Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Splashes of Joy!"

It’s as Old as the Book of Acts And as New as the Book of Revelation Seven Churches and One Senior Pastor!

The final book of the Bible is addressed to seven congregations and one God-appointed Senior Pastor! We use the term Senior Pastor, but the bible uses two terms for such a calling, which are “Bishop” and “Apostle."

It sounds like the meta church is not a new idea! Yet, even more amazing is the fact that church growth in the United States has pretty much flattened out. It seems to have become a sad situation where we have daily closures of small churches and some wonderful new mega churches.

Hooray for the mega churches! But the sad part is that the net growth of new Christians in the United States is apparently close to zero. Yet, in China, right now we may be having one of the greatest times of church growth in all of history. What is the secret?

Guess what? - - - The Chinese church is made up of churches so small they have to meet in homes.

Pray with us that this Easter season will be a happy, happy time―when people who have not been going to church will start. And even more fantastic, a time when people who have never gone to church will visit and become a part of one of Washington Cathedral’s congregations!

I promise you that nothing will be more satisfying for each of us than to dare to pray that God will use us to invite three brand new people to visit one of our encouraging worship services.

Pastor Dale White

A Note from Pastor Tim: I’ve got your number! I’m redecorating my office. My walls will soon be covered with signed affirmation of individuals who are committed to invite three people to visit a Cathedral worship service. I can’t remember anything that’s been more encouraging to me!
Pastor Tim

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