rehabilitate. That was 40 years ago. Today at 89 years young and a great grandma, she is still working with children and adults on exercising and swimming to gain mobility. She is a Certified Water Safety Instructor and Instructor Trainer through the Red Cross. Carroll is so excited about our pool because as she said the pools that she has been using are all closing down. She told me that she would love to help anyway she can. She’d volunteer her time, she’d train instructors, in what ever way we could use her she’d love to help. She said that she loves to tell people about the benefits of working in the water. I’m sure when we have our grand opening this fall, Carroll will be there to help us initiate the pool.

We can only begin to imagine what will happen when the building opens, the lights are turned on and the pool is filled with water. Thank you, Lord, for people like Carroll who see the “light on the hilltop” and are prompted to help out in any way they can to make the dream of the ReCreation Center a reality.
Pastor Linda Skinner

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