Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Please Hold Me Tight!"

A 3 Week Seminar

Cross-centered therapy towards greatness in marriage!

Suppose that we start at the beginning and assume that "God is Love" and He waits to teach us how we can be fully human and fully alive in a dynamic, sacred relationship we call marriage!
If it was God who invented sex, butterflies, sunshine and snicker bars; perhaps His plan for marriage is a continual healing celebration that works from the inside out!

What if it can only happen when we dare to be spiritual children, constantly open to "changing and becoming" as he taught us?

Pastors, Dr. Tim white will kick off this series on Wednesday nights at 7pm at "The Source". Pastor, Dr. Dale White, with some specially invited guests, will continue this "Building Great Marriage" seminar for the next 3 Wednesday nights at 7pm (October 27th, November 3rd & 10th).

This extremely joyful, extremely practical, extremely frank seminar, Pastor Dale calls "Please Hold Me Tight!"

Dr. Dale White will be quoting extensively from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and his shockingly wonderful book "Kosher Sex." Expect extensive quotes from Dr. Sue Johnson's amazing book "Hold Me Tight" and Dr. John Gottman's "Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work."

Dr. Dale Caleb White

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