Wednesday, February 27, 2013

To Love One Another

By Pastor Linda Skinner

Don't miss this week as I make a special announcement for Washington Cathedral which will impact the future of our church family.  We will have town hall meetings to discuss the announcement with the leaders of our church.  Pastor Rey and I have been on a series of messages entitled “Not a Fan”.  It has been a revolutionary series as we discuss the The Great Caring Network as a revolution of caring. 

Pastor Rey introduced the idea that Jesus called us to be disciples not just Christians.  The word Christian is only used three times in the New Testament- the word disciple being the preferred term for a Christ follower.  Last week, we studied I Corinthians 12, which shows that the church is intended to love one another and work together in harmony even through the uniqueness that we all experience.

This coming week we are going to dive into I Corinthians 13 the love chapter and a message we are calling “The Glorious Mess”.  We will be changed by the fact that God can work through our lives and church family, even when life seems like it is not going the way we thought it would.

My favorite day of the week is Monday. It is the day that we get to watch our grandson Elijah.  At 5 years of age, he is always a surprise.  I have my plans for him and then he has his own plans.  He usually wins.  I plan that we go for a hike in the woods but he wants to play at our house that he loves called the yellow house.  I try and get him to speak Spanish with me - he instead just corrects all my mispronunciations. 

Last week as we were sitting having lunch I wanted to talk about science with him.  We spent an hour talking about the gravity and how it worked.  Oh how I love times like that!  After it was time to wrestle.  He had me wrestling for about an hour- not just with him but with all his stuffed animals.  I was exhausted after all our vigorous play.  I told Jackie I needed to sneak off for a nap. Something I always do on Mondays.  That meant it was her turn to take over.  I went into our bedroom and was out like a light.  When I woke up, he was in bed with me playing video games on my phone. He said, “GP you sleep so much, we are supposed to play.”  I did not know how long he had been there.  But I enjoyed that he enjoyed just hanging out with me. 

The body of Christ - the church was designed to have relationships that are so strong that we are constantly surprised and the strength of our family.  Don't miss this week as we see the indomitable friendships of Washington Cathedral in action. I think you will sense God's presence in a way that you have never before.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

family is great...especially the grandkids!