Monday, April 13, 2009

“The Day I Skipped Church!”

I found out firsthand that Washington Cathedral is…
“The Greatest Caring Network in the World!”
It was Sunday morning, my daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandchildren had come over the mountain from Spokane. My 12 year-old granddaughter, Rachel, was receiving a Math Achievement Award at the UW that morning so I skipped church and attended the ceremony with my family.

When I arrived back home, there was a welcoming committee in my driveway consisting of some neighbors and two representatives from Washington Cathedral (one happened to be a police officer) and they were about ready to call 911 and break down my door. It seems that I was lost, but I didn’t know it!(If we had arrived five minutes later, we probably would have met a fire truck and aid car in my driveway with my door bashed in.)

Because I didn’t show up at church, and some of my friends were concerned, and a few phone calls didn’t locate me, a couple of investigators were sent to my house to check on me. My car was in the driveway with my cell phone in view and through my back glass door, the investigating committee saw my glasses on the table, so they figured that I must be inside and maybe in trouble—they became concerned.

The “Greatest Caring Network” is not just a motto, but caring for widows and orphans and people ingeneral is take seriously here at Washington Cathedral and I was the recipient of that caring spirit that Sunday morning (when I failed to check in properly). I had sent an e-mail to one of the pastors about my plans that day, but she hadn’t checked her e-mail. I think I flunked “Accountability 101” but I promise to check in next time I decide to skip church (but only for a good reason). I love my church family!

My neighbors, who don’t attend church, probably wondered why a church would check on one of its members so closely, but what a wonderful opportunity to tell them about my caring church and what a privilege it is to be a part of this great caring network. My own family doesn’t check on me that closely! My visiting family from Spokane got a good laugh out of it, but were very impressed with the special care and love given to their Mom/Grandma. They know I’m in good hands!

But… I didn’t anticipate my friends at church sending the police to my house to check on me when I didn’t show up at church that morning. It’s nice to be missed!
Pastor Marilyn Biggs

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