Friday, December 16, 2011

New Christmas memories that will bless for generations!

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, “Literature is the memory of peoples; it transmits from one generation to the next the irrefutable experiences of men. It preserves and enlivens the flame of a history immune to all deformation, far from every lie.” (Nobel Prize Lecture, 1970) Literature may not have all the answers to our questions, but without it we would have very little history to question.

Solzhenitsyn was born in Kislovadsk in 1918. He lived through the Marxist Lennist revolution in Russia and he was imprisoned for remarks he made against Stalin. He witnessed terrible evil and his literature is part of the witness of history which Stalinist tried to snuff out. He had been fighting in World War 2, had been decorated for heroism twice, attained the rank of captain and he spent eight years in prison for his anti-Stalinist remarks. On his relief he was kept in exile until 1956. He was expelled from the writers union and banned from Russia. In the West his literature faced a backlash of disbelief. Communists considered his literature a betrayal. It was only in his almost unbelievable story that the truth was contained. Toward the end of his life he embraced Christianity and demanded a civilization founded on love, compassion and the humility of its leaders. His unbelievable story was the only way the incredible truth found its way through history.

Christmas begins with an incredible story. “And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:12-14 KJV) What a vision! Peace on earth, good will toward men- - - Glory to God in the highest! Many people have questions about the Christmas story and its central historical evidence hidden in literature. This story does not provide answers to all of our questions- - - How many angels? What did they look like? Why didn’t anyone video tape it? But it also provides questions that still rock our world. What if the baby born in a manger was the Savior? What would our lives be like if we still followed this vision- - - Peace on earth and good will to all men- - - giving glory to God in the highest?

When I tell my grandchildren the history of Christmas in my lifetime it will be full of Christmas bursts into beauty, hospital visits dressed as Santa, and friendship with fellow Christian dreamers that I will always cherish. Adventure in the face of difficult odds- - - and lots of faith and love! There will be a sparkle in my eyes when I tell about how much I love my family, friends, church, community and the poor around the world. And about how every Christmas was a miracle- - - dozens of miracles! Marriages saved- - - lost people who found faith- - - worried people who found deep happiness. I wonder what memories we will create this Christmas as we remember the first Christmas!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

P.S. If you would like to be a part of the Christmas miracle at Washington Cathedral just dive in we need all the help we can get! Call the church office 425.869.5433 or visit our website at

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