Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Impact of a Church Family

God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.
1 Corinthians 1:9
Today, Jackie and I had a wonderful time having lunch with Chris and Bree Davis. They shared stories about their children Madison and Brady. Chris and I discussed fishing and work. Bree told Jackie about the great experiences she’s had being a Martial Arts Instructor in our Martial Arts Ministry. Jackie was able to share with Bree about a recent conversation she had with Melissa Tyksinski over coffee and how highly they valued their friendship with the Davis’. They were so excited about their new home in the neighborhood with the Horner family and we prayed together. As Jackie and I drove away from that lunch we both felt so uplifted and encouraged. What a gift it is to have such a wonderful family of friends.

If we want to fellowship with Jesus – then we need faith-filled fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20

Sometimes we wonder why our faith is struggling and the answer is actually simpler than we can imagine or maybe, even want to hear. All we need is faith-filled (positive) fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

We came to an even better understanding of that fact the other night when Jackie and I had a dinner at the Prosch’s home. We felt our spirits being restored by the experience of just being with such great people. We enjoyed the drive to Monroe and meeting their neighbor when he stuck his head over the backyard fence. Tyler was excited to show us his car collection. Brianna made us both use stickers and loved playing lots of jokes on Jackie. I told Brian and Carla that someday Brianna was going to be a great counselor. We thoroughly enjoyed the backyard barbecue complete with some Minnesotan food celebrating the Prosch’s homeland.

Jackie was really touched when Brianna showed her the two purses she uses to save her money in. I was moved by their family tradition of prayer for the meal – they go around the table, just like our Small Group TLC’s, and let anyone pray who wants to. Then, instead of saying “Amen” the kids say, “Now let’s eat the food!” Brian, just like a father would, made a little speech about what Christ has done in their lives and family since coming to Washington Cathedral. We heard about their camping trips with the Roth family and others. Jackie and I drove home rejuvenated at the presence of Jesus in our fellowship.

“As they talked and discussed these things with each to other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them.” Luke 24:32

Years ago my brother Jim and his family joined our church while he was working as a carpenter building commercial buildings. We asked him and his wife out to dinner and when we sat down he said, “Okay, what do you want?” I asked what he meant and he said, “I am a preacher’s kid too. I know that people in church always want something when they get together.” I responded, “Can’t I take my brother and his wife out to dinner without him suspecting that I am going to ask him to be a Sunday school teacher or something?”

Today, I am not asking you to get involved in a ministry. Rather, just to be intentional about getting involved in your brother and sisters lives. It is better if there is no agenda -- simply life long friends walking together with God in a healthy relationship. You will be surprised at how God will bless you if you take a little time to get to know some of the family of God.

1 comment:

Ry said...

This is exactly why I’m connected to Washington Cathedral like no other church I’ve ever attended. The folks here at the Cathedral seem to understand the difference between a congregation and an actual church family.

Exhibit A) The scar above my left eye.
A few years ago Eric Ames and I were playing a friendly/ultra competitive game of that great American pastime, Watermelon Football. He slid to get the “ball”, while I dove head first. And I’ll be danged if Eric’s boney knee didn’t bust my beautiful head open. In the interest of space I’ll just say that the process of insuring my face had no more holes then it ought to, was a long evening that forever changed a group of acquaintances into a bunch of friends I wouldn’t trade for gold. And no less valuable, we all left with more good stories than you would think could fit into one day. (Stop me sometime and I’ll fill you in.)

This year our return to the site of the collision prompted many to ask me with a wry smile whether I was hoping for a less “eventful” time. To which I would tell them that it’s the shared experiences that make us a church family and I would gladly take the 27 stitches to the face in exchange for as much fun as I’d had that night with my new brothers and sisters.