Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Don't Surrender

By Pastor Tim White

If God is for us who can be against us?  Is that poetry or is it something we can count on?  I bet my life on this concept from Scripture.  No matter how long, how hard, how overwhelming, how or impractical, I refuse to give up on the dreams that I believe God has given me.  In the words of Winston Churchill “I will never, never, never give up.”  I know that 99% of us do not know what this means.  But God does. 

I think about the founding of the United States of America; The Declaration of Independence took place on July 3rd 1776.  However, after the war - after the election of the first president of the United States – they were still pounding out democracy.  They slowly were moving the government system from federalism to democracy.  Eight years into the Washington’s presidency it still wasn't settled.  

The 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln brought about more battles on many of the same issues. Oh how Abraham Lincoln was tempted to give up, but the resolve he expressed in the Gettysburg address continued until the day he died.

My point is simple.  Don't surrender to discouragements, setbacks, or to opposition.  Don't surrender to mistakes, to your insecurities, when your friends give up on you, and certainly don't surrender to evil.  Surrender only to God.  We want his way, because if he is for us who can be against us?

I pledge to live by this verse; how about you?

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White 

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