Monday, September 3, 2012

The Contagion of Joy

            We think joy is circumstantial. Then we read the testimony of the Apostle Paul describing his joy while awaiting his death in chains (Philippians 2:12-18 and 4:4). Joy can burst out of difficult circumstances, and it can be as catching as wild fire.

Last week my grandson and I hiked up Cougar Mountain so that I could teach him how to be a mountain man and to survive in the wilderness if he were ever lost. I showed him all the things he could eat in the forest, natural ways to defend himself from Mosquitoes or even cougar, and how to stay warm and start a fire without matches (his mom is going to love that one). I showed him which plants and bugs were poisonous and which he could eat.  In response he replied: “Wait a sec, G.P. -  You want me to eat a bug?!”

“Not just any bug.” I showed him which ones were good and how to prepare them.  Then he caught the adventure of it and was filled with excitement and joy.

“Okay, G.P., I am going to eat the next bug I see!”

“Slow down, grandson, you only need to eat bugs if you are lost and starving.”  But his joy was contagious, so we might have snacked on creepy-crawler or two. True joy is contagious, it is that simple.
             The joy from the good news the Apostle Paul had experienced was even greater – it was transforming! It can change our lives, every day, for the rest of our lives, if we let Jesus have his way.  And this transforming joy is viral.  It becomes a revolution when every Christian realizes that he or she is a church-planter.  And God has set us up with a great platform to do so.

             We live in an age of social networking. Have you thought that you have a congregation in your social network? People that may not have any other connection with Jesus other than the change they see in you….people that are waiting for someone to pour love, joy, and grace into their lives. First, your family and friends but then second your social network: your high school friend and college buddy….your dentist and your dog-walker! You can stay in touch with them.  You can hear their hurts, pray for them, and invite them to move one step closer to Jesus Christ.  We proposed five easy steps for this.  We called them the five P's:

1. Post the sermons on your social network.

2. Pray for your group and encourage them daily

3. Pass along your enthusiasm about your faith, your church and your savior.

4. Plan some ministry ideas for your group.  What can you do together that would honor Jesus?

5. Begin a faith conversation with your group.  Give them an uplifting idea daily.  Talk to them and listen to them.  But share your faith with them in a viral way.

Pretty simple but a lot of fun.  And as I say to my grandson in his mountain man training: “Let’s get-tur done!”

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

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